Unions Oppose Voter ID Except When It Is A Union Vote
Mar 12, 2012 Political

Imagine you belong to a union and that union is voting on something (contract, leadership, etc). You arrive at the union hall which belongs to the union and its members. Before you are allowed to vote you must show an ID. Why? What are the odds that the people in the room are not part of the union? Could they really get so many non union folks in there to affect the outcome of the vote without someone noticing they don’t belong? If there is any place where the likelihood of voter fraud is low it is in a union hall (with regard to non members voting, all kinds of fraud takes place in unions) so why is an ID required?
Better yet, why do the same unions that require an ID to vote in its processes oppose voter ID laws with regard to our state political elections?
The unions oppose voter ID when the general population is voting in political elections even though the potential (and actual) fraud is much higher than could ever be expected in a union hall where ID is required.
The reason is pretty simple. The unions do not want voter ID laws because those laws would keep the unions from committing voter fraud. The unions are heavily vested in the Democrat Party and the unions do a lot of fraudulent things. They intimidate people who are campaigning, they intimidate people who vote, and they help the dead get to the polls while also ensuring there are an adequate number of “extra” votes for the people they want to win.
Democrats and unions are one in the same. The same philosophy, same criminal activity, and same voter fraud (ACORN anyone) found in unions are found in the Democrat Party. They work hand in hand because unions work to get Democrats elected and then Democrats work to transfer taxpayer money to the unions. The violation of law leading to investors being shafted while unions took ownership of auto companies was a payoff and this kind of stuff happens all the time.
Since Democrats and unions are the same it should come as no surprise that Democrats oppose voter ID. Eric “The Red” Holder and his Justice Department just put the nix on a Texas voter ID law because of the phony claim that it might disproportionately affect Hispanics. Evidently, all those Hispanics in Texas who have jobs do not have ID. Evidently, all the Hispanics in Texas who receive welfare or drive a car do not have a valid ID. I can’t imagine how so many people could be affected by this law but evidently in Texas they let people work, drive, or receive welfare without an ID.
Let me tell you the real concern of Holder and the Obama regime. They are worried that a voter ID law would keep illegals from voting in elections and those would be lost Democrat votes. Illegals are not allowed to vote and ID laws would prevent more of them from doing so and this is a non starter for the Obama regime. The regime needs the illegals and all the other votes it can get in Texas because it is a very red state that contains a lot of electoral votes.
I know Texas is under special scrutiny because of past discrimination as are a few other states. It always seemed arbitrary to me because there are states not subject to the scrutiny and they were as discriminatory as any on the list.
Be that as it may, the argument that the law is discriminatory to Hispanics does not hold water. The Supreme Court has already ruled that a similar law in another state is Constitutional.
But Holder has pressed on with his crusade against voter ID.
He knows that those laws will likely be upheld by the SCOTUS (because they already have) but the legal process takes time.
And Holder only needs to delay until after this November.
If we are lucky, he will be in jail by then…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: eric holder, justice, lies, texas, union, voter id, votes
More From The Unlawful Regime
Jan 16, 2012 Political
It is no secret that Barack Obama has little regard for the Constitution. He thinks it puts up to many barriers to redistributive change (taking from one to give to another). He believes that there should not only be a level playing field (everyone has the same chance) but that outcomes should be equal. This is one of the things Socialists like and they particularly like the part where they live like kings while the rest of the population lives in poverty.
So there is little regard for the Constitution, no surprise there. Democrats do not like the thing because it makes it harder for them to run roughshod over us.
Eric Holder, the lawless Attorney General, made a speech today discussing voting rights. He was with the head of the NAACP in South Carolina where the US has blocked voter laws. Yes, the US has blocked ID laws because Democrats think it will discriminate against voters (OK, they think Democrat voters or they would not care). They might have a point, illegals are voting in our elections. This is the Democrat voting base so yes, laws would discriminate against them but not in a bad way. They are not allowed to vote.
