Tea Party Protesters Are Racists

Stevie Wonder Could Have Seen This Coming

Janeane Garofalo, the skank dirtball who is allergic to bathing, has weighed in with her assessment of the people who attended the peaceful Tea Party protests which were grass roots and driven from the bottom up, unlike the George Soros flash protests of the left (yeah Meathead, I know what you wrote). According to this Franken like comedian (as in NOT funny) the protests were driven by racial hatred by a bunch of white people who can’t stand having a black man (actually a HALF black man) as president.

“Let’s be very honest about what this is about. This is not about bashing Democrats. It’s not about taxes. They have no idea what the Boston Tea party was about. They don’t know their history at all. It’s about hating a black man in the White House,” she said on MSNBC’s “The Countdown” with Keith Olbermann Thursday evening. “This is racism straight up and is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. There is no way around that.” Washington Times

There is a way around this mindless prattle and that is by listening to the truth. Skank insults the intelligence of every person (estimated at about 300,000) by saying they had no idea what the first Boston Tea Party was about. The last thing anyone needs is a moron like Garofalo trying to teach them.

The Tea Parties were not about racism and they were not totally about Resident Obama. They were about the out of control spending and waste of tax dollars by our government. This includes George Bush and most members of Congress regardless of party. People like Garofalo need to keep telling these lies in order to protect the sainted Won. It is a slap in the face to him because he was supposed to be the Won who would calm the seas, bring us together and make the world a better place. It is not good for there to be so much discontent when the sainted Won is in office.

Garofalo also took aim at Fox News which is strange because she was on the payroll of Fox when she appeared in the hit series 24. I like her character in the show. She is obviously liberal and demonstrates how they act by opposing a legally questionable thing until the person asking says she needs to do it to feel better and atone for an earlier mistake. Just like a lib, “if it makes you feel good then it is OK.”

Anyway, Garofalo was on the Keith Olberdouche show so that means she is getting more exposure from blogs than she did on the show because hardly anyone watches it.

As for her assertions, I take them with a grain of salt. I stated long ago that no matter what was done if it was seen as opposition to the Won (even though the Tea Parties were opposition to oppressive government) then it would be labeled racist. If someone opposes redistribution of wealth, racist. If someone opposes tax increases or out of control spending, racist. If someone, well, you get the picture.

This is not surprising coming from Garofalo. She is a skank, or as Cleveland on Family Guy might say; “oh, that’s just nasty.”

Isn’t it strange that the MSM and all the libs will run around like their heads are on fire and their a$$e$ are catching because they feel conservative talk show hosts might incite violence but they give a pass to people like this (especially Olberdouche) who routinely say things that could cause hatred and violence. How many people who believe the whole racist redneck tag will resort to violence because of it? I am not saying the talk hosts should be blamed because I have said quite often that people are responsible for their own actions but does anyone else see the hypocrisy?

As for intelligence and all the insults about conservative brains, look who is saying it. Garofalo could not pour water out of a bucket if the directions were written on the bottom.

I hope they whack her character in 24. It would be fun to watch her die a horrible death (but only in the show).

I know Olberdouche and the others at PMSNBC don’t have very high ratings. I would not have known about this were it not for Amanda Carpenter and Shari Elliker because I do not watch that network. It seems to me that it is the place where morons go to watch equally moronic people drool all over themselves.

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19 Responses to “Tea Party Protesters Are Racists”

  1. Blake says:

    Dog, I have found over the years, that I can trade political discourse with anyone who has some intelligence, but when it comes to the Hollywood Liberal Morons, a la Baldwin, Basinger, Garofalo, et al, I have found that at some point, after hearing complete moronic spew coming from their mouths, I cannot separate their TV character from their natural idiocy, and when I look on 24, and see this liberal sasquatch, I can’t make the leap into “pretend- land”, and enjoy 24, as I might have.
    This is true of many of the other actors I see that mouth off as if they had a cogent thought, when all they ever do is parrot the conversation they overheard over some sushi, and thought was ever so clever.
    Now, I have a list of people I cannot watch in a movie or TV, all because they were SUCH idiots that now I identify them with their rant, not their character.
    When will these people come to Jesus and realize that they are jesters, minstrels for our enjoyment and pleasure, not to mention occasional ridicule.
    But what they need to learn, is that the people do not take jesters seriously- why would we?

