Fitting Reception For John Kerry
Feb 21, 2011 Political
John Kerry, who served in Vietnam, was a big anti war demonstrator during the early 1970s. He lied about his fellow service members and he lied about what they did. He protested and he testified before Congress. Now that he has been a Senator for quite a numbers of years the shoe is on the other foot.
Kerry was home visiting with constituents and they gave him hell for his support of the war in Afghanistan, among other things. I thought the war in Afghanistan was the right war among the loonies on the left. While we were fighting in Iraq during Bush’s time in office we were constantly reminded that Bush took his eye off the ball in Afghanistan.
The Senate and the House have both passed bills for ending the Iraq War, or at least liquidating the American involvement in it. The resolutions, approved by the barest majorities, were underpinned by one unmistakable theme: wrong war, wrong place, distracting us from the real war that is elsewhere.
Where? In Afghanistan. The emphasis on Afghanistan echoed across the Democratic aisle in Congress from Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee to former admiral and now Rep. Joe Sestak. It is a staple of the three leading Democratic candidates for the presidency, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards. It is the constant refrain of their last presidential candidate, John Kerry, and of their current party leader, Howard Dean, who complains “we don’t have enough troops in Afghanistan. That’s where the real war on terror is.” Real Clear Politics
Now that we are fighting more aggressively there, the Democrats don’t seem to feel it is any longer the right war. Kerry supported the war in Afghanistan long before Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm, sent more troops there. Kerry was in favor of the war in Afghanistan while running for president so it is unlikely he has changed his stance but his constituents seem to have. They supported him for the presidency so they must have agreed with his position:
So the one time war protester is getting a taste of his own medicine.
Kerry also apologized for calling a woman who does not believe in global warming a Neanderthal. Kerry said he was referring to people in general who do not believe in global warming.
Some apology. Does not his clarification mean he still thinks the woman is a Neanderthal?
In any event, when the liberals in Massachusetts turn on a liberal, life is good.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: afghanistan, global warming, john kerry, lies, neanderthal, protests, vietnam
Iran Refuses Entry To John Kerry
Jan 4, 2010 Political
![Comrad Kerry](
Iran has decided that it does not want John Kerry (he served in Vietnam you know) visiting. Kerry had been pushing this idea that he could go over and talk to the Iranians and let them know what swell folks the Obama clan are and how they all want peace in our days. Kerry wanted to just show up and ask them to stop building nuclear weapons and maybe, just maybe there would be a prize in that Cracker Jack box.
Iran said thanks but no thanks.
“Members of the Iranian parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee (a subcommittee of the parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission) voiced opposition to the request after studying the issue,” Hassan Ebrahimi, head of the committee, told the semi-official Fars News Agency.
Seems they don’t want him either. That is too bad because I was hoping he would go over there and they would keep him.
Big Dog Salute to Gateway Pundit
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Tags: Iran, john kerry, reject, vietnam
Why Wouldn’t Kerry Visit Our Enemy?
Dec 26, 2009 Political
John Kerry is floating the idea of visiting Tehran. He would be the first high level person to visit there since 1979. Barack Obama said he would meet with Iran’s leader without preconditions and so far the diplomatic effort has been a dismal failure. Iran has balked at any discussions about its nuclear plans and has basically laughed in the face of Obama.
Iran has bought itself another year to work on its nuclear program which is, no doubt, a vehicle for developing nuclear weapons.
It should not surprise anyone that John Kerry would work on getting to Tehran. He has a history of going to meet our enemies. Who can forget that Kerry, as a Vietnam War protester, visited with the North Vietnamese while we were at war.
Kerry’s anti war antics likely earned him a dishonorable** discharge from the Naval Reserve. That Dishonorable Discharge would have been changed under a program that President Carter implemented. There is no way of telling because Kerry has not released his records for review even though he promised to do so. He probably does not want any embarrassing items circulating.
Regardless, this is par for the course for Kerry. He likes to visit with our enemies.
It should surprise no one.
