Will The Real Donald Trump Please Stand Up
Aug 11, 2015 Opinion, Political
Donald Trump is an egomaniac. This is not to say that he does not love America or that he does not think he can be a good president who can revive the economy. It is quite possible that he has the skills to get America back on track.
But Donald has a Donald problem. I am not talking about the way he puts his foot in his mouth by continually insulting those with whom he disagrees. It is par for the course now for someone to make a comment about Trump and have him respond by saying the person is a no talent, or not bright, or you name it.
It seems that unless you agree with Trump and unless you treat him like royalty you are a second class citizen to him and you are not fit to shine his shoes.
These are his personality traits. He was handed his daddy’s business and he built it into an empire. But for too long people have treated him like he is the king so much so he now believes it. He thinks that he can treat people as he wishes and suffer no consequence.
He might be right given the latest polls that show he still has quite a lead even after his bombastic weekend.
It appears as if Trump has tapped into the anger in the Republican Party (and probably some of the anger on the left) and he is expressing that anger for the millions of disillusioned people in this country.
All well and good but the problem is still Trump and his past.
I am not talking about comments he made about women he argued with. His issues deal with the way he takes positions based on convenience. Trump has been a Democrat and a Republican (and who knows what else). He has donated to politicians from both parties and has supported things that are not conservative.
He liked single payer health insurance and he has spoken in favor of some forms of gun control (assault weapons ban and longer waiting periods). He appears to have evolved on these issues and others but is this a matter of expedience?
I know Trump is a good businessman who has made billions of dollars and he is not part of the political class. He might be a great shot in the arm for the country when it comes to getting us on good financial footing.
The question would be at what cost? Trump has already made it known he donates to politicians so he can get what he wants. This is not a new idea and people have paid to play for as long as politics have existed. But will he evolve again with regard to issues when money starts flowing? Will he push for gun control or single payer health care based on well-heeled donors?
If Trump were to be elected president and we actually got the guy Donald now describes we might actually do quite well but if we get the guy that Trump once was we could be in a world of trouble.
There is still this nagging voice in my head that tells me Trump is in collusion with the Clintons to divide the electorate so she can be elected. Trump is pals with the Clintons and it is not beyond reason that he would be doing this to help her. A divided electorate (thanks to Ross Perot) gave us Bill Clinton.
Maybe Bill is working with Trump to do that once again so Hillary will win.
There is a lot to flesh out in the coming months and given the theatrics of Trump it should be entertaining.
I think it is time we put a person in the White House who is not a career politician or part of a dynasty. Trump does not have to be that guy.
The more I hear Carly Fiorina the more impressed I am with her.
But there is a lot of time to decide.
No matter what the person we select will be better than any Democrat they have running.
We don’t need more of what we now have.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Looks Like Trump Is On To Something
Jul 7, 2015 2016 Election, Immigration, Law Enforcement
Before I start I do not support Donald Trump for president. I have not made up my mind as to whom I will support but I have eliminated some folks. Trump is on the list that I can’t support because of his anti-Second Amendment views.
But he does have some views that are receiving a lot of attention right now. His views on illegal immigration appear to be spot on and those views have caused the establishment politicians from both parties to come out with sabers drawn.
Trump is correct when he says that rapists and murderers are coming here. He would be absolutely correct to say that 100% of the people who come here illegally are criminals because they broke the law to get here.
The establishment can’t have any of this. This will put in jeopardy the voters liberals need and the cheap labor establishment Republicans want.
The reality is that our immigration system is broken and the last thing we need are policies that allow people to stay and encourage more to come. Illegal aliens are causing all kinds of problems here and deporting them does not seem to matter because they come right back. Without a nearly impenetrable wall they will continue to come back. They do not mind being arrested and sent home because they know they can come back.
Others just game the system by going to sanctuary cities where they know they will be protected.
[note]FUN FACT: All of the Democrats running for the presidency support sanctuary cities.[/note]
A young woman taking pictures on a pier in San Francisco was murdered by an illegal who has a number of felony convictions and has been deported five times. This man was released by the local sheriff because of the sanctuary policies of San Francisco.
This senseless murder could have been prevented if the government did its job and if cities were not allowed to offer sanctuary. How the hell do they get to go against federal law like this when Arizona was slapped down for upholding federal law because it is not their job, it belongs to the feds?
An illegal in Texas who had been deported four times beat his wife to death with a hammer.
Why was he here?
The latest news involves an illegal who had been deported six times. He was the driver in a hit and run that injured two children and an adult. He admitted to being high on marijuana at the time.
This latest happened in Arizona. Perhaps if the federal government had not sued that state over its immigration laws (which mirrored federal laws) this illegal alien would not have been here to harm these three people.
Obama’s plan on immigration is working but only with respect to getting millions more Democrat voters into the country. In every other aspect it is failing the very people he is charged with protecting.
But to people like Obama it does not matter. He and his family have armed guards and his children go to private school that also has armed guards.
The incident in San Francisco happened in Nancy Pelosi’s neck of the woods. She could not care any less because it was not her daughter that was shot down.
It is time to get a handle on immigration and shut down the flow of illegals.
Trump does not have my support for president but he is correct on the issue of immigration and the Republican field would be wise to listen and learn.
Then again, given the recent history of Republicans begging us to elect them so they can carry out our wishes only to stab us in our collective backs it is quite possible the candidates will tell us what we want to hear with no intention of addressing the issue.
It is long past time for the states to ignore the federal government and conduct their own business by arresting and holding illegals (while not infringing on federal authority in the matter). It is an absolute must for states to ignore the feds on items that belong solely to the states.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: criminals, illegal aliens, murders, sanctuary cities, trump