  2. Bill Jones says:

    No one was more disappointed than I was when I sat down to watch this season of 24 and saw that Garofalo had a recurring role. Thankfully, it has dwindled in prominence as the season has gone on. A friend asked me today “How does that woman keep getting work? She can’t act and she is NOTHING to look at.” I told him it’s because of comments like this and others she has made recently that keep her employed. If she had to survive on talent or looks she would be dead in the water. She spews forth her vile nonsense (talk about trying to incite hatred and violence) just to keep herself noticed by the “power moguls” in Hollywood who throw her a bone every now and then.

    Good doggie…what a good girl!

    What a bitch.

  3. Barbara says:

    What these brainless people don’t realize is that when this nation becomes socialist and Obama is in full control, then they will not have any rights either. They will be controlled also. I wonder what they will say then.

    • Victoria says:

      I keep wondering that myself, Barbara. And just what Obama has to do that is going to wake a lot of these totally naive people up. They should really take notice when the DHS calls Americans terrorists and completely leaves out the real terrorists who are here somewhere plotting how to kill us.

  4. Victoria says:

    The producer of the film “Media Malpractice: How Obama Got Elected” was handcuffed and thrown off the campus of the University of Southern California for asking questions outside the hall where network anchor Katie Couric was to receive an award for her role in the presidential campaign.

  5. K.C. says:

    This was a demonstration organized by the klu klux klan and all thier right wing supporters.Nothing more than a good ol boy klan rally disguised as a march with merit.It wasnt hard to tell when I heard and saw the signs that matched the rhetoric of hate groups of the sixty’s.Taunting OUR PRESIDENT with rascist cartoon characters on signs is a known calling card.Shame on all of you!!!

    • Big Dog says:

      KC, you ignorant moron.

      The KKK was a Democratic organization. The only members of Congress who are or were in the KKK are Democrats.

      Where were you when people protested and had similar signs for George Bush? Oh, I get it, he is white so they were not calling cards.

      Like I said, everything will be labeled racist.

      Keep in mind folks, KKK=DEMOCRATIC PARTY
      Jim Crow Laws=DEMOCRATIC PARTY
      Votes Against Civil Rights=DEMOCRATIC PARTY
      Refusal to end slavery=DEMOCRATIC PARTY

      Shame on you KC for not knowing history and for spewing racist allegations. Shame on you but Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would be proud of you.

    • Blake says:

      KC, you really can’t be this ignorant, can you? I mean, if you are, wow- I feel for your family. You really need to get out more. There was no racist rant here at the two rallies attended, just folks who are tired of paying their tax money to either banks who won’t lend to the people, or welfare people who won’t work. Both of these groups are bloodsuckers, but under Obama, these groups will grow, because he will expand the entitlement class, and if there is no incentive to work, then why?
      The rallies were neither Republicrat or Demican- both sides were equally loathed. If you can’t see this, well as they say, a closed mind catches no intelligence.

      • ClassicFilm says:

        Exactly the same at the big tax protest tea party rally in Phoenix, AZ. It was amazing, all people were friendly, excited, and comfortable with each other, knowing we are all patriots and tired of Washington pulling our strings and the money out of our wallets. There were all races there and people of all ages, sizes, and shapes. No racism (although, that is the consistent thing a liberal will say when he or she has nothing of value to offer. Say “racist” to stop the intelligent discussion. LOL, just like that moron Janeane Garofalo).

        No one caused a problem at the protest (I take that back: two guys were pulled away by Phoenix police for trying to stir things up in the crowd. It is believed they were hired to do so by ACORN). I talked with 2 men who were registered Democrats. The more we talked, the more they realized that they were registered with the wrong party because down in their hearts, they were conservative. They honestly thought that Republicans don’t care about people. And both apologized for voting for that narcissistic socialist who is in the White House.

    • Sharon says:

      You have no idea what you are talking about – first of all, I saw or heard NO RACIST comments being made. The signs w/Obame were mild compared to the crap I have seen from you people. By the way, there were 4 black women & one black male standing right next to me – what do you call them you moron! I saw Americans of every background & nationality coming together – scary for you? Obviously… Did you bother to LISTEN at all – obviously not.

