Keep Government Out Of Your Home

People are free to use their homes for anything they desire so long as what they are doing is legal. Once law enforcement is aware of illegal activities then it is obligated to act. However, people are free to do anything in their own homes.

People can host Tupperware parties, scout meetings, Thanksgiving dinner, football parties, pool parties, wakes, bachelor parties, wedding receptions, Amway sales meetings, Homeowner’s Association meetings, socials and birthday parties.

Apparently, one can do all these in his home and have no problem (unless the activity disturbs the peace) but one thing that cannot be done, at least in Gilbert Arizona, is for church groups to meet in a private home. In Gilbert, members of the local church host Bible Study meetings in their homes on a rotating basis.

Those meetings have been put on hold as the legal system works out the process of what authority the town has to decide what legal things people can do in their own homes.

Good luck with that. People can do whatever they want in their homes including worshiping, holding Bible studies, and dying Easter Eggs and there is not a thing the government can do about it.

It is amazing that people are told what they can and cannot do in their own homes, the homes they are buying and paying for, and yet we as a society can’t tell people living in public housing to mow their own grass.

It is also a sure bet that if a group of Muslims were having meetings at a home they would not be bothered and if they were CAIR would be screaming about discrimination. After all, they have the right to build bomb vests in their own home and no one has the right to deny them that religious practice.

The folks in Gilbert AZ need to stand up to this and tell government to back off. What goes on in the home is none of government’s business.

Government is out of control…


Big Dog


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Maryland Senator; Pictures Of Dear Leader Obama In All State Buildings

It took the election of Barack Obama to make one Maryland State Senator recognize what it means to be a good citizen. Lisa Gladden is introducing legislation that would require every state building to have a picture of Barack Obama in it. Gladden evidently wants Obama to share wall space with the governor whose picture adorns all state buildings. She must not understand the difference between state and federal government. You see, Obama’s picture is in the federal buildings within the state.

But to Gladden, this is not a matter of whether one supports Obama, it is about supporting America. To Gladden, putting Obama’s picture in all state buildings is all about being a good citizen.

So, is this to indicate that we all were not good citizens when Bush, Clinton, H.W. Bush, Reagan and every other past president was in office because their pictures were not hanging in every state building?

It would seem that we were incapable of being good citizens until Obama came along and forgave our sins. This is the mentality of some of the morons who go ga ga over the sainted one. Gladden is so smitten with him and his election that she is not concerned about the cost associated with the pictures and she is unaware that her request appears to be more about the man and not so much about being a good citizen because she is blinded by the light that shone through the clouds that opened when Obama was elected. Her Obama worship has caused her to ignore the financial mess we are in, a mess that was caused by moron state legislators like, well, her.

It is not surprising that Gladden would be unconcerned with the cost. When Baltimore was preparing for the Obama express to come to town the costs were piling up and topped out around 11 million dollars. Gladden said that it did not matter that the state had budget problems as long as Obama was president.

I guess she, like Peggy the Moocher, figures now that Obama has been elected all our financial woes will go away as he steps up to pay our bills.

Seems to me that there have been other leaders whose pictures were placed everywhere; Hitler, Il, and the other Hussein.

Maybe after Dear Leader is in office for a year or so Lisa Gladden can have bronze statues made and put them in front of all the state buildings.

At least that will give us something to tear down during the revolution…

Baltimore Examiner

Big Dog

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