The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again

The AP is reporting that a man walked into the Jewish Federation’s offices in Seattle Washington and shot six people killing one of them. The assailant’s name is Naveed Afzal Haq. In case you can not tell from his name and since the MSM hardly ever points it out when Muslims commit crimes or plot terror, let me make it clear that this jackass is a MUSLIM. You know the type? Member of the Religion of Peace, tolerant group that believes in live and let live, blah, blah, blah.

Let us clear a few things up. After 9/11 when Islamic terrorists attacked us there were acts of violence directed against Muslims here in America. Those attacks were wrong and people were punished. We also know about them because the MSM was out in force telling us about all the racist Americans who were harassing those members of the religion of peace. Since that time Muslim after Muslim has been arrested either committing violence or trying to commit violence but the MSM is reluctant to characterize their backgrounds. When a bunch of Mohammads were arrested in Canada, all with obviously Muslim names, the MSM would not call them an Islamic terror cell. This latest attack in Seattle had a man saying he was a Muslim who did not like what Israel was doing. When asked if he was a Muslim the veiled answer was that you could characterize him that way.

CAIR is an Islamic supporter of terror that has one goal and that is Islamic infestation in the world. They want to make the entire world convert to Islam. They have the same tactic as the ACLU. The only difference between the two organizations is the goal of the ACLU is Communism and the goal of CAIR is conversion to Islam. CAIR will never say a bad thing about a Muslim that commits a crime. They have been the first to call for denouncements of PERCEIVED acts of hostility against the Muslim community. Whether it is an allegation against a service member or some complaint about person shooting a Koran, CAIR is there to ask that these be investigated. When Muslims commit atrocities and other crimes they are silent. They said not a word when our two soldiers were murdered in Iraq and I am willing to bet they will say little, if anything at all, about this shooting.

Despite the anti Israeli sentiment throughout the world, Jews are not out killing and plotting terror in the world. They are engaged in battle against people who attacked their homeland but you do not read about a terror cell of Jews plotting to blow up buildings. You do not read about Jews walking into Muslim centers and killing Muslims and we do not read or hear about Jews strapping bombs on their bodies and killing innocent people. Believe me, if it were happening the MSM would have it as front page story. The MSM and the UN would never excuse this behavior from the Jews. They only do that for the Muslims, the followers of that so-called religion of peace.

The world needs to realize that the war on terror is a war in Islam. They are not peaceful. You can not get one of them, including people like the Iraqi PM to denounce terror unless they are “victims” of the terror. Muslims will never agree that Jews have a right to live and should be left alone. The religion of peace is nothing more than a front for the worlds largest terror organization and the quicker we realize that the quicker we can get on with eradicating this vermin.


BTW, If this guy who shot the Jews in Seattle is found guilty he should get the death penalty and be hanged in the middle of the town so every member of the ROP can see what happens to them when they commit crimes. If the liberal weenies in Seattle are unwilling to kill him then he needs to be sentenced to life at Gitmo.

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24 Responses to “The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again”

  1. Muslim misogynist opens fire at Seattle Jewish cen…

    A Pakistani Muslim in Seattle who said “I’m a Muslim-American. I’m angry at Israel” entered a Jewish Federation center in Seattle, murdering one womam and injuring five, one of the victims being pregnant. From King 5 TV (via Michelle Malkin and Gat…

  2. Big Dog says:

    Well, in just this instance we are hearing the MSM attempt an excuse for his murder because he was bipolar. The people in Gitmo are constantly portrayed as mistaken people and are only trying to get along in life. They just happened to be on that battlefield you know. Please tell me how Jews are committing acts of terror? But if they were and they said that they were doing it in the name of God or if the acts of terror were being preached to them in the synagogue then yes it would be fair to blame it on his religion. Of course, the only “religion” doing those things is the ROP.

    I did not say every Muslim was not peeaceful. I said this is a war with Islam. The people who are committing the terror are Muslims. They are doing it to spread their ideology, that they pass off as a religion. Almost every act of terror committed in the last 30 years has been by a Muslim in the name of Islam.

    I would suggest that we kill every Muslim that that sits in a Mosque chanting for death to Americans, I would suggest we kill every one that plots a terror attack, and I would suggest we kill everyone on a battlefield that has a weapon. I would recommend we deport any who are here marching in our streets calling for our death or praising terrorists.