**I indicated Dishonorable but it is likely he had a LESS THAN HONORABLE DISCHARGE, not a DISHONORABLE one.
Wall Street Journal
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Tags: john kerry, tehran, traitor, vietnam, war protest
Now Afghanistan Is The Quagmire
Apr 9, 2009 Military, Political
After 9/11 the United States went after terrorists in Afghanistan and then moved into Iraq thus fighting a war on two fronts. The Democrats were up in arms. Remember how Afghanistan was the right war and that Bush took his eye off the ball in Afghanistan and allowed bin Laden to escape because he was focused on Iraq? Iraq was the quagmire, the new Vietnam, the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time. If we wanted bin Laden all we had to do was follow GI Joe Biden into Afghanistan where his helicopter was forced down. Though it sounds good the reality is the chopper was forced down because of bad weather. It was snowing. The only thing Biden would find is Yeti.
Now that the sainted won is in control he has settled on some sort of draw down of troops in Iraq and he is beefing up the forces in Afghanistan, the right war, in the right place, at the right time. Or is it?
Now that Democrats have what they say they wanted, focus back on Afghanistan, they are changing their tune. Now Afghanistan is a quagmire.
“I can’t imagine any way I’d vote for it,” said Rep. Lynn Woolsey, a California Democrat and leader in the 77-member congressional Progressive Caucus. It would be her first major break with this White House.
Ms. Woolsey fears the president’s plan for Iraq would leave behind a big occupation force. She is also concerned about the planned escalation in Afghanistan. “I don’t think we should be going there,” she said.
Similar sentiments echo across the House. Rep. Jim McGovern (D., Mass.) said he fears Afghanistan could become a quagmire. “I just have this sinking feeling that we’re getting deeper and deeper into a war that has no end,” he said.
Rep. John Conyers (D., Mich.) dismissed Mr. Obama’s plans as “embarrassingly naive,” and suggested that the president is being led astray by those around him. “He’s the smartest man in American politics today,” Rep. Conyers said. “But he occasionally gets bad advice and makes mistakes. This is one of those instances.” Common Dreams
These statements are from people who are part of the party that claimed Afghanistan was the right war. This is where Bush failed to get bin Laden and where he took his eye off the ball. Though Resident Obama vacillated at first, to his credit, he is sending more troops and asking for more money to get the job done. This is something he said he would do when he campaigned and, for now, he is doing just that.
He will face opposition from his own party because now that they are in power and we have victory in Iraq (no thanks to any of them) they have decided that Afghanistan is now the wrong war as well.
It would appear that as long as Afghanistan could be used against President Bush in order to beat him up over Iraq, it was the right war. Now that we have won in Iraq and can refocus on Afghanistan that is no longer the right war.
I know that Democrats are in office and hold the majority and I know that the only thing they know about war is how to lose. They only care about winning one thing and that is elected office. Regardless of who is in the White House my attitude is still the same. There is only one way out and that is VICTORY.
Democrats should keep in mind that Bush won Iraq. Afghanistan now belongs to them. That was the war they wanted and that is the one they got and they will be responsible for the outcome. If they pull out and lose it will be on them.
Patton said it best. Americans love a winner and cannot stand a loser.
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Tags: afghanistan, Democrats, funding, Iraq, Obama, quagmire, vietnam
Biden Is Obama’s Cheney
Sep 1, 2008 Political
Barack Obama has talked a great game during the last two years. He has spent half of his time in the Senate running for president and during that time he has talked about change and how we needed fresh blood in DC. Then he picked a man who has been a Washington insider for 36 years to be his running mate which essentially negated the idea that he wanted change.
Obama had to select someone with experience because he has little of his own. He has never led anything and his claim to fame is being a community organizer. From all accounts the community is worse off than when he “organized” it but a lot of his friends made money.
Obama went on a world tour to show how loved he was and give the impression that he was ready to be Commander in Chief. Unfortunately for him, the Russians were having none of the Rock Star in Berlin. They attacked Georgia and Obama’s three statements on the issue were weak and showed the glaring gap in foreign experience he has when compared to John McCain. Obama finally released a tough statement that made sense but not before showing that he was a babe in the woods (O-Bambi). Obama showed that traveling with his gypsy parents to different countries when he was a kid did not quite equate to the foreign policy experience he claimed. He needed someone who would beef up the foreign policy credentials of the ticket and thus he selected Biden, a man who I have stated in the past is well informed in foreign policy.
