All He Is Saying, Is Give Peas A Chance

Paul McCartney of Beatle fame has weighed in on an American tradition that has its origins in the pilgrims who left Paul’s homeland to escape religious persecution. Yes ladies and gentlemen, a Brit is weighing in on an American holiday that was started by people who escaped oppressive Brits.

Sir Paul does not want us to eat turkey this Thanksgiving. He wants us to consider cruelty free items on our menu and leave the turkeys to gobble around on farms somewhere.

Paul McCartney, a vegetarian, wants you to give peas a chance.

Here is what I say. If you want to eat turkey, eat turkey. If you don’t want to eat turkey, don’t eat turkey. Furthermore, I promise not to tell you what and what not to eat and you make the same promise to me.

This is the problem with liberals. They don’t like guns then no one can own a gun. They don’t like SUVs then no one can own an SUV. They don’t eat meat then no one can eat meat.

Sir Paul is the typical liberal though we might have to give him a little slack. He is probably suffering from years of drug abuse. Maybe he thinks we are back in the USSR…

As for the turkeys, it sucks for them to be on the lower end of the food chain.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Syria OK with Turkey Trot to War

Turkey is lining up for an attack into Iraq against Kurds with whom they have been having trouble. The US is asking for Turkey not to attack and the President of Iraq, Jalal Talabani, is asking for more time to resolve the issue. What I find interesting in this situation is what President Bashar Assad of Syria had to say:

However Syrian President Bashar Assad, visiting Turkey, said he supported the country’s right to take the action “against terrorism and terrorist activities”. BBC News

Hamas and Hezbollah are both terrorist organizations and they continually launch rockets into Israel. Israeli soldiers have been abducted and are still held captive (some believe in Iran) and Israel’s neighbors salivate at the chance to attack or wipe out that country. Launching missiles across the border into areas populated with non combatants is an act of terrorism and yet, when Israel defends itself by sending in its military Syria is quick to point the finger of condemnation.

Why is it that Syria would have two standards with regard to this subject? The obvious answer is that Turkey is an Islamic country and Israel is not. In fact, Israel is full of Jewish people and the Muslims cannot stand Jews and do not think they should be allowed to exist. It is also ironic that Syria, which is a state sponsor of terrorism, would describe someone else’s acts as terrorism.

The UN and the rest of the world should remember Assad’s words so the next time Israel responds to acts of terror there will not be a rush to condemn that country. Syria’s president is nothing more than a two bit terrorist who supports killing people, especially Jews.

No wonder Pelosi and her ilk like visiting the guy.

Big Dog