Democrats Will Now Want A Wall

A recent poll shows that support for Donald Trump among Hispanics is increasing. The poll shows that Trump’s policies have a lot to do with this because his initiatives have increased wages and lowered unemployment among all groups with black and Hispanic unemployment at historic lows.

Trump famously asked the black population “what do you have to lose?” when asking them for their vote. The same held true for everyone who has traditionally lived on the government plantation.

Things are changing and people are finding out they have little to lose and a lot to gain. This is reflected in the poll numbers. I am happy people are seeing through the witch hunt investigation and media bias to take their own decisions.

If the support for Donald Trump among Hispanics is rising then you can be sure liberals will soon be calling for tougher enforcement of immigration laws and a wall on the southern border. I have always said that if Hispanics voted Republican there would be a huge wall with armed guards on our border…


The Washington Times

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Walls Save Lives

Donald Trump has been working to get Congress to appropriate money for a wall. RINOs don’t want that because their source of cheap labor would dry up and Democrats don’t want that because they would lose millions of new voters. Democrats only want illegal immigrants here in order to get them to vote (and if you think illegals do not vote in elections you are an idiot).

In any event, Congress is working against the President because that body simply cannot have him continually delivering on his campaign promises (despite the massive witch hunt and the barrage of obstacles the petulant left has thrown at him he is still getting stuff done).

Maybe they should put up that wall to save lives. Lots and lots of illegals, and folks they are illegals no matter how the Democrats and their media wing try to paint them, die trying to enter our country. It can happen because of unscrupulous smugglers who pack people into trucks and leave them to die or because they die during the trek or perhaps they die in high speed car chases.

In Big Wells Texas at least 5 ILLEGAL aliens are dead after the SUV they were being smuggled in failed to stop for law enforcement and ended up crashing after a high speed chase with speeds near 100 mph.

At least 5 people are dead because they were entering this country illegally.

I am sorry there was loss of life but these people were breaking the law and died while doing so. I have no different an opinion of them than the person who gets shot robbing a grocery store. In both cases law breakers ended up dying.

In this case the law breakers were being driven by Americans. I understand they survived the crash (and there were two other SUVs that stopped for police) and it is my hope they will be prosecuted for murder.

If you don’t want to die sneaking in, don’t sneak in. If you don’t want to be separated from your children at the border, don’t break in.

It is simple, follow the law and you won’t have these problems.

And US, build the Wall and we can end these senseless deaths…

San Antonio Express News

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Schumer Leaves Door Open For Trump Reversal On DACA

Several weeks ago President Trump indicated that he would sign whatever immigration bill assisting the illegal children (young adults under DACA) Congress sends to him. He said they were to put it together and he would sign it. This caused a lot of angst among his supporters because it sounded like he had given away the store. The Democrats and the establishment Republicans could have put together a horrible bill and Trump, if he kept to his word, would sign it.

Democrats meanwhile, have been holding the budget hostage because of the DACA issue. The very Democrats who said they would never do such a thing when Republicans did it in 2013 (though Obamacare is a budget issue and DACA is not) and those very Democrats who were talking tough on immigration not so long ago (saying all the things they now say are horrible when Republicans say them) are trying to hold the budget hostage over DACA.

Chuck Schumer, the man whose face is what results when the foreskin is removed, has been allegedly negotiating on the budget but he tied DACA to any outcome. Chuck thinks it is his duty to make sure the illegal aliens covered under the unconstitutional Obama Executive Order are cared for and that their needs come above those of the American citizens. He figured the public would back him and his band of merry thieves should a shutdown occur.

On Friday an agreement could not be reached on the budget. More accurately, the continuing resolution. You see, the budget has been ready since September but there are no votes on it because people keep playing games. Since that is the case we have had about five CRs so far. If these cretins were required to vote on the budget AND ONLY the budget we could get that out of the way and then move on to other things like immigration reform.

Instead, Chuck Schumer held the budget hostage by pushing DACA into the equation. Schumer thinks he is in the majority because he basically said here are all the things we want and we will discuss what you want later. Republicans, obviously emboldened by Mr. Trump, stood their ground and said NO. They offered a number of things and then made the promise to vote on DACA as a clean bill. Democrats balked, nothing could be worked out and the government shut down. The Democrats tried calling this the Trump shutdown but their argument was negated when they claimed Trump had been silent during the past week. The Republicans were out in front and called it the #schumershutdown and that spread like wildfire.

