We Will Remember In November

Congress got the chance to vote last night and the Democrats went against the will of the people to pass a bill that most do not want. The need for reform exists but people do not want this bill as the reform because it is intrusive and contains at least one unconstitutional provision.

Democrats ignored their constituents and voted with the party to takeover and control our lives. The bill is bad which is why the Democrats are in damage control mode. The bill is bad which is why they had to bribe their own members. The bill is bad which is why most Americans oppose it.

But they voted for it anyway. OK, Democrats in Congress got their chance to vote last night and we will get our chance in November. We will make them pay, and pay dearly, for ignoring our will and imposing theirs. They know they are in trouble and only hope that they have enough time to change people’s minds. They will also push for the rest of their agenda (amnesty, cap and trade, etc.) to keep us occupied and to make us forget what they did.

They will not be successful. When election day gets here they will pay with their jobs. We will not forget what they did. We will not forget the process and the way they ignored our Republican form of government to play dictator. We will not forget.

Those in safe districts likely have little to worry about but they will be in the minority when the election rolls around. Nancy Pelosi will be relegated to the minority. If they are smart they will give her a job cleaning latrines. That is where she belongs.

Meanwhile, people will hold Barack Obama accountable. He said on at least twenty occasions that he will reduce premiums by about $2500. He had better come through on that or he will be bounced on his progressive ass in 2012. He is likely a one term occupant anyway but Bill Clinton was able to wrangle a second term. Obama, with a Republican majority, might be able to do the same. We have had enough of this communist and we need to get rid of him after one term before he does even more damage.

It might be worthwhile for conservatives to sell all stock in companies who supported this mess.

We lost a battle yesterday but we have not lost the war. We need to get into our full battle rattle and take back our country.

We can start in November by making every one of them pay for what they did.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Why Democrats Disenfranchise The Military

I wrote earlier about how the military (those members serving away from home) gets screwed during the elections when their votes are deliberately not counted. The men and women who defend this country and guarantee all the rest of us the right to vote and ensure we do it safely are routinely left out of the process. Earlier this year Barack Obama said that he would work to gain their trust and support. He wants them to know that he, with little leadership experience and no military experience, will be a better commander in chief than a decorated war hero like John McCain. Just ask Barack and he will tell you he is better qualified to lead our men and women in uniform.

The reason that Democrats work very hard to exclude the military vote is quite simple. Members of the military overwhelmingly support the Republican candidate. This video shows the results of a Military Times poll and the numbers are devastating for Obama.

This might explain why Fairfax Virginia is considering illegally suppressing the military vote. The Fairfax County Registrar (and possibly registrars in other localities) is rejecting Federal Write In Ballots that members of the military used if they were unable to get an absentee ballot. The FWAB is a safety net in case military members and their family members do not get absentee ballots but the registrar is placing restrictions on the ballots that violate federal law.

The ballots have not yet been rejected, they have been segregated while a decision is made. Seems to me that decision will be made when the regular ballots are counted. If the military vote could hurt their candidate then Democrats will fight to keep them from being counted. If the Democrat has a comfortable lead then the military vote will be graciously accepted.

This happens every election cycle and in places like Florida and Pennsylvania it is blatant and wrong. The members of the military deserve to have their votes counted and registrars should not be excluding them for bogus rules especially rules that violate federal law.

One nice thing is that a lot of these military folks are coming home and running for office. Many of them appeal to the people of their communities. With any luck, the Congress will be filled with genuine heroes who actually know how to accomplish something and are not afraid of working for a living.

Just look at Jack Murtha. He might get upset by Army Veteran William Russell.

Now that would be sweet.

Big Dog salute to Covertress.

Big Dog