More Tough Times For The Evil One

The hits just keep on coming. Barack Obama is set to spend even more money that we do not have on things we do not need. He is set to impose oppressive taxes on the wealthy, or so he says because everyone will be affected. Most liberals cannot see this and will likely not realize it until they are on a corner with a tin cup and dark glasses with a sign that says “Will Protest for Pot.”

Looks like Obama is in for a fight from his own party. Many Democrats do not like the limit placed on itemized deductions because they know most people will cut donations to charity first. Other than that they might jump on board with a tax increase because most of them don’t pay their taxes anyway. That is a prerequisite to serve in the Obama administration. [My Way News]

Looks like Israel has finally figured that Obama and the Democrats are not really their friends. They finally realized that Hillary Clinton is an ally of Palestine when she kept blasting Israel for problems related to Hamas’ constant attacks on Israel. Hillary is critical of checkpoints set up by the Israelis and thinks they give a wrong signal. Checkpoints were st up in the very places she opposes so that she could travel there. She wanted protection she wants to deny Israel.

Israel has come to the realization that if anything is to be done about Iran it will be a solo act. Israel will have to carry out a raid on the nuclear plant alone if she wants it accomplished.

Hopey Obama is too busy trying to meet with the rogue leaders so he is too busy to help Israel out. Sparks are going to fly soon. [Jerusalem Post]

Union leaders at posh hotel while workers are losing jobs.

AFL-CIO union executives are at a luxury resort in Miami. They are out living the high life while their dwindling membership continues to decrease. A lot of union members are not working and their leaders going out to a fancy place like this sends the wrong message.

I wonder if Obama will say something like he did when companies honored their corporate sponsorship agreements and went to the Super Bowl even though they took TARP money (they pretty much had to take it, even if they did not want to).

The unions have Obama in their hip pocket so there should be no problem. [Breitbart TV]

It is going to get worse. Obama has been on the job a little more than a month and he is starting to go gray.

He might be up to 2 packs a day by now.

Big Dog

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A Little Test For The Big Three

The Big Three American automobile makers are in dire straights and they are begging for a taxpayer provided bailout to cover their inept business practices. There is no way that taxpayers should be paying to bailout businesses that are not well run and that will never be profitable as long as executives make huge salaries (have to keep those private jets flying) and union thugs extort more from a well that has long run dry.

The news today indicated that the bailout would not take place because of Republican resistance. NOW the Republicans get conservative…

Anyway, the Republicans are on the right side of this issue but that won’t last very long. In a few short months the Democrats will have a president and a majority in the Congress. They will essentially be able to pass what they want because a few spineless Republicans will join them. Barack Obama favors a bailout of the automakers because he is beholden to the unions and that is probably one of the biggest in the country.

It does not matter that these companies make inferior products, they pay inflated salaries for jobs that require little education or skill and they have benefits packages that unions have negotiated through the stratosphere. The fact is, the executives want their big salaries, the strong back weak minded union members want their union jobs and the unions want payback for supporting Democrats. Therefore, the Democrats will kill to get the Big Three some of your money.

Oh, the test. If the companies want us to believe that they provide such a great product then we need to conduct a little test. Someone should go to the parking lots of each of the Big Three and count how many foreign (or non Big Three) cars are on the lot. I am willing to bet that a large number of those vehicles will not be made by the company for whom the driver works.

If the people who make the cars do not trust the company (or their own craftsmanship) enough to buy its products, why should we trust the company or the workers enough to bail them out?

Government does not belong in private business. If we end up bailing these companies out we will only be rewarding them for their failures (and encouraging unions to continue their extortion). We will also only be delaying the inevitable because it is unlikely that a taxpayers bailing them out of the mess they created will suddenly cause them to do things differently.

It will be more of the same but this time it will be with our money…

My Way

Big Dog

Let The Automakers Fail

What is it with the American government and businesses? If businesses, such as oil companies, are successful then government wants to punish them with windfall profits taxes and if businesses are unsuccessful government wants to bail them out.

