Once Again Hamas Provokes Violence; Israel Condemned

For quite some time now Hamas has been launching rockets into Israel. The rockets, accompanied by mortars, were sometimes delivered at a rate of 100 per day. Now these were not rockets launched at a military target or at combatants, these were projectiles indiscriminately launched into Israel with no regard for where they would land or who they would injure or kill. Hamas gave little thought to the civilian casualties or to the innocent children who could be injured.

During this time Israel has warned Hamas that it would retaliate if the rocket attacks did not stop. The leaders in the Arab world urged restraint and urged Israel not to resort to violence. The thing they did not do was urge Hamas to stop launching rockets. Little or no pressure was exerted on Hamas to stop provoking Israel. Israel warned that a boiling point was being reached and that the time for talking had passed. Israel urged Hamas to stop or there would be hell to pay.

Today that hell broke loose as Israel launched attacks inside of Gaza and took out quite a few strongholds from where the rockets were launched. The Arab world is shocked, shocked I say, that Israel would attack. I wonder why these barbaric animals are shocked that Israel attacked after it said that it would? This reminds me of how that part of the world reacted when George Bush said we would soon exact revenge on those who knocked our buildings down and then he did it. How dare they keep their word?

Well, the usual suspects have lined up to condemn Israel. The Arab league is meeting while various mouthpieces in their backwards culture condemn the acts of the Zionists. Blah, blah. Members of the European Union are urging restraint while the Arabs and other Jew haters condemned Israel.

It is like this, the Arab world will call anything that Israel does wrong and will condemn it. None of these pencil necked terrorists condemned Hamas or told Hamas to stop launching rockets and now they are acting like someone stole their camel because they got smacked back. These animals only understand violence and they look at non violence as a sign of weakness. The rockets were launched into Israel and Israel did not respond so more rockets were launched.

Now of course, Israel has unleashed fury and the animals are crying. Oh, there were children and civilians who were injured. Spare me the tears. The cowards who pass as men in that part of the world routinely hide among the women and children and they have little regard for their lives any other time. They have no regard for the women and children who might get hurt by the rockets they launch into Israel. They only play to the sympathies of the world so that people will condemn Israel. The propaganda worked last time Israel defended itself.

I have been critical of Israel in the past but not because it attacked. I have been critical because it waits way too long and then it never completes the job and bows to international pressure. Israel needs to ignore all the calls for restraint and continue to bomb the living hell out of Gaza and Hamas. It needs to turn the place into a human wasteland where rubble and remains are all that is left. It needs to defend its nation with overwhelming strength that is hugely disproportionate to what was used against it. It is obvious that little forays into a mini war do not yield results so Israel needs to absolutely level the place and kill every living thing that presents opposition. Then it needs to dare any other nation of barbarians to mess with it.

Israel has a small piece of land and it is surrounded by enemies who want it exterminated. Israel is the only land of opportunity in the region where people of different backgrounds can live and worship without fear. There are mosques in Israel where Muslims may worship. You cannot say that anything similar takes place in surrounding nations. But Israel is constantly under attack by those who keep asking for a little more land. Leave here and there will be peace. There will be no peace until you leave there. Go here, go there, leave here, leave there, capitulate, give us what we want and there will be peace.

But there is never peace. The Arab world continues to push and push. It continues to work to destroy Israel and to wipe it off the map.

The United Nations condemns Israel for defending itself but takes little action to sanction those nations provoking Israel. Israel is always made out to be the bad guy and it is not right.

Israel has a right to defend itself as does any other nation on this planet. Everyone else needs to mind their business and let Israel work out its problems with its neighbors. If other Middle Eastern countries get involved then Israel will need to decide how to handle it and when (as well as who) to ask for help.

Until that time, people should let Israel take care of its own business. I for one would like to see Israel not stop until Hamas is a memory and nothing more.

The Jerusalem Post | al Reuters

Big Dog

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American Jews Betrayed Israel

I have always been a friend of Israel and a strong supporter of the Jewish religion. I have also expressed how I am mystified by the support Jews give the Democratic party here in America. Democrats are not friendly to Jews and only court them around election time. I can’t understand how such a fairly well educated group of successful people can be so willing to back people who care little about them or their country of origin.