This is what laws are for and this is one of the reasons states are getting tougher. They are doing it because the system is broken and is wide open for fraud despite what the morons in DC say. The regime knows that it is in deep stuff and that it needs every vote it can get, legal or otherwise, in order to win. Voter laws that improve the integrity of the system are a barrier that the regime does not like. Then again, integrity is not a strong point of these people (and by these people I mean Democrats).
To Democrats the Constitution is a document of convenience. If it suits their purpose they will use it and if it does not they will ignore it.
Eric Holder does not even know the thing. He filed suit in a federal court to block Arizona’s immigration law but the Constitution clearly states that the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction when any state is a party.
Article III, Sec. 2, clause 2 says:
In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction…
From an article in Canada Free Press. Bold as appears in the article.
This regime is lawless and will do whatever it can get away with in order to push its agenda of making America a Socialist nation. Many Americans are too blind or too deluded to see this but those who lived under an oppressive government can see what is going on. Russian immigrants are not thrilled with Democrats and are flocking to the GOP.
The states need to push back against the tyranny of the federal government. States need to enact whatever voting laws they desire and take the feds to court if they interfere. Arizona needs to continue with its immigration laws and ignore the court that decided against the state because that court and its judge had no Constitutional authority to act.
It is time for the states to take control and to put the federal government and the Obama regime in their place.
The Examiner
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: constitution, holder, illegal aliens, lawless, lis, naacp, Obama, voter id
NAACP Decries Voter ID As Racist
Dec 31, 2011 Political
The debate is raging about voter ID laws. The left continues to claim that they are racist and the intention is to disenfranchise Democrat voters because too many of the Democrat voters don’t have IDs. They ignore the reality that many of these folks need an ID to get government services and that most states requiring IDs will provide them for FREE to those who cannot afford one.
No, this is not good enough for Democrats who conjure up memories of Jim Crow (a Democrat initiative) and scream bloody murder about the poor folks who won’t be able to vote.
Those evil Republicans want to keep people who vote Democrat from voting.
Let’s stop a minute. Are Democrats the only constituency that has people without IDs? Is it commonplace in 2011 (hours from 2012) for that many people to not have an ID? How many people without IDs don’t bother to vote anyway?
The racist folks in Georgia enacted voter ID laws and Democrats saw an INCREASE in the number of people who voted, more so than any other state. Hmm, seems the voter ID requirements did not keep people from voting despite claims by the NAACP that ID laws are designed to suppress the vote.
Still, there are folks on the left who want to scream racism and deny that voter fraud exists. These are the same folks who screamed that voter fraud allowed George Bush to win in Florida in 2000 and in Ohio in 2004. Michael Moore discussed the alleged voter fraud and worked to get people at all the polls in 2004 with video cameras to catch the voter fraud. But, but, but, it does not exist.
I guess there is only voter fraud when a Republican wins. One only needs to look at the elections in Washington State and Minnesota to see how Democrats “find” ballots when their guy loses the first count.
Benjamin Jealous of the NAACP is out stumping for Obama and the Democrats and toeing the party line with the charge of racism. Why, there is little evidence of mass voter fraud. This while the head of the NAACP in Mississippi was sentenced to jail for … wait for it… voter fraud. Ben needs to look within before making stupid statements.
Or was it stupid. He did claim massive voter fraud. Does it matter how massive it is if it turns an election? If only ONE person voted illegally and that allowed a Republican to win would Ben say it was OK?
There are documented cases of voter fraud where people were convicted. Is this list massive? No, but how many more fraudulent votes were cast that no one knows about? How many people voted more than once because they did not have to show an ID? If you know your neighbor is out of town or has died it would be pretty easy to walk into a busy polling place and say you were that person. It has been done and it has been documented. It is not on the scale of massive because we have not caught them all. Too often, these crimes go unnoticed and it is virtually impossible to prove it after the fact. Besides, one court has ruled that the fraud is null and void once someone takes office. Why pursue the illegal votes when it does not matter?
