Union Violence

The unions in America are led by thugs and some of the members are thugs who do the union bosses’ bidding. We have seen this throughout the budget debates as unions send their people to disrupt procedures and threaten people. In some cases the unions were involved in violence. The Victory of Scott Walker in Wisconsin was hard fought and the fight was against union thugs who were involved in or incited violence. One only needs to look at the calls for violence against Walker after he won to see the evil that unions can bring.

This video discusses union violence. Some people might find the images disturbing.

Union leadership uses intimidation and forced union membership to keep workers in line and it also uses intimidation and violence to get what it wants. There is no denying that unions, particularly public sector unions, have outlived their usefulness.

I have seen the intimidation tactics first hand when a union (private sector) was trying to get established in a former workplace. One of the thugs tried to coerce me and said he was not going to let me leave until he got his point across and got a commitment (I guess he thought I was going to fill out a card). He found out quickly that he was putting himself in danger.

In any event, these thugs literally get away with murder. They will not stop until they are met with equal force or until Governors like Walker take a stand and beat back these domestic terrorists.

Thanks to Aunt Barb for the link…

This is a link to the same video with a petition drive.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Does Obama Support This Guy Too?

A man from Idaho named Oscar Ramiro Ortega is in a world of trouble after he fired a weapon at the White House. Barack Obama and his family were not there at the time and ballistic glass prevented any penetration but that does not negate the seriousness of the act. Ortega is being charged with attempted assassination though I think that might be hard to prove. All he has to do is claim he knew Obama was not there (Obama’s travels are in the news) and there can be no intent shown with regard to assassination.

Let me stop here to make it clear. I DO NOT support what this guy did or any act that involves shooting Obama or any other elected person. That is not the proper way to handle things and those kinds of things are not appropriate.

Ortega has been linked to the Occupy DC group, part of the entire Occupy movement which might explain why he was quickly labeled as mentally unstable. Can’t have a left wing radical doing things against the left wing radical Obama.

The question is, since Obama follows Saul Alinsky’s tenets (the ends justify the means) and since he has wholeheartedly supported the Occupy movement, does he support what this guy did?

We already know Obama has no problem with people using violence to get what they want so long as what they want is part of the progressive agenda. Obama is friends with US terrorist Bill Ayers who killed police officers and detonated bombs in this country as part of the progressive movement in the 60s. I know Obama was only a child at that time but one can tell a lot about a person by the company he keeps and Obama kept company with a terrorist. Obama has thrown his support behind the Occupy movement even though they have been committing horrific crimes, vandalizing property and attacking police.

So does Obama support what Ortega did?

Ortega was expressing himself in a manner that is consistent with the Occupy movement, Alinsky and Ayers, all of which Obama supports.

I imagine they charged this guy with the attempted assassination and will push to say he is insane (he might well be) in order to hide him away somewhere to make it easier for the State Run Media to ignore it.

The funny thing about all this is that the Media wing of the Democrat party keeps telling us that the Occupy folks are no different than the TEA Party. Really now? How many TEA Party members ever shot at anyone, politician or otherwise? NONE!

As an aside, how many TEA Party events had public health officials concerned about the spread of disease? Again, NONE!

I am not in support of the act committed by Ortega. I do find it ironic that he is a left wing whack job who committed an act that Big Sis at DHS said would come from right wing extremists.

The only things that would make this story (the association, not the act) sweeter is if Ortega was an illegal alien and the gun he used was traced back to Fast and Furious.

Now that would be funny indeed.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Liberals and Dependence

Liberals are raised to depend on government. This is how they think and feel about everything. Labor unions, government workers, college students, and any number of other groups have liberals in them who think that everything should be provided by the government. While temporary measures to help people are a worthy goal, the liberals among us start to become dependent and demand that things be made permanent.

They want the nanny state to take care of them.

This is often hidden in demands for their “rights” that are not actually rights. They will tell you they have a right to a job, a living wage, no cost health care, endless unemployment, public housing, big pensions, and any other item they can get the government to take from the producers in society and give to them. It is almost always couched as a right.

The government is willing to oblige and creates programs for all people because the government wants people to depend on it. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and welfare are government programs that were established to enslave people. The government requires people to participate (in some of them) and then uses the programs to threaten and scare people. Vote for me or the other guy will take your [fill in the blank]. You old people will be eating cat food if you vote for so and so because he will take your Social Security.

These programs have created groups of people who have become dependent on the government and now cannot live on their own. They will live and die at the whim of government.

The problem is that these programs have become so ingrained and have been touted as rights for so long that people fight hard to keep them and oppose any change. They do this even when faced with the reality that these programs cannot be sustained. They do it because they have become dependent.

This mentality is evident in the Occupy crowd currently infesting cities around the country.

In Southern California several street cart vendors found this out the hard way. A coffee cart vendor and a hot dog vendor are both located at the same place as the San Diego Occupiers, Civic Center Plaza.

They started out by giving coffee and hot dogs to the Occupiers at no cost. Then they stopped that practice and the Occupiers turned on them. The Occupiers threw body fluids (blood and urine) on the vendor’s carts.

Those carts will need to be cleaned or replaced because of the attack by the Occupiers. The vendors have also received death threats.