Barack Obama is no friend of Israel. The video the LA Times refuses to release would show Obama blaming Israel for genocide and saying that it has no right to some claimed land. Obama has aligned himself with people who are anti Semitic like Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright as well as Hymietown Jackson. And yet, American Jews overwhelmingly supported Barack Obama for president.

Looks like Jews in Israel did not support the idea of a president Obama and now they are quite worried about his victory. Given recent statements by Iran about an Obama victory meaning the end of the Zionists one can readily understand the apprehension of those Jews who live in Israel:

Then Israel warned last night that the new U.S. Commander-in-Chief’s campaign claim that he was ready to open talks with Iran could be seen in the Middle East as a sign of weakness.


In a step that will further increase Israel’s anxiety about Obama, Tehran announced last night that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had broken a 29-year tradition and sent his congratulations to the President-elect – the first time an Iranian leader has offered such wishes since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Ahmadinejad congratulated the Democrat on ‘attracting the majority of voters in the election’.

He said he hoped Obama will ‘use the opportunity to serve the (American) people and leave a good name for history’ during his term in office. Daily Mail UK

The tell tale signs were present all along and yet the Jews in America refused to heed them. In Hitler’s Germany there were tell tale signs and non Jews around the world ignored them until millions of Jews had been murdered by Hitler and his henchmen.

In our time the people ignoring the dangers to Israel’s Jews are the Jews who have made a good life for themselves in America. They voted overwhelmingly to put a man who poses a threat to millions of Jews in Israel in charge of America. The overwhelming support for Obama by American Jews has placed Israel in grave danger and guaranteed that it will have no peace for quite some time. The acts of American Jews have further emboldened murderous tyrants like Ahmadinejad.

Jews selling out other Jews. That was the scenario that sent Jesus to the cross and it might be the scenario that sends Israel a lot of death and destruction.

I wonder if these American Jews got their 30 pieces of silver?

Big Dog

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Why No War Coverage During Campaign?

When the Democrats were engaged in their drawn out primary they discussed the war on terror in Iraq quite frequently. Obama claimed that he had the best judgment because he opposed the war though no one knows how he would have voted because he was not in the Senate. In his 143 days of work (yep that is how many he has in 4 years) he has not done much to show his strong opposition or immense wisdom.

The war was supposed to be the big issue. The Democrats were going to club Republicans to death over Bush’s mismanagement of the war. Obama said the surge did not work, Reid said we lost and many other Democrats talked about how we were doing poorly.

Ever since the general election campaign started there is little news about the war. In three debates the issue was barely discussed other than some foreign policy discussion and Obama’s refusal to acknowledge the success of the surge. He also had the opportunity to lie about what he “has said all along” (when Obama uses those words he is lying and it is not what he said all along).

Perhaps the war is not discussed because the Democrats can get no traction out of it. When things were going rough they were going to ride anti war sentiment into the White House. The problem for the Democrats is, despite their best efforts, we are winning. The US has suffered the lowest number of casualties since the war began with 13 in October and 61 since the beginning of August. The number of Iraqi deaths has also fallen.

Our heroes are doing a great job and we are winning the war. George Bush has been beaten up pretty badly over the war but we are making real progress. It is not time to pull our troops out. We need an exit strategy that includes winning as a precondition of coming home.

It is hard to tell what Obama will do because he told people during the primaries that he would take them out immediately. Then he started changing his tune and now he calls for responsible withdraw. Responsible withdraw is when we win.

John McCain will not allow our troops to be defeated and will do a much better job with the military. Obama can claim he is better suited to be the Commander in Chief but those claims are from a fantasy world. John McCain had forgotten more about the military that Obama will ever know.

My Way News

I am the Big Dog and I approve this blog post.

Big Dog

Obama; Wrong Then and Befuddled Now

Barack Hussein Obama absolutely opposed the surge of troops into Iraq. This is an undeniable truth and his own words on the subject depict not only a man who opposed the surge but told us that he believed it would have the opposite effect. He said it would cause more violence, not less. Doug Ross documents Obama’s position on the surge:

  • Barack Obama, Jan. 2007: “I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraqis going to solve the sectarian violence there. In fact, I think it will do the reverse.”
  • Democrat Barack Obama, Jan 2007: “I don’t think the president’s [surge] strategy is going to work.”
  • Democrat Barack Obama, Jul. 2007: “My assessment is that the surge has not worked.”
  • Democrat Barack Obama, Oct. 2007: “[The surge is a] complete failure… Iraq’s leaders are not reconciling. They are not achieving political benchmarks.”

