The Left Tries To Silence Dissent

Yeah- I know- catchy title, huh? As if that would be earth-shaking news, but the hypocrisy continues to loom large as far as Liberals go. This time Van Jone’s little group Color of Change has been able to get advertisers to take their ads from Glenn Beck’s show, after Glenn Beck called The Resident a racist, which he is- we cannot sugar- coat this.

During the campaign, after touting himself as “the first post- racial” candidate, he raised the specter of racism, simply by referring to conservative attacks as saying “Well, you know they will say that I don’t look like those presidents on the dollar bill..” That’s right, hardly anyone I know wears a powdered wig anymore. Why did he bring that up?

Simply to insert the thought of racism into the debate, so then he could accuse conservatives of racism. That’s rather racist by deflection, but the Resident thinks he is clever. Yeah, he’s a legend in his own mind.

So Glenn was right, if indiscreet, but since Van Jones, as all libbies wish they were, is an avowed communist agitator, his response (with, I am sure, his highness’ blessing) is to demand companies remove advertising from the show.

The companies that have moved their ads elsewhere in recent days included ConAgra, Geico, Procter & Gamble and the insurance company Progressive. In a statement that echoed the comments of other companies, ConAgra said on Thursday that “we are firmly committed to diversity, and we would like to prevent the potential perception that advertising during this program was an endorsement of the viewpoints shared.”

The campaign against Mr. Beck is rooted in an advocacy group’s objection to the commentator’s remarks on July 28. Given the number of advertisers that have pledged to remove their spots, it appears to have been unusually successful.

Yeah, right- considering the progressive nature of the CEOs of these organizations, it is a wonder that they advertised  with this program in the first place. This will not hurt this program- indeed, this might just push this program into must- see territory for anyone who might see this administration as harmful.

“We have TV today that’s very polarizing and controversial,” said Donny Deutsch, the advertising executive and occasional host on CNBC and MSNBC, a rival to Fox News.

Last month, Mr. Deutsch listed some of the “Glenn Beck” advertisers and told MSNBC viewers that people who objected to Mr. Beck’s remark should write to the chief executives of the companies. In an interview, he said corporate decisions about where to allot ad dollars were the “ultimate check and balance.”


How nice of Mr. Deutsch- considering the only people who watch MSNBC are those without the power to change the channel- you know, people in hospital lobbies, convicts, and those poor souls in mental institutions, where, as I understand it, MSNBC really rocks.

Other companies also said their spots had been scheduled during “Glenn Beck” by mistake. Ads for Procter & Gamble and S.C. Johnson appeared on a weekend repeat of Mr. Beck’s program by mistake, Fox acknowledged. Progressive said that its advertising order had specified “no Glenn Beck,” but Fox said it had bought a block of time with the channel that included Mr. Beck.

Past efforts to put pressure on cable news advertisers have met more resistance. In the spring, when the liberal group ThinkProgress protested Bill O’Reilly of Fox News by contacting corporate sponsors, most wrote back by blandly thanking them for taking the time to write. One Ford Motor employee even suggested they abandon the petition tactic, writing, “the silly form letters are just annoying and easy to delete.”

Considering that George Soros is with Progressive insurance, and Warren Buffet is a major investor in Johnson & Johnson, there is really no surprise here. Neither is GEICO, whose acronym stands for Government Employee Insurance Company- go figure.

The really funny part of this is the left sees no hypocrisy in the ways they portrayed Bush for eight years, comparing him to Hitler, the Joker, and other distasteful images, but when you call the Resident what he is- well that’s just wrong. Bush said that these people mocking him had the right to do so- the Resident, through his little minions, tries to blacklist a media program. What a difference in civil liberties we have here.

I am truly sorry that the Resident has such a negative and insecure image of himself- one that he tried so hard to banish, by hanging out with the marxists, the militant blacks and others who would not make fun of his bi- racial heritage. I am sorry that it shames him, but I would ask one question here-

Which side of his heritage embarrasses him?

That answer could be truly telling.
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9 Responses to “The Left Tries To Silence Dissent”

  1. […] has a kick ASS post! 2009 August 14 by cmblake6 And my comment is “No Shit!” The Left Tries To Silence Dissent. It is entirely too good, too smooth, for me to clip pieces. Go read it, and prepare to be a bit […]

  2. cbullitt says:

    “considering the only people who watch MSNBC are those without the power to change the channel- you know, people in hospital lobbies, convicts, and those poor souls in mental institutions, where, as I understand it, MSNBC really rocks.”
    Nicely played. Yeah, when I noted the companies who pulled their ads–all in the tank for His Wholly Reluctance–I knew it was piss in the ocean. But I hadn’t considered the potential backlash. Obama’s fingerprints all over this, right after the Big Pharma memo?
    “We are protected by the enormity of your stupidity”–Notorious.

  3. “the only people who watch MSNBC are those without the power to change the channel- you know, people in hospital lobbies, convicts, and those poor souls in mental institutions, where, as I understand it, MSNBC really rocks.”

    That is the funniest line I have read in a blog post all week, and dead on accurate. I am amazed that channel isn’t extinct — it certainly doesn’t provide anything of value to the world.

    • Big Dog says:

      I liked that as well. Remember when Obama was a candidate and he toured the troops and asked if the CIC got to pick the channel. The troops were all watching Fox…

  4. Barbara says:

    These companies who pulled their ads just can’t stand any type of conservatism as they are also pro-gay and endorse gay ads and parades. They are not going to do the harm they think they will by pulling their ads except to their own companies since Fox has such a large audience.

  5. Blake says:

    The Liberal Left would like us to think there are few of us conservatives, but if that is the case,how come Glenn Beck’s books, or those of Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Bill O’ Reilly, Mark Levin- all are best sellers, and the only one on the liberal side is the Hussein book.
    That’s a five to one ratio- not bad, and indicative of the rise of conservatism.

  6. harry says:

    Hell yeah Im back It’s Harry the spanish American Right wing extremist! Well I moved to Kansas and it’s more like it should be CONSERVATIVE! Anyways the militias here are growing and cnn msnbc and all the liberal asses are scared and calling them terrorist! Wow but isnt the well regulated militia here to serve a good purpouse, to regulate government! Cause if they dont then who will?

    • Blake says:

      Well Harry- the Liberals all LOVE to say that one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter, so why so SERIOUS?
      Its funny- the shoe’s on the other foot, and the other foot doesn’t know what to do.