The Banana Republic of America

I love the United States and would give my life defending her against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I took an oath to do that and the oath expires when I do. But my country is looking more and more like a banana republic than the shining light upon the hill.

We have upwards of 30,000 members of the US military in Washington DC to protect Chairman Xiden and the special people who will attend his anointing. The mayhem that took place at the Capitol on 6 January by paid instigators has given the totalitarians the opportunity to bring in all kinds of firepower to protect a man who is unaware of what is going on around him. Remember, Joe Xiden suffers from dementia. He is able to hide his own Easter Eggs. I heard a guy say each day Xiden wakes up he looks in the obituaries to see if he is still alive.

The point is Xiden was propped up as a guy who could bring the country together and heal divides. Folks, Xiden can’t even ties his own shoes. He is a puppet and Harris will be behind the scenes as the de facto president. Though right now it looks like she will be busy sitting in the Senate to break ties. As an aside, I doubt she will need to break many ties with people like Romney, Murkowski and Collins there will be few, if any ties. I would like to be wrong but they will roll over and give in. The Republicans have few people who will actually fight.

That is why the people like Donald J Trump. He fights and he is not afraid of a tussle. Democrats don’t like that because they want their Republicans well heeled. Do as they wish and they will let you keep getting rich off taxpayers. But they will shiv you in a New York City second. The minute they can take your seat they will boot you to the ground. Trump showed them what resistance was. Many Republicans in Congress could not handle it because they have been subservient for so long they could not understand they should fight. This is why a limp wristed noodle like Romney voted to convict in the first impeachment and why 10 Republican Congress critters voted for impeachment in the grudge impeachment last week. Most Republicans in Congress lack the rugged individualism that defined our Founders and they do not have the strength or courage to exert themselves for the benefit of constituents. Democrats are anti American and always put the country, its needs and its citizens LAST.

So here we are. Antifa and other paid agitators stormed the Capitol and the Democrats blamed Trump and his supporters and impeached the president in a measure straight out of a banana republic. No evidence, no hearing just here is the article, you are impeached wham bam thank you ma’am.

We continue with the banana republic as troops by the tens of thousands roll into DC for the anointing, an event people were told not to attend. It is possible we will have more armed military at the anointing than citizens attending. All Chairman Xiden needs to do is show up in his dictator uniform with the big panel shoulder boards and all the gold lettuce leaves around them with a huge saucer cap and he can tell us how the free and fair election (a common phrase among the left’s media propaganda wing) allowed a man who failed twice, dropping once due to plagiarism, became president. He can regale us with stories about how a man who spent nearly his entire campaign in the basement of his home and whose limited events had tens of people was able to win. He can tell us how a kid from Scranton who faced down Corn Pop while little kids felt the hair on his legs rose up to beat a man who had the most successful four year term in history.

Chairman Xiden can then say how he wants to unite us after four years of his party dividing us by attacking the duly elected president with a nonstop barrage of BS charges. He will say all the right things but the thinking people will know that the election was fraudulent, that the machines were rigged and that low level people at all the places it counted, cheated to make sure Trump did not win.

In this banana republic, like all others, they will tell you to believe their words instead of your lying eyes and that a putz from Scranton, a man who spent 47 years in government without accomplishing anything good, who is on the take from China, who can’t remember where he is or what he is doing or who his wife is and who touches children inappropriately had the most votes in history and even more than the first black guy to run and the first woman to run.

And many people will still believe it because in a banana republic you listen to dear leader or you disappear.

It is time for the citizenry to resist Xiden and his minions. It is time to make sure they pay for what they did. I declare the 20th of January Donald Trump Day (what day is it?). Take off work and let the left figure out how to run things. Resist all things Democrats dictate from mask and vaccine mandates to illegal immigration.

Resist and let them decide if it is worth the fight.

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Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