Biden is Obama’s Dick Cheney. Biden is in his 60s so it is unlikely he will run against Obama after a first term in office therefore he is free to say and do what he wants. He is the voice of experience for Obama (a Washington insider voice rather than a voice of change) and he is the attack dog for the ticket. He can go after John McCain and Sarah Palin while Obama gives the image of being as pure as the driven snow the icy precipitation, not the drug cocaine). If elected, Biden will be the voice in the head of a president with little experience in Washington just like Dick Cheney was to George Bush.
The left hates Dick Cheney and every time there is a rumor about his heart they hold candlelight vigils praying that Cheney dies. Anytime Cheney has chest pain the hate sites of the left celebrate that this might be the one. The left also hates Cheney because they say he is a chicken hawk (which is actually a fierce creature) because he received five deferments and did not serve in Vietnam. I have seen more than one story from the left about Cheney’s deferments and none of them were very flattering. This is one more issue with which Joe Biden compares.
Biden received five deferments from the draft and thus never had to serve in Vietnam. After the fifth deferment Biden was not eligible for service because of childhood asthma, an ailment that had never been previously disclosed. In Biden’s stories about his life (in his book Promises to Keep) he discussed having an active childhood and playing football and other sports. There is no mention of asthma and no mention of any limited ability. Since Biden voted FOR the 2002 invasion of Iraq but received five deferments from service, does that make him a chicken hawk?
I realize that the left is full of hypocrisy and that they have trouble applying the same standards to themselves that they apply to others. Look at how they are treating Sarah Palin. They are criticizing her for being a working mother and for working up until she delivered her last child. They are attacking her for doing all the things they have said women could do for years. The slight variation is that liberals love abortion so that a woman does not have to choose between her job and her kid. Sarah Palin demonstrated true pro choice when she chose both of them. It is easier to do both when a mother AND a father are present and work as a team to raise their children. Since many on the left believe that marriage is no big deal and should not be protected and since a large number of their constituents have one parent homes, it is easy to see why they don’t quite understand.
In any event, the left is full of hypocrites so I don’t expect to see Biden called a chicken hawk and I don’t expect to see any stories from the left telling us how he used special connections to get deferments from service and I certainly don’t expect to see stories questioning the asthma issue as a fabrication. If Biden were a Republican there would be a thousand stories about it and the asthma would be deemed a lie, manufactured to avoid service. But since he is a liberal Democrat we will not see much in the way of criticism of this. The MSM will not cover it and Biden will not receive the same level of scrutiny or scorn that Cheney did.
But make no mistake about it, Joe Biden is Barack Obama’s Dick Cheney. He will be his brain and he will be his conscience. Biden and Cheney only differ in political ideology. Their temperaments are the same, their experiences are the same (except Cheney actually worked in the real world where as Biden has lived off the government all his life), and they both received five deferments from the draft.
I never had a problem with deferments but since the left has been obsessed with them I demand the same scrutiny of their candidates who voted for war but never served because of them. Until they can come clean on that issue, they lack any validity.
Biden is a chicken hawk and he is not the change that Barack Obama promised to bring to Washington.
Biden is Obama’s Cheney but I doubt the left will hate him as much…
Just to refresh people’s memories; John McCain attended the Naval Academy and then fought in Vietnam. He did not get a deferment and refused early release from a POW camp where he was tortured because it would not be fair to those who were there longer. Obama could never match that record and neither can Biden (or Cheney for that matter).
As for patriotism, I think Stop the ACLU has a great story about the Democrats and their patriotism. It was not hard to find American Flags at their convention. All you had to do was look in the trash.
**UPDATE: Dr. Bulldog attended a McCain/Palin rally and found NO flags in the trash…
**UPDATE 2: To be clear, I like Dick Cheney. I don’t like Biden’s politics. The point is that it will be interesting to see how the left treats a guy who is nothing more than the man they hate so much.
Tags: biden, cheney, chicken hawk, deferments, McCain, Obama, vietnam