An Open Letter to Men

This letter is to anyone who calls himself a man. Define that how you will.

Today, men, I ask you to think of a female close to you. This can be your wife, your girlfriend, your sister, your mother, or your daughter. Picture yourself standing with that person now. Now, I’m going to walk up to her, without your permission, and I’m going to put my hands down her pants, and I’m going to grab her rear end and her chest. Do you have any problem with that at all?

Oh, well, how about if I tell you that I’ll do it in a “non-sexual way” (whatever that means)? Is it okay then? Will you stand by idly and watch me, saying and doing nothing?

How about if I get people to pass a law that allows me to touch them? Does that make it right? Will you stand there and let me touch them, while you do nothing? What if I tell you that I’m doing it for your own good? I’ll tell you that it’s for your safety. And after all, if I don’t put my hands down their pants, the terrorists will win. Now will you stand by, watching me place my hands wherever I want on your wife, daughter, mother, girlfriend, or daughter?

Sadly, it appears the vast majority of men will do just that.

But not me. I will not stand idly by. And that is why I will not be visiting an airport any time soon. You see, the TSA has decided they have the power to touch your female friends and loved ones in any way they want. And while most males today will stand by and let it happen, I will not. I guess I’m a bit of a dinosaur, but when I witness someone attempting to put their hands down my wife’s pants, I am not going to do nothing. While I do not support violence in general, I do believe in defensive violence, and I do believe in protecting my wife from others who will attack her. When someone tries to put their hands on my wife’s body, I will physically attack them and stop them. I don’t care how many laws are passed or how many badges that person has. It is wrong, it is always wrong, and I will always do everything in my power to stop it. If you will not, you should not call yourself a man.

Now feel free to complain that I’m advocating violence and that I’m to blame for the next act of violence against a TSA worker. In all honesty, I would be glad if I were to blame. Because what these people are doing is wrong, and there appears to be no other way to stop them. They are initiating violence against people, and I am absolutely justified in using whatever means possible to stop them. I’m not the one advocating violence, the TSA workers are — even if they are just following orders.


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What Makes Congress So Special?

In any given city in America there is gun violence. This is particularly true in cities run by liberals and where there are strict gun laws. Criminals do not obey the law so innocent people are slaughtered regularly. The people living in these cities do not get armed guards and they do not get special treatment at the airport from the TSA.

The shooting of Congresswoman Giffords is still under investigation and already members are looking to make it a federal crime to use language or symbols that could be perceived as threatening to members of Congress.

What makes them so special?

These pampered people already work in a secure place and they have security details when indicated. The people shot in the real world do not have this protection and they are many more times likely to be shot than any member of Congress.

In true never let a crisis go to waste fashion, Representative Clyburn wants special rules for members of Congress so they do not have to get the same screening at airports that the rest of us do. What does the event in Arizona have to do with the airport?

Taking it one step further, Clyburn wants to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine. The trumped up BS that right wing talk radio is responsible for this senseless act is driving Democrats to try to infringe even further on our freedoms.

Members of Congress are no more special than any of the rest of us and they do not deserve special treatment or special laws to keep people from criticizing them all under an umbrella of “perceived” as threatening. Perceived by whom?

The rhetoric is the same from both parties and there does not need to be special rules for the people of Congress. They do not need special treatment at the airport and they do not need a Fairness Doctrine.

The actions of this past weekend were those of a demented person hell bent on killing someone and all the laws in the world could not have prevented this tragedy from occurring.

The tragedy has been exploited by the left for political gain as the same people who told us not to jump to conclusions about Nadal Hasan are jumping to conclusions and they are doing so in order to further their agenda to take away as many of our freedoms as possible.

What happened to Giffords and all the other victims was absolutely horrible but our freedoms should not suffer because of them.

America is better than that no matter what the left thinks.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Don’t retreat, reload…
Big Dog


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Big Sis And The TSA Send The Stormtroopers

A pilot is in hot water for taking video of lax airport security and posting it on You Tube. The pilot was one of those blessed by the TSA to carry a firearm in the cockpit and he was upset that air crews have to go through security as a matter of safety when there are weapons like axes in the cockpit (and in his case, a federally issued firearm). He also pointed out that while flight crews are being checked in the name of security ground personnel who work at airports have unfettered access to aircraft through unmanned doors that require an electronic badge to access.

After the unnamed pilot posted the video he got a visit from stormtroopers sent by the TSA. The pilot is being investigated for exposing the security problems. The stormtroopers took his federally issued weapon (which they are entitled to do) but then confiscated his STATE issued permit to carry a weapon. What right does the federal government have to confiscate his conceal carry permit when he broke no weapons laws?