The big three automakers are asking Congress for $50 BILLION to bail them out of their financial messes. The automakers are responsible for their problems and they should have to deal with the consequences of how they are run. If they fail then they can go out of business or be bought up by someone who runs things better.

American automakers are held hostage by their union employees and the company has had to capitulate over and over to union demands for more money and more benefits while the companies have been losing ground to makers of foreign cars. The unions are part of the undoing of the companies and their hard line tactics will keep them from competing with other car makers for some time to come. In all reality, how do they justify demanding that some moron who attaches door frames receive more money than people in jobs that require much more skill?

Let the companies deal with their own problems and keep our government and our tax dollars out of the issue.

This appears, to me, to be nothing more than Democrats repaying the unions for their undying support. Nancy Pelosi is opposed to drilling for more oil and believes we need to take more public transportation and yet she wants to spend taxpayer money to bailout an industry that is based upon the use of fossil fuels.

These unions backed the Democrats and their messiah and now they expect a return on their investment. We need to band together and tell Congress that it is not their job to interfere in private business and they are not authorized to spend taxpayer money on such endeavors.

If the automakers want to start making money again then they need to get a handle on the union thugs bankrupting them and they need to start building cars that Americans want.

Until then let them sink or survive on their own, without government intervention. If it means they go out of business and their workers are unemployed then so be it.

Of course, I guess it won’t be long before the Democrats require us to buy cars from these businesses.

Hell, they impose their will on us in plenty of other ways, why not that?

Washington Post | Breitbart | Bloomberg

Big Dog

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Democrats’ Gas Solution; More Taxes

The Democrats have long believed that more taxes are the answer to every problem we face. They tax anything and they increase the taxes on everything just to cover their out of control spending. Of course there are those who defend the so called “progressives” and indicate that higher taxes are necessary but that is foolish thinking by people who either don’t pay taxes, hide their income so they are not subjected to taxes, or don’t understand how a budget is supposed to work.

The cost of gasoline is hurting a lot of people in this country. Gasoline went from a little over $2.00 a gallon when the Democrats took control of Congress to over $4.00 a gallon now. Fair or not, it happened on their watch and if they can blame all that is evil on Republicans when they had control then turn about is certainly fair play.

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No Fiesta for UAW

Ford Motor Company announced that it is building a global car, a car that is fuel efficient, easily made and can be marketed anywhere in the world and that it is going to produce them in Mexico. Ford will begin making the Fiesta in Mexico and this will create nearly 30,000 jobs (no indication if they are all in Mexico). The United Auto Workers Union is very upset with Ford because the union wanted the company to invest in American plants and make the car here. The problem is, if Ford wants to make an inexpensive car they cannot have the union involved.

The major American auto manufacturers have real financial problems and those problems keep getting worse. The unions have been one of the reasons for some of the financial problems for years. Union rules about who can work where and do what, pay demands, benefit demands, and any number of other things have driven costs up and profits down. There are union workers who get paid to do nothing when there is a slow down all because of some union rule. Ford decided to go to Mexico where it would not have to worry about union costs. The irony is, Ford went to Mexico to get workers to do jobs Americans were willing to do. Another irony is they will be making the Fiesta in Mexico…

Ford might actually be thinking of other cost savings as well. About 10% of the Mexican population already lives in the US. Maybe some of them will go back home to get a job making cars. But, the big issue is that instead of trucking the cars north Ford can just let illegals drive them on in. They can pick up some extra cash dropping cars off in America and then they can just stay here. This will save us a lot of money because there will be no need for the fence that they are not going to build anyway. If we don’t have to worry about illegals crossing the desert on foot we can save millions of dollars not building a fence.

Ford is another company that sent jobs out of the country (ooh and on Bush’s watch) but what choice do they have? With all the global warming fanaticism and the government regulations as well as the burden of the union the company would never make money. By making cars in Mexico they are able to skirt some of the burdensome rules imposed on comanies doing business here.

Washington Post

Big Dog