There is no doubt that Obama opposed the surge, thought it would not work and declared it a failure. So what does the presumptive Democratic nominee do when confronted with the fact that the surge has been a success despite the defeatist attitude of him and his fellow Democrats? He refuses to admit he was wrong and then says that, knowing what he knows now, he still would not have supported it. Then, just to show how really out of touch he is, he advocates for a surge in Afghanistan. In other words, he wants us to do in Afghanistan what worked in Iraq but which he opposed and would still oppose were it presented today. Or would he since he is supporting it now but in another country? Confused yet?

We should have seen this coming since Obama told us six months ago that success was based on Democrats being elected to the majority:

What we have to do is to begin a phased redeployment to send a clear signal to the Iraqi government that we are not going to be there in perpetuity. Now, it will — we should be as careful getting out as we were careless getting in. I welcome the genuine reductions of violence that have taken place, although I would point out that much of that violence has been reduced because there was an agreement with tribes in Anbar province — Sunni tribes — who started to see, after the Democrats were elected in 2006, you know what, the Americans may be leaving soon, and we are going to be left very vulnerable to the Shi’as. We should start negotiating now. That’s how you change behavior.

And that’s why I will send a clear signal to the Iraqi government. They will have ample time to get their act together, to actually pass an oil law, which has been — they’ve been talking about now for years. [emphasis added] Flopping Aces

So, which is it Senator? Were the troops the reason for the decreased violence or was this brought about because Democrats were elected to the majority? Why do you want to put more troops in Afghanistan (to emulate the strategy in Iraq) if you opposed it as wrong then and still would not support it today?

Obama is busy trying to appease everyone in order to get elected. He needs to appeal to the left wing moonbats who oppose any military action and want an immediate withdraw. He needs to appeal to people who want victory as the exit strategy so he can pick up those votes and he needs to appear as if he knew what he was talking about all along so that people will not think he is inexperienced or a flip-flopper.

If he admits he was wrong about the surge then his base will think he abandoned them. He will suffer a reverse of Hillary’s fate. She refused to admit her vote for the war was wrong and she lost support. If he admits that the surge was the right thing to do he will lose support as well.

The problem is, he was wrong. He was wrong about it all and now he is being called on it. The Gateway Pundit has video of an interview with Katie Couric of CBS and Obama comes off as smug and uninformed. Obama’s position is that the surge worked but it was bad strategy. In the interview, he makes a weak attempt at deflecting to how money could have been used to do other things. It is quite pathetic.

Here is an idea. Pick a position and stick with it. If you are wrong then have the testicular fortitude to say that your initial assessment was wrong and move on from there.

The problem is, Obama is trying to be everything to everyone and in the end it will be his undoing. As the next 15 weeks move on more Americans will see that Obama really lacks the experience to lead us in these perilous times.

Obama had better get it right because if he is elected and then takes actions that cause us to lose the war it will alienate a lot of this country. Americans, all real Americans, can’t stand the thought of losing. Obama’s plan is to lose and if we had followed his desires we would be doing just that.

I just wish that the Democrats had as much desire for our country to win the war as they do to win elections.

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Big Dog

Obama Redeemed by a Mistake?

Jesse Jackson said it was a redemptive campaign. Obama’s foreign policy wisdom has caused great joy in moonbat-ville tonight. Only problem, it is all predicated upon a mistake.

The MSM and the Internet are all atwitter as liberals frolic at the news that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has agreed with the Messiah, Barry Obama. A German publication quoted Maliki as agreeing with the Messiah on a 16 month withdraw plan for US forces. I have been reading the reports of this at ABC’s Political Punch and the liberals are having multiple orgasms. They are thanking Obama and attributing all this to his vast foreign policy experience. The only problem in all this is that Maliki never said that he agreed with Obama. He was either misquoted or his statement was mistranslated.

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