This is nothing more than Big Sis and her Gestapo trying to send message to others who would expose the failings of the TSA and DHS.

The stormtroopers were sent to tell everyone else that they should think twice about exposing the sham that hides under the name of airport security.

You will be slapped and slapped hard by the Gestapo.

And all because this guy rightly points out that he is required to go through security when they let him carry a weapon on the plane and there is a huge ax in the cockpit that would cause a lot more damage than a box cutter. He also points out that while the people who will be on the plane and flying it are subject to intense scrutiny a bunch of other folks have unfettered access.

He is absolutely right but he dared to say it and now the Gestapo will make him pay.

We are in a downward spiral.

Can someone tell me why this guy is in trouble for exposing these flaws that are secret but no one gets in trouble for exposing our national secrets?

Big Sis and her Gestapo need to go.

ABC News 10
ABC News
Daily Mail UK

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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What Intrusion On Our Rights Will This Cause?

Iraqi authorities have captured some insurgents and they were interrogated, a process that revealed some interesting information. The insurgents claim that suicide bombings are planned against Europe and the United States. Christmas, a Christian holiday, seems to be the time of the year that Muslim terrorists want to kill people in the west.

The Iraqis have reported the information to the affected governments.

This is eerily similar to last year. Obama was in Hawaii on one of his many vacations when some Muslim tried to blow up a plane with explosives in his underwear. Obama is scheduled to go to Hawaii again this Christmas and we are again being threatened with bomb wielding terrorists. This has me quite concerned.

Not because of the potential for a terrorist attack. I am more likely to be killed in my car than killed by a terrorist. Don’t get me wrong, we need to have security to deter such things but if some terrorist is determined to do something bad, he will do it.

My concern is for our rights. Every time one of these jackass terrorists makes the government look bad more of our rights are infringed upon.

When the shoe bomber tried to blow up a plane with explosives in his shoes we had to start taking our shoes off at the airport. When terrorists tried to get liquid bomb ingredients into planes in bottles we were limited in the sizes and amounts of liquids we could carry on the plane and we are forced to get it out for inspection. When the aforementioned underwear bomber caused all that ruckus we ended up with the machines that scan our body and show us naked and/or intrusive pat downs that are sexual assaults.

The erosion of our rights is ongoing. The full body scans and groping are a violation of the Fourth Amendment but we are continually harassed because some terrorist made the government look bad.

This Christmas we are faced with another threat from the Muslim terrorists. What rights will be trampled on because of it?

I don’t know but I am praying that whatever they do it does not involve putting bombs in their rectums in order to sneak them in.

Can you imagine the checks we would have to go through at the airport if that were the case?

It would be bad because we have learned that the government refuses to use sensible methods to screen people and that they are concerned with violating our rights rather than actually doing something that would protect us.

Israel has the right idea. We should do what they do in order to prevent terrorist attacks.

Otherwise, our system will end up being a pain in the…

Well, you get the point.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Make Sure The TSA Agents Change Gloves

The TSA has been busy fondling people who want to travel by air. People either need to be virtually strip searched or they will get groped and the government does not seem to want to change. People are upset and they want to do something so tomorrow is opt-out day. People are asked to opt out of the strip search radiation machine and instead get the enhanced pat down. If people do this the expected result is huge lines and delays at airports and, equally important, overworking the TSA agents.

I agree with the opt-out day and think it will send a huge message but there are a few things that should be taken into consideration.

First, if you are traveling by air and are going tomorrow then you should arrive at the airport a lot earlier than you usually would. If enough people opt-out there will be long lines and if you are not there extra early you will miss your flight.

More importantly, make sure the TSA agents change their gloves before they pat you down. You should watch them get a fresh pair of gloves from the box (not their pockets) and put them on before they pat you down. The agents are keeping the same pair of gloves on and touching multiple passengers which means that the chance to spread infection is very high. If they put their gloved hands on something infectious they can then transfer that substance to any number of people.

Make them change their gloves. They cannot say no or you refuse to be touched. Do not allow them to possibly infect you because they are unwilling to change their gloves.

This is important to remember each time you fly and are subjected to them putting their hands on you but it is particularly important tomorrow. If a huge number of people opt-out and cause long pat down lines then the TSA will be required to change gloves tens of thousands of times causing them further delay and aggravation.

But the important thing is you make sure you are protected from infection. Causing grief to the molesters is just an added benefit of being vigilant.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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