Requiring an ID will take away the votes of dead people and of those who have been voted for by another person. Requiring an ID will take away the possibility of it happening so it will drop the number of fraudulent votes and it will ensure the process is cleaner. Only the person who has the proper ID will cast a vote in that name.
It is pretty simple.
But not simple enough for the race baiters who scream that it hurts people. Maybe more people voted in Georgia because they finally felt their vote would count and that the system had some integrity.
Not good enough for some who think throwing more money at the problem will fix it. This is typical liberal pablum. We have thrown trillions of dollars at poverty and there are as many people (or more) in poverty as when the war on poverty started. The percentage of people in poverty has been about the same since the war on it started and has risen over the last few years. money did not solve that problem.
We throw a lot of money at education. The scores for our children continue to lag behind other nations that spend far less than we do on education. Most of the money does not hit the classroom because it lines the pockets of unions thugs. It goes to teacher’s pensions and to benefits and the children are left behind. Throwing money at this problem has not fixed it.
We have a war on drugs and have spent billions on it. We still have a drug problem in this country and the money has not stopped it.
The money spent on programs never goes to where it is supposed to. We create more bureaucracies and pay more and more people to provide worse and worse results.
Throwing more money at the election process will not fix the problem. People will still be able to vote fraudulently. The motor voter law allows anyone to register to vote when getting a license. Given the number of illegal aliens with a license one can only imagine how many are registered to vote.
The solution is to require IDs and to prosecute any illegal act that escapes the ID requirement. Are there illegal acts that IDs will not prevent? Sure, there are plenty but those are another part of the problem and we need to address them as well.
Polling places should have cameras in place to ensure the poll workers are not tampering with machines. There should be a team of people who verify the machines have no votes cast and each machine is at zero prior to opening the doors. Chicago is well known for its fraud. One of the things they do is vote for all the dead people in town an hour or so before the polls officially open. A former Chicago poll worker told me this in an airport one day. He revealed several things that were done to ensure the “right guy” won.
We can keep this from happening by ensuring the integrity of the system is intact when the polls open. We can also be sure that New Black Panther thugs are not standing out front with sticks intimidating voters.
Pursue these problems even after the election and put the offenders in jail for a long period of time. Then, take away their ability to ever vote again and put them on a registry of convicted voter fraud felons (like the sex offender registry).
Democrats decry voter IDs because they claim those kinds of laws keep Democrats from voting. What they really mean is that they prevent Democrats from voting illegally. They are not worried that people might not vote, they are worried they might lose because the illegal vote was stopped.
Don’t fall for the hype and the hysteria. Require voter IDs.
As a final thought I read where one person (not sure who it was or who they were with) who said that there were no IDs when the Constitution was written and that they can’t be required now. Let’s ignore the reality that we could then not require ID for anything and look at the issue on its face. When the Constitution was written blacks, women and a number of other people could not vote.
Not sure we want to go back there so best not to argue what it was like back then.
There are a number of problems in our voting system that allow fraud. Requiring voter ID will fix one part of the problem. We need to have total reform in order to stop fraud.
If one thinks it is asking to much or putting a hurdle in the way of people to get and use an ID to vote perhaps they should spend some time in the boots of the men and women who die protecting the vote. They don’t think it is too much to ask them to do what they do so it should not be asking too much to ask people to get an ID to vote.
Even if the NAACP thinks otherwise.
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Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: chicago way, dead people, Democrats, fraud, illegal elections, lies, naacp, Obama, voter id
Another Reason For Voter ID
Dec 29, 2011 Political
I know there are folks who think that requiring an ID to vote disenfranchises many people. This is bogus and is only stated to work people up over the issue. People need an ID to do many things in this country and they should have to show an ID to vote. Yes, there are people who do not have an ID. That is a personal choice and if they want to vote they can get one. Many states that require an ID to vote offer them free to those who can’t otherwise afford them. It is not asking too much of someone to have them get an ID. If they do not want one that is their choice which means they made a choice not to be able to vote (no different than choosing not to register to vote in order to avoid jury duty).