    You are mistaken, as most liberals are. I am not expressing religious bigotry. I get along well with many religions and feel they are free to worship as they see fit so long as it does not break the law. Islam is an ideaology that uses hatred and fear in an attempt to convert everyone in the world to their “religion.” By the way, I think we ought to also kill the ones who try to forcibly convert people (like in Somalia).

    I can see how you made the mistakes though. Most religions have their people go out and cut off heads. Before you tell me that people of other faiths commit terrible acts, save your fingers. I know they do but how many of them are reading scripture and yelling Alla be praised as they are hacking a head off? None, because they are bad people, the Muslims are members of a bad ideology that uses religion to kill.

    Sorry that you had to read it, but it is the cold hard truth.

  3. Why the Muslim shot the Jews in Seattle…

    That the man is a Muslim and a US citizen is no surprise. I have reported previously that Muslims cannot be good Americans. The man might even be an American College-educated Muslim like Mohammed Taheri-azar, the 2005 UNC-Chapel Hill graduate who tri…..

  4. meatbrain says:

    “Well, in just this instance we are hearing the MSM attempt an excuse for his murder because he was bipolar.”

    Citations, please. Which specific media reports “excuse” the murder? And go back and answer the first question, please: Which specific acts of terror committed by Muslims have been “excused” by a media outlet? Be certain to cite the specific publication and article, please.

    You like making big generalizations. You don’t seem to be able to produce any facts to back up those claims.

    “Please tell me how Jews are committing acts of terror?”

    Please tell me how you can be so ignorant as not to know that acts of terror are committed by people of all religious backgrounds.

    “Of course, the only “religion” doing those things is the ROP.”

    Religions do not “do” anything. People commit these acts. And people like you try to use terrorism as an excuse to spread hatred.

    “I did not say every Muslim was not peeaceful.”

    You are lying: “They are not peaceful.” You referred to Muslims as a group.

    “Almost every act of terror committed in the last 30 years has been by a Muslim in the name of Islam.”

    List all the acts of terror committed in the last 30 years, and cite the evidence in each case that indicates which religion motivated the terrorist.

    You can’t. Big, ignorant generalizations, no facts to back up your claims — again.

    “I would suggest that we kill every Muslim that that sits in a Mosque chanting for death to Americans”

    You are advocating for religiously-motivated terrorism. You are yourself no better than those who commit the acts you decry.

    “I am not expressing religious bigotry.”

    You are a liar, as most bigots are. When you blame an entire religion for the acts of a minority of its adherents, you are expressing religious bigotry.

    That’s the cold hard truth about you, little dog.

  5. Big Dog says:

    Look Meathead,
    I am glad you stop by here. If you want the acts of terror listed, look all over. I have listed many of them, Coulter just listed them and a zillion other conservative blogs have done the same. I am not going to spell it all out again because you came late to the party.

    People from all religions can commit acts of terror. I guess it is only beacuse the Muslims are the ones doing it that they are all we hear about.

    The MSM ignores the nationalities of the people involved. Once again specific examples have been spelled out and I am not going through that again. Suffice it to say that from 9/11 on we have been asked to exercise restraint while hate groups like CAIR attempt to take over this country.

    Generalizations. Yes plenty. When the majority (and I said almost in the post) of the acts of terror are committed by a group you can pretty well label that group. I am sure there are a few peaceful Muslims. They might help themselves if they would speak out against the acts of terror their people are committing.

    I am not a bigot but if you want to call me one fine. A bigot though, is one who treats certain groups with intolerance. Just to clear it up, I hate all people as a group. I like a few individuals but I hate people as a group so I am not a bigot, I do not discriminate in my intolerance. However, keep this thought in mind the next time you hear some jackass liberal hold the entire military accountable for what a few bad apples do. That never happens in the MSM either. The military is guilty when accused and it is not just a few bad guys but everyone in uniform. Now that is bigotry.

    It is not a religiously motivated terrorism. Islam is an ideology. Anyone who sits in a Mosque and chants for our death, especially in our country, is not participating in religion. They are using a supposedly religious building to spread hatred. What do you want to bet the guy who killed in Seattle had attended a worship that day. He probably was lucky enough to hear an imam tell him to kill Jews.