This is what happens when someone does something out of the goodness of their hearts. The liberals believe that the gesture is an entitlement and attacks when that “right” is taken away. These parasites have no more claim to the coffee and hot dogs that belong to the vendors than they do to the money that belongs to the taxpayers.

No one in the TEA Party has done anything like this and yet, Democrats and liberals around the country stand with the Occupiers and support what they are doing.

Why not? Hell, liberals think that they are entitled to your stuff and those in elected office are no different.

It is time to evict the Occupiers.

As for you vendor types who think you are doing a good thing by giving your stuff to them, I have a piece of advice that comes from the zoo.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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God Bless The Unruly Protesters

Nancy Pelosi has nothing but praise for the astro-turf Wall Street protests and the folks participating in them. She has favored their actions by saying; “God bless them.”

“The message of the protesters is a message for the establishment everyplace,” said the House Democrats’ leader. “No longer will the recklessness of some on Wall Street cause massive joblessness on Main Street.” The Weekly Standard

The former Speaker of the House has nothing but praise for the people who are breaking the law and committing acts of violence in an attempt to steal money from the wealthy in a Socialist redistribution scheme. The protesters, like Pelosi (as seen in her statement), blame Wall Street and the wealthy for the economic downturn despite the fact that this all started as a result of a burst housing bubble which was the result of Democrat policies. The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) forced banks to lend money to people who could not afford to pay it back just so they too could buy a home. The government sponsored entities of Fannie and Freddie bought up a bunch of the mortgages that had been bundled together. They ended up being worthless and the bubble burst.

This all occurred as the Bush Administration tried on more than a dozen occasions to reign in these entities and what they were doing. Democrats, including Barney Frank, defended Fannie and Freddie as financially sound and said they were in no trouble at all. Frank was sleeping with the guy in charge of one of those entities so he might not have been unbiased. Regardless, these Democrats allowed this to happen and now blame it on Wall Street.

The protesters are causing trouble and breaking the law and Pelosi has nothing but praise for them. She thinks it is great that people are out to collapse our system and force redistribution of wealth.

This is the same Nancy Pelosi who called TEA Party protesters un-American. Yes, the TEA Party folks are peaceful, have broken NO laws, have not destroyed property, and have cleaned up every place they have gathered but that is un-American to Pelosi. In addition, there has been NO violence caused by TEA Party protesters.

Pelosi called these folks un-American while she praises those who are violent law breakers. To her, the astro-turf Wall Street flash mobs and their spin offs across the country are American heroes.

This shows you what America is to Pelosi and the rest of the Socialists. Those who follow the laws, assemble according to their First Amendment rights and peacefully protest larger, out of control government are un-American while those who trash the place, fight with the police, commit acts of vandalism and engage in violence are to be blessed by God.

The left is engaging in violence and the politicians and their liberal supporters in the media and Hollywood are encouraging those acts. The people in these mobs are taking their cues from their political leaders who want the disruption and violence. It gives them a new crisis they cannot let go to waste.

These people are going to be very sorry if they bring their violence to main street America where Bible and gun clingers who have no tolerance for such stuff reside.

The National Guard put an end to this kind of mob violence in an incident at Kent State a very long time ago. It is time for the police to exert such force on those who commit acts of violence in the name of Pelosi (and Obama) and her Socialist agenda. That would put an end to the madness.

If these folks want to protest peacefully then they have the right to do so. When they cross that line they need to be smacked down and they need to be smacked down hard.

Remember this ladies and gentlemen, if this gets even more out of control and the police or others get hurt or killed, Nancy Pelosi gave them her blessing. If they cause mayhem they do so with the approval of Nancy Pelosi and others who astro-turfed this and are encouraging it (Michael Moore, Alec Baldwin, etc).

It is time to make these people live according to the rules and the laws. If they refuse then they need to be smacked down.

And Pelosi needs to be held accountable for giving them her blessing (and by extension, her permission) to act like animals.

Two other points. Obama’s rhetoric could spark violence and his people are protesting the entities that gave a lot of money to him in 2008.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The TEA Party Folks Causing Trouble

Have you heard about all those bad TEA Party people causing trouble in New York and around our country? Have you heard about the hundreds arrested? Have you heard about these spin off riots, ahem, protests in other cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver, and Seattle?

Of course you haven’t because the TEA Party folks are not the ones rioting around the nation. It is a bunch of left wing, give us your money because we deserve it types who think that wealthy people should have to give their money to everyone else. It is those folks who take taxpayer money from the government after it is taken from us by force.

The leeches on the left are starting to ramp up the intensity and are taking the cue Michael Moore gave them. They decided that they would rather resort to causing trouble because they feel entitled to YOUR money.

The next liberals talk badly about the TEA Party ask them to name a time when hundreds of TEA Party members were arrested for civil disturbance. Hell, ask them to point out one time that it happened. No, the TEA Party is peaceful, welcomes all, leaves wherever they go cleaner than when they arrived and obeys the laws.

The left and its media wing will make villains out of TEA Party members and ignore the real thugs, those on the left.

But those of us who are honest about it know the truth.

UPDATE: That fat pig Roseanne Barr wants to behead the wealthy who won’t give up their money. She thinks we should bring back the guillotine for the worst among us. She should be careful. Those who wanted that during the French Revolution ended up being beheaded themselves…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit
Big Dog


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