Ironically, those very same people would stand in line for an ID were one required to get a government handout.
There has been plenty of fraud over the decades with dead people voting, people voting in person and absentee in two different states, people voting more than once and people voting in the name of someone else. There are people who fill out ballots for the elderly in nursing homes. Many people in nursing homes who are barely functional vote because someone filled out a ballot for them. This includes people who are never awake.
There is fraud and no matter how small it is it tarnishes the entire system.
We need IDs to thwart some of this so we don’t have close elections being decided when just enough ballots to give the Democrat a win suddenly appear. If they were not cast with a valid ID then they don’t count, period.
This is very important because once the election is over the courts will not do anything even if fraud is shown. Yes, if a person wins by 100 votes and is sworn in and then it is shown that 200 illegal ballots were cast for that person he will remain in office.
The judges on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals have ruled that election fraud suspected in the 2008 presidential campaign essentially was canceled by the inauguration of Barack Obama. WND
So according to this court any election fraud was invalidated by the inauguration. This means if 5000 dead people vote for someone (Maryland and Chicago like this method) and that someone wins and takes the oath of office the election fraud is invalidated. Suppose you committed tax fraud and received a huge refund even though you were supposed to pay a lot in taxes and then suppose you spent all the money you got back. Do you think the 9th Circus Court would rule your tax fraud had been invalidated because you had already spent the money?
As an aside, there are many Democrats who would like such a ruling (Geithner, Rangel, Daschle etc)
Since most fraud is not discovered until long after the swearing in has taken place there is nothing to stop people from committing fraud because they know they will get away with it as long as it is not discovered before a person takes the oath of office.
At least with voter IDs some of the methods used to cheat will be taken away.
We needs laws allowing elections to be overturned when fraud is discovered no matter when it is discovered and we need mandatory prison terms for people who commit voter fraud.
I know, the bleeding hearts will say this will disenfranchise people.
Yep, it will disenfranchise those who cheat. Democrats won’t like that because they wrote the book on election fraud.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: 9th circus court, election fraud, voter id
Democrats Continue With The Race Card
May 19, 2011 Political
To Democrats, Republicans are racists. There is no getting around it because the left will invent racism where it does not exist or redefine it in order to make the claim. Oppose Barack Obama’s policies, racist. Oppose illegal aliens entering our country, racist (despite the fact that a person’s nationality is NOT a race). Note to liberals, Hispanic is not a race and neither is Islamic or Muslim (though some are listed as “race” on forms, they are not races).
The Democrats make these claims despite the fact that it has been Republicans who have been on the side of equal and civil rights. Republicans ended slavery, introduced civil rights legislation, and were the driving force in passing the Civil Rights Act. All Democrats have done is treat minorities as second class citizens by using affirmative action and welfare as tools to control people. The very nature of affirmative action is that the minority is not capable of achieving on his own and requires his betters to help him. It is racism and it comes from the left.
Democrats have to invent the boogeyman of racism in order to fire up the base, a base so use to hearing about racism that it too sees race in every issue. Donna Brazile, a Democrat, has an article out in USA Today discussing the GOP 2012 Game Plan as one of disenfranchisement. She goes on to explain that voter fraud laws and laws requiring ID to vote are discriminatory to minorities, cost lots of money, and are implemented in battleground states, like Ohio, where there is no history of voter fraud. Funny, when Democrats lose in Ohio, they scream voter fraud.
Another funny thing is that Democrats will work extra hard to disenfranchise the votes coming in from the military. I do not recall Brazile writing a column about the continuous disenfranchisement of military members by politicians on the left. The left has, year after year, found ways to discount tens of thousands of votes from the people serving in our military. And guess what, all those folks have a valid ID card.
