And So The Gun Grab Begins

The Obama Administration is working to reenact the “assault” weapons ban that Bill Clinton put into place and that George Bush allowed to sunset. The ban was not effective for a number of reasons. One is that it bans weapons based on cosmetic features which means the same amount of firepower is available in a different look. The most important reason these bans don’t work is that criminals don’t obey the law. All during the last ban criminals used the banned weapons to kill others.

The administration is working in bits and pieces to get rid of guns. They are going to be the camel’s nose under the tent. By the time anyone realizes what is going on the entire camel will be inside. They have HR41 which is designed to make it extremely difficult for people to own weapons. Obama and Biden both favor technologies that are restrictive like microengraving ammunition and smart weapons (which do not exist).

If they can push their agenda one little piece at a time they will effectively ban guns in this country. That is the goal because the armed citizenry is a formidable foe and the right to bear arms was acknowledged (it preexisted) to oppose tyranny. The government cannot impose its will on people who are armed and willing to fight to remain free.

First the Nazis disarmed the Jews. Then they murdered them because they had no means to resist.

If you are a gun owner and are not a member of the NRA, now is the time to join.

Big Dog

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