    Would you say that the majority of Muslims want Jews to be left alone or does the majority of Muslims want to wipe out Israel? Seems that no Muslim steps up and comes to Israel’s defense. If there are some who do, they are the minority. Therefore the majority og Muslims are for violence against Israel. Not the minority you say I am blaming.

    It is fascinating prattle you have graced us with but in reality, the post was about a guy who shot people for the sole reason that they were Jewish. Just like with the group caught in Canada, you would not know the guy was Muslim if you did not read his name.

    Islam is a protected ideology, not a religion. Schools teach kids to be Muslims for two weeks and they have to worship like the people of Islam. It can not be a religion or the ACLU and the courts would not let them do that in school. It is the cool thing these days.

    You know, I really don’t want to stereotype but most acts of terror are caused by Muslims. That is a fact. And I am not going to spell every one out for you. If you have not been paying attention then you need to look it up. It is out there but you are going to have to be responsible for you own research.

  6. Big Dog says:

    And when I use the word excuse I mean it in the definition of condone, apologize for, or remove from blame.

    When you do your reading, keep that in mind.

  7. meatbrain says:

    “And when I use the word excuse I mean it in the definition of condone, apologize for, or remove from blame.”

    Still waiting for actual citations of actual media reports that “excuse” any acts of terror. Run away, little dog, run away…

  8. Big Dog says:

    Listing all terrorist acts is difficult because of the definition that the FBI uses for terrorism. In other words, a serial killer is listed as a terrorist. The DC beltway snipers were listed as terrorists. I used a list that included many of these types of acts and kept them in since they were included even though they were not what I think is being discussed here. I also, in fairness, did not count them as terrorist attacks attributed to Islam even if the people involved professed to be part of that religion if their motive had nothing to do with religion (ie. DC snipers).

    Keeping in mind that the list I used includes items a lot of people would consider a different crime than terror, I came up with around 525 total acts of terror. 363 of them were committed by people who follow the religion of Islam and the motivation was that religion.

    I did not include any terrorist attacks on US military in Iraq and I did not include 99 acts between Israel and Palestine that were listed as terror but looked like acts of war to me (soldiers shooting each other).

    The list is, I am sure not all inclusive and given the differing definitions of terror I am sure that there could be different lists with different numbers. I used this list and started in 1976 (to hit 30 years):
    Terror list

  9. Big Dog says:

    Oh, and to be fair, I found 5 instances where the terror attack was a Jew committing it against Muslims.

  10. m3atbrain says:

    “The list is, I am sure not all inclusive…”

    Then it doesn’t list “every act of terror committed in the last 30 years” — which was the basis for your claim.

    Back to work, little dog…

  11. Big Dog says:

    The basis was ALMOST evey act. Since it covers almost every act then it is the list and I am done.

    As a matter of fact I am done playing this game. I don’t give a rat’s ass if you like what I said or if I choose to give examples. It is quite obvious that you will not agree with anything that I use to support any claim made so I am not going to waste my time.

    This particular conversation has run it course so we will have to agree to disagree.

  12. Rue-Mur says:

    Old American Indian, Irish, Russian, Korean, German, Italian, French, British, Polish, Chinese, Spanish, Mexican, Japanese, et al, saying:

    “Never argue with a drunk!”

    New American Indian, Irish, Russian, Korean, German, Italian, French, British, Polish, Chinese, Spanish, Mexican, Japanese, et al, saying:

    “Never argue with a Neo-Com or an Islamist!”

    In both cases you’re wasting your breath and moments of your life more productively spent blowing your nose or doing something just as productive.

    Let’s roll, Big Dog! Let’s roll.

  13. Big Dog says:

    Point taken! Thanks for putting it in the proper perspective.

    Let’s roll indeed!

  14. meatbraín says:

    Big Dog makes a claim that references “every act of terror committed in the last 30 years”, but utterly fails to back it up.

    And when it’s clear that he cannot back up his claim, he sourly declares it a “game”, takes his ball, and runs home.

    It is to laugh…

  15. Big Dog says:

    Almost every act of terror committed in the last 30 years has been by a Muslim in the name of Islam.

    Which part of ALMOST are you having trouble with? Do you work for the MSM because this is the kind of thing they would do.