There are many stories about voter fraud in places like Ohio despite the claims to the contrary.
[note]In Ohio a man from Illinois is taken to vote.
Voting irregularities in Florida and Ohio[/note]
There are heavily Democrat areas where 125% of the population voted in the last election. There are recounts where hundreds of votes for Democrats miraculously appear in order to change the vote and guarantee the win. Democrats know how to cheat and they do it very well. ACORN was set up to help them with that endeavor. The fraud there should be enough to demonstrate the need for ID and other measures.
But no, to Brazile it is a matter of racism. The poor people will not be able to vote because they can’t get an ID card. So tell me, how do these people get welfare? You need to prove who you are in order to get welfare so how do they do that?
While one could argue if voting is an individual right (the Constitution does not list it as an explicit right, only reasons you can’t be denied the “right to vote”). In other words, a state could change the way people are elected and eliminate a vote. The federal government could do that. However, assuming we have a “right” to vote why is it that an ID is not required to exercise that right?
We have an absolute right to keep and bear arms and yet many states infringe on that right. There is no state where one can buy a gun without showing an ID. So tell me, if I have to show an ID to buy a gun why does a person not have to show an ID to vote?
We have to show identification to open a bank account, sign our kids up for sports or school, get a driver’s license, enter a federal or state government building, get on an airplane, buy alcohol or tobacco and when requested by a police officer.
So tell me, why is voting any different? What makes it so special that people should not have to show an ID to do it?
And don’t bother telling me how people can’t afford an ID. I am tired of that argument. If you want to vote then you can get an ID (in the unlikely event you do not have one). You can give up smokes for a few days and pay for an ID. And NO, the government should not provide one to you for free. If I want to buy a gun but do not have an ID you can bet the government will NOT provide one for me and buying a gun, unlike voting, is a clearly enumerated right in our Constitution.
To put it another way, if you are unable to get an ID you should not be allowed to vote.
Yes, Brazile is worried about the 21 million Americans of voting age who do not have an ID and therefore will not be able to vote. Since one is required to show an ID to get a job it would appear that there are bigger concerns than voting here. Perhaps these disenfranchised Democrats should get a photo ID so they can GET A JOB.
Brazile might be right about this affecting Democrats more than Republicans. Getting an ID is a matter of personal responsibility and Democrats lack that attribute.
However, for those still concerned that folks won’t get an ID just tell them they need it for their gubmint check and they will jump right up and get it.
One last thing, Brazile is concerned that the laws reducing the number of days of early voting and removing the ability to change one’s address on Election Day will affect people. What kind of drugs does she take? A change of address does not sneak up on people and neither does Election Day. People are able to address this prior to Election Day. Anyone who waits until Election Day to deal with this is demonstrating a lack of personal responsibility. As for early voting, the longer the polls are open the more opportunity there is for fraud.
I will offer this to Ms. Brazile. Our game plan is not to keep voters home. It is to ensure that only those who are eligible to vote do so and that they only do it once (and in the correct polling place). PERIOD. My game plan would be to require a birth certificate to register to vote and an ID to actually vote. I needed that to join the Army so there should be no complaints.
I also add that the penalty for fraudulent voting (and voter intimidation, hear that Eric Holder) should be mandatory 10 years in jail with no parole and no probation. If you vote in Florida and also in New York and get caught then you should go to jail for 10 years with no exception. PERIOD.
We need to stop pussy footing around with people and hold them responsible.
And we need people like Donna Brazile to crawl back under her rock and quit with the cries of racism and claims of disenfranchisement. Her party is the guilty party and the story could very easily have been written, DEMs game plan for 2012. Disenfranchise the military like they do every election.
But what would America be without the race baiters to stir up phony claims of racism?
It would be a better place where minorities were not held captive on the left’s plantation…
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Never surrender, never submit.
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