Liberal pundits in the media wing of the Democrat party were showing old clips of Democrats (like Schumer) saying the opposite of what they are saying now and asked hard questions about why they shut down the government. Topping this off, Mr. Trump did not close parks and other areas that are open to the public (open space) like the petulant Obama did. People saw that Democrats were putting the needs of illegal aliens over the needs of American Citizens and they were not happy. It also stuck to Democrats that they placed illegals ahead of the men and women in our military.

I guess ole Schumer must have seen some polling that he did not like because he was running around like his ass was on fire and his head was catching to get a deal. He gave in to the original deal that he had declined not three days prior and a few other items (some Obamacare tax items) were thrown in to sweeten it for Republicans all for a promise to have the DACA issue wrapped up by February 8th. The government was shut down for three days. In reality it was a half of a regular workday by the time employees went to work to sign furlough papers and shut down their offices.

Schumer had even promised that he would put in 1.6 Billion Dollars toward the wall. His base went bat guano crazy and the illegals and their front groups were madder than all get out. Their trend of sell out Schumer must have hurt ole Chuck’s ego. He has since reneged on his promise of 1.6 billion dollars. He seems to think, as I stated, that he is in charge. What I see is a man who got his rear end handed to him as he got it from both sides and since he ended up so butt hurt he took his football and went home.

Here is what should happen going forward. The Turtle, Mitch McConnell, should exercise the nuclear option and bring up the budget for the entire year (working with the House of course) and force a vote on the budget. He can find whatever parliamentary tricks will allow him to do it with 51 votes. Once that is done he can Tell Schumer he promised (actually said he intended to) to have a vote on DACA so they can introduce legislation and have their vote after McConnell ensures his caucus will vote against it. Donald Trump, meantime, can threaten to veto any DACA immigration bill that comes to him and when Schumer complains about Trump changing his mind he can be reminded that he reneged on his 1.6 billion dollar pledge.

Schumer has left the door wide open for Donald Trump to veto or otherwise reject anything he wants.

We could actually have an immigration bill. It could find a way to re-vet the DACA folks here, get rid of those who are criminals (beyond the criminality of entering illegally), limit the program to only those who previously signed up, let them stay here on some special DACA card (has to be renewed every 3 years) but bar them from becoming citizens for 25 years, deny them any public welfare or other benefits and make them have continued monitoring so if they break the law they will be jailed and/or deported. Also add on to the bill that any other person found here who had not previously signed up for DACA will be deported. Tighten up our immigration laws to allow quicker deportation and mandatory use of e-verify and top that off with funding for the wall. One more provision that reduces the number of immigrants we will allow from other countries by the number of DACA vetted and issued guest cards each year until those on the roster are completely in the system and we have ourselves one fine bill.

Again, use whatever parliamentary procedures will allow them to pass it with 51 votes, make sure the House is on board and boom, we have immigration reform, funding for a wall and a muzzle on Democrats.

The question is, will Republicans get tough. They were pretty tough last week during the budget battle but will they really be tough? They need to meet with President Trump and develop a plan to run roughshod over the Democrats.

Lord knows Harry Reid was a low life weasel but he knew how to work the system to exact his will on the opposition. We need McConnell to read from that playbook…


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Trump Made NFL Protests About Him

Colin Kaepernick started protesting last year by taking a knee during the national Anthem. Ratings for the NFL started to slip as a few other players, all protesting the alleged racist Flag and country as well as the shootings of black men who get in trouble with the law (most shootings are justified) got in on the action.

This year more players knelt down to dishonor the nation that has given them so much. Face it, most of them are not the brightest bulbs in the box but they can play a child’s game well so they get paid handsomely. President Trump took exception to their kneeling or otherwise protesting the Anthem and voiced his displeasure in a speech by saying that any SOB who sits or kneels or otherwise protests during the Anthem should be fired.

In that instant Donald Trump took away the narrative that the protests were about inequality in this nation or about how poorly some perceive black men to be treated. In that moment Donald Trump put the spotlight on himself and in so doing exposed the reality of these protests. They suddenly were not about the racist country or the Flag that has flown for so long over the oppressive nation. No, it was about Trump and the distaste these snowflake athletes have for the man.

Trump took the focus off the Flag and off the narrative and put it on himself. Now he, instead of our Flag, was the one being attacked and the narrative about how racist everything America is vanished in a puff of bravado.