    I defer to Rue-Mur and his wise observation.

  16. meatbrain says:

    Which part of “every act of terror committed in the last 30 years” are you having trouble with? Unless you have a list of every act of terror committed in the last 30 years, you cannot make any reliable analysis of such a list. And you admit that you do not have that list:

    “The list is, I am sure not all inclusive…”

    You have failed to supply the least shred of evidence for your claim. No ad hominem attack on me can change that fact.

  17. meatbr4in says:

    Which part of “every act of terror committed in the last 30 years” are you having trouble with? Unless you have a list of every act of terror committed in the last 30 years, you cannot make any reliable analysis of such a list. And you admit that you do not have that list:

    “The list is, I am sure not all inclusive…”

    You have failed to supply the least shred of evidence for your claim. No ad hominem attack on me can change that fact.

  18. Big Dog says:

    Once again, it all depends upon what definition of terror we use. Some definitions include any act where a person was killed, some exclude deaths withina border where no outsider was affected.

    I will provide a definition. Any Attack based upon religious ideology. Those were all included in the reference.

  19. me4tbrain says:

    “…it all depends upon what definition of terror we use.”

    Um, nope. Your claim depends first and foremost on having a complete list of “every act of terror committed in the last 30 years”. Without that list, you cannot make any believable statement about the contents of such a list. And you’ve already admitted that you have no such list.


  20. Big Dog says:

    Unfortunately, you seem to fail to grasp that the definition of terrorism is different depending on the organization. I found at least three different definitions. If I went by one of the definitions, I would have to list things like random shootings in major cities. I believe that people who read understand the common definition of terrorism that is being referred to. If I went by one of the definitions every time an Israeli was killed by a Palestinian (or vice versa) would count as an act of terror. Obviously, not every time this happens is it terror. However, those incidents number in the thousands and would make Islam the clear leader. That is not the intent and acts of war are not necessarily acts of terror.

    However, If you want all the crime statistics for the world I am afraid I am not going to do that.

    The fact is the majority of the accepted acts defined as terror have been perpetrated by followers of Islam.

    You are obviously not Christian, but that should not provide you with a bias with regard to the things going on in the world.

  21. me4tbrain says:

    “If you want all the crime statistics for the world I am afraid I am not going to do that.”

    What I want is not the crux of this discussion. You made a claim about “every act of terror committed in the last 30 years”. I have challenged you to back up that claim, and you have admitted that you do not have a list of every act of terror committed in the last 30 years.

    It is therefore impossible for you to have analyzed such a list. It is therefore impossible that your claim is based on an analysis of the facts, because you are not in possession of the facts.

    Your claim is based on at best, guesswork, and at worst, sheer prejudice. Either way, it is worthless.

  22. Big Dog says:

    I did not make the claim EVERY. You continue to lie.

    So let me make it clear for you. Nearly every terror act that was available for me to review involving the widely accepted definition of terror was committed by a Muslim or follower of Islam.

    I don’t know or care why you keep arguing this but your failure to see the obvious leads me to believe you are one of the chosen members of this cult. So declare a jihad on me and move on. I don’t worrry about jihads because there is no way anyone would be around long enough to carry it to conclusion.

    Now move on jihad Johhny.

  23. m3atbr4in says:

    Pay attention, boopsie. I’ll type slowly so you can keep up.

    Your claim was that “Almost every act of terror committed in the last 30 years has been by a Muslim in the name of Islam”.

    Before you can analyze a list of every act of terror committed in the last 30 years in order to make such a claim, you must have a list of every act of terror committed in the last 30 years.

    You have admitted that you do not have a list of every act of terror committed in the last 30 years.

    It is therefore impossible for you to make any meaningful analysis of a list of every act of terror committed in the last 30 years.

    Therefore, your claim is unsupported by anything even remotely resembling a fact.

  24. Big Dog says:

    You pay attention meathead.
    I looked at every act of terror that fit the definition I used. I even left in a few that benefit you just to be fair. I had a complete list of every act of terror that fit the definition of terror I used. When I used the more open definition, I could not find every act so I narrowed the definition of terror to only encompass the acts commonly associated with terror.

    However, Let me change what I said so that I can end this stupidity. Most every act of terror of which I am aware over the last 30 years have been committed by Muslims or followers of Islam.