Any Wonder They Question Our Motives?

Vice President Joe Biden is the gift that keeps on giving. He is a gaffe a minute and every time he opens his mouth there is a great probability that something stupid will come out. People target Sarah Palin and call her stupid and if she made the same number and types of gaffes as Biden we would hear it non stop. Biden is a Democrat so he gets a pass.

Biden was selected by Barack Obama because of Biden’s foreign policy experience which is one of the many things that Obama has no experience in. Remember, Obama is the least experienced guy in any room he enters.

So if Biden is such a genius in foreign policy why would he insult the government of Afghanistan and at the same time feed the belief that we are imperialists who believe we are rulers of everyone? The people of Afghanistan (and Iraq) see us as occupiers who will force our ways on people because we know best. We have spent a lot of time on public relations trying to convince those concerned that we are not the bad people we are made out to be.

Biden basically insulted the Afghanistan government by saying that daddy was going to take the training wheels off and they had better practice. This was stated in regard to the transfer of security to the Afghan government by 2014:

“Daddy is going to start to take the training wheels off in October — I mean in next July, so you’d better practice riding.” ABC

Could this jackass have been any more condescending? Using the word Daddy makes it sound as if we believe the Afghan government to be a bunch of children who are being looked after by big daddy America. It is an insult. Since training wheels are used on CHILDREN’S Bicycles, the analogy reinforces his assertion that they are children being looked after by “daddy.”

Yeah, the genius on foreign policy. This moron should keep his mouth shut and let the real adults run the place though finding a real adult in the Obama administration might be a hard thing to do.

Regardless, someone needs to put a muzzle on Biden before he sets foreign relations back 50 years.

One has to wonder if his brain is in gear before he engages his mouth.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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