More Backdoor Gun Control

An article at the Shooter’s Log (Cheaper Than Dirt’s Blog) describes how Obama and his minions will control guns by outlawing certain ammunition.

From the article…

It is doubtful that anyone reading this article will truly be surprised that Obama and his cronies in key government posts are trying to once again de facto suppress our Second Amendment rights. They were not able to make it happen through the legislature, but Obama has his phone and his pen. Currently, it seems the President is using both to target gun owners, specifically owners of AR-15s. If you can’t outlaw the guns, get rid of the ammunition.

Read the rest of the article here

They will do all they can to circumvent the Constitution. Obama has a pen and he is not afraid to use it.

The government has lots of the outlawed ammunition (they are not supposed to have it if we can’t) so that is where we will have to get it should the need arise. We might have to shop at their armories.

Our Founders fought a revolution over a lot less…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Stole The Election

There is no doubt in my mind that Democrats used dirty tricks and broke the law to win. I will say it up front so the liberals can guffaw and then click over to Kos and pleasure themselves. The evidence is clear that Barack Obama and his Democrats did things that were illegal in order to win.

Republican turn out was 3 million lower than in 2008 and Obama hit his numbers? There is no way this is accurate and given the number of complaints of voting machines changing votes from Romney to Obama the loss of Republican voters and Obama holding his own gets clearer. The votes were changed so his numbers went up and Romney’s went down.

How else can one explain internal polling that showed Romney winning battleground states by a comfortable margin? And yes, those internals showed Romney taking the major battleground states while Obama’s internals showed he needed to go to states that he should have held easily. The linked article discusses how the voting machines had been programmed so that a vote for Romney had to be exactly in the square but one for Obama was anywhere close (and just outside the Romney box). If millions of people did not check before submitting they were screwed.

Couple that with reports of people in Ohio being bused in to vote illegally (non English speaking being given pre filled cards or being shown what to select) and the intimidation in Philadelphia as well as the GOP election judges being thrown out (and one in Chicago wearing an Obama hat) and you can see the problems.

Barack Obama is illegitimate. He won because of fraud and this was his plan because he knew he would not win otherwise.

Only the naive would think that the network of Commies behind Obama (Soros and company) would not or could not do this. The reality is this was well planned and it worked. The usurper is back in office.

It is my understanding that James O’Keefe has documented hundreds of incidents of fraud and he is compiling the video. I wonder if there is any way to fix the problem once this has occurred?

I doubt it. The political class shields itself from the law.

Think this is all BS? You are (at least right now) entitled to that opinion but consider this. Obama did not win in ANY state that requires a photo ID to vote.

Is there any wonder why Democrats fight against voter ID laws? They need to cheat.

And even the UN observers commented that they could not believe the US does not require an ID to vote…

Why would it surprise them? They know how corrupt Democrats are.

American Third Position (a link does not indicate endorsement of their policies)

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


I Don’t Worry About The Constitution – Phil Hare (D-IL)

Representative Phil Hare, Democrat from Illinois was answering a few questions from constituents and when asked about the Constitutionality of the health care plan he said “I don’t worry about the Constitution.”

Here is a person who was elected to office and who took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution saying that he did not worry about the Constitution. Bingo.

None of them do.

When asked where in the Constitution Congress was given the authority to do what it did he answered that he believed that the Constitution gave the right to “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

That phrase comes from the Declaration of Independence.

Perhaps this explains why the Congressman does not care about the Constitution. Maybe it is because he swore to uphold it and has no idea what it actually says.

He is no different from any of the others who think they can do what they want without regard to our Constitution.

Video at Big Government

His opponent’s website.

[note]If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual State. In a single State, if the persons entrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair.
— Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 28[/note]

Big Dog


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