    • Sharon says:

      By the way you ignorant moron – you can’t even spell KLU KLUX KLAN right -there is no L in KU – not surprising though

  6. LtColUSMC says:

    To bad her parents didn’t exercise their freedom of choice and take her out of the gene pool. Just another self important B**** from Hollywierd that believes that just because she can get a platform on which to speak that she is special. The one thing they never realize is how ignorant they make themselves look when they say these things. Ignoring them is the best thing you can do

  7. Aresay says:

    The mainstream media wouldn’t do it. So we are trying to get your important messages to the American people. This post is a suggested read at, http://aresay.blogspot.com/ 7

  8. […] Political Blog: Janeane Garofalo: Tea Parties Were All About “White Power’ Big Dogs House: Tea Party Protesters Are Racists, Stevie Wonder Could Have Seen This Coming Noel Sheppard, NewsBusters: Garofalo: Tea Party Goers Are Racists Who Hate Black President Amanda […]

  9. Obama has made it clear that he couldn’t care less what the TEA Party demonstrators were trying to get through his head- so will now enact his radical agenda regardless of the costs, and is willing to pull us into the abyss to do it.

    In Barack’s world, even if impeached tomorrow, he could always brag that he fired the CEO of GM- the ultimate class-enemy. And spending trillions of dollars’ worth of your and the next 2-3 generations’ money doesn’t seem to bother him one bit- he acts like it doesn’t even merit discussion. We hear plenty about his neckties, lengthy puppy-vetting process, and how Barack likes to play “hoops”, though.

    It’s hard to imagine a worse combination in a leader than managerially-inexperienced narcissist with Bolshevik mentors and weird grudges.

    This guy thinks he’s king of the universe, when his resume doesn’t qualify him to run a muffler shop. And the only apparent “qualities” besides soaring rhetoric are towering arrogance and a black-hole where his conscience was supposed to be… explains how he did so well in the mafia-like Chicago Machine.

  10. […] Political Blog: Janeane Garofalo: Tea Parties Were All About “White Power’ Big Dogs House: Tea Party Protesters Are Racists, Stevie Wonder Could Have Seen This Coming Normal USA, Idiots for Obama: Janeane Garofalo’s Racist Remarks to Black Conservatives. Where’s […]

  11. Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN Retired says:

    As a Jew, albeit a backsliding one, I guess I am a racist because I hold conservative values. Hmmmmmmmmmm
    I have been on the receiving end, by of all people, squadron mates on my first tour of shore duty in South Texas many years ago. One of them was my shop supervisor.
    So for Janene, I say, time to shut up and go home and garden or whatever it is you liberal crying pansie do.

  12. Blake says:

    Unfortunately, there will always be racism of some kind. This sorry fact, however, gets aggravated by people who choose to be apart from others, by using a separate language or dialect, by attitude, and by militancy on the part of some people.
    If you are white and walking down a street, and you are being approached by five or six Blacks, what’s your first thought?
    If you are Black, and you are approached by several white guys in cowboy hats, what is your first thought?
    Is it paranoia, or a natural reaction? In the sixties, I would have said the former, but now?
    People, as well as parties, have become so fractured and polarized, that I cannot honestly say.
    I just know that there is now a business, if you will, in racism, where supposed “Advocacy” groups, like the NAACP, LULAC, THE BLACK PANTHERS, BLACK MUSLIMS, all are supposed to help end racism, when in reality, they foster it.
    And you can’t come back on me with the “You’ve got the KKK.”- oh really? Like I want them. But the other groups are supposed to stand for higher principles, instead of “Show Me The Money.”
    And I am so tired of liberals postulating that the only group that can be or is racist are whites.
    Every group is racist- that is a fact. Get used to it, then we can move on.
    The only way I can handle the hypocrisy surrounding this problem, is to do what my father did- meet everyone one on one, and look into their character. In the end, that is all that matters to me- that is all I can do.

  13. […] Video – Political Correctness Vs. Freedom Of Thought, The Keith John Sampson Story Big Dogs House: Tea Party Protesters Are Racists, Stevie Wonder Could Have Seen This Coming Orson Bean, Big Hollywood: Insatiable Extremism: Where Right and Left Meet Kevin Tracy: Janeane […]