Interestingly there are people on the left, those who are supposed to be educated, who claim Trump is trampling on the free speech rights of the football players.

Those football players do not have free speech rights when they are at work anymore than the rest of us do. The First Amendment ONLY protects your rights from GOVERNMENT intrusion. Government cannot force religion on you or deny you the free exercise thereof. Government cannot deny your right to free speech or to peaceably gather or any other item protected in the First. Private employers, on the other hand, are not bound by that. The Constitution only limits what government can and cannot do. It does not limit the people of the nation. Private entities are able to tell you what you can and cannot talk about and there is nothing you can do.

If you think the players in the NFL have a right to free speech then explain why they get fined if they question a call by a referee after the game. Why do they get fined if they wear unapproved clothing to interviews? Why do they need permission to wear special shoes or place stickers on helmets? It is because they have no right to free speech.

In the case of the protests, they did not have the right but they certainly had permission. Their bosses allowed them to protest.

Which means, by the way, you can protest as well (and you don’t need permission) by not supporting the NFL.

Regardless of what you do or they do Donald Trump changed the narrative with a simple sentence in a speech and in so doing exposed a lot about the liberals and the lies they live.

My friend Don Surber has a great piece up as well.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Maybe Trump Better Start Making Those Deals

All during the campaign Donald Trump told us that he loved to make deals, he was a great deal maker (everyone says it) and that he would win so much we would all get tired of winning. Perhaps Trump should start making those deals because I am nowhere near tired of winning.

I don’t think Trump understood how obstructive Democrats and establishment Republicans are. There are not really two parties, they are the uni-party. Different wings of the same bird, as it were. I think Trump believed he would be dealing with people who love the nation and are patriots rather than dealing with people who would just as soon see the nation fail than work with him (John McCain is a prime example). Trump had this mistaken idea that the very people who loved him as a businessman and begged him for donations would work with him to get things done. He was sadly mistaken.

Now Trump has worked with Democrats to extend the debt of the nation and to issue a continuing resolution along with disaster aid until December 15th. We all know what happens when Congress is backed into a corner around the holidays. They work long hours screwing us every way they can and then they take late night votes and pass things that we don’t want all the while claiming they did the best they could. The reality is they will pass anything in order to leave for the Christmas recess. That is where Trump should hammer them all (more on that in a bit).

[note]President Trump also agreed to look at getting rid of the debt ceiling altogether.[/note]

In any event, Trump agreed to this extension and I can see why he had to. The weak, spineless Republicans wanted to extend for 18 months (conveniently running PAST the next election) and Trump did not want to do that. He could not stay the course and risk shutting the government down when Texas needs federal aid and Florida and other coastal states will soon require a lot of disaster assistance. The liberals and their stenographers in the media would ride that pony all the way to the election. So Trump did what he had to do.

Here is where I think he can make hay. If the Democrats and weak Republicans start working on things toward that 15 December date Trump should let them know that he will not sign anything that is not what he wants including a tax cut (ideally a revised tax system). He should let them know that he is not afraid to shut the government down over the holidays and that he will require Congress to stay in session until they pass what he wants. It is time Donald Trump showed us his deal making skills.

I know there is a gentleman’s agreement between Trump and Schumer to end the debt ceiling all together. This is a perfect time for Trump to require Congress to pass a balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution. He can tell them he is willing to work to eliminate the debt ceiling but only after we have a requirement for a balanced budget. That amendment should include some provision about how and when taxes can be raised so that they don’t start raising taxes each year to make ends meet (cutting spending is the goal).

Republicans are evidently shocked that Donald Trump worked with Democrats on this with some reports claiming they were quite surprised. Why are they surprised when none of them tried to work with the president to get things done? For months these Republicans have been screwing Trump and the nation by failing to take up his agenda, by failing to repeal Obamacare and in general by failing to do anything to keep the very promises they made to us when they wanted our votes. Donald Trump has been trying to get the Republicans to work with him but they are as unhappy that he won as the Democrats. The establishment wanted Hillary so they could play the usual games. Trump is not a politician and he is not playing their games.

We can help in this process by getting primary challengers for the limp wristed spineless Republicans in Congress and getting rid of them. Vote in true conservatives, people who will actually fight the evil on the left.

And Donald Trump needs to sack up and start showing us the art of the deal he claims to be so good at. If he is having trouble perhaps he should read one of his own books…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
