The Weekend Wrap Up

Oil Waivers Still Flowing

The Obama regime issued a waiver for the oil rig that exploded and spilled thousands of gallons of oil into the Gulf. The government had a plan in place to handle it but did not have the equipment needed to carry out the plan even though it has been in place since 1994. Not to worry, the regime has issued 27 additional waivers for oil companies in the Gulf.

Since the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rig exploded on April 20, the Obama administration has granted oil and gas companies at least 27 exemptions from doing in-depth environmental studies of oil exploration and production in the Gulf of Mexico. McClatchy

Maybe these waivers have something to do with all the money Obama has gotten from companies like BP…

Obama Rode In On A High Horse But Is Now On A Pony

Looks like Obama rode into Colorado during the Democratic Convention looking like a Greek ruler who could take the world and now will lose seats in that state because of his policies:

Republicans are now well positioned for a statewide resurgence, threatening several Democratic seats in the midterm elections and raising questions about whether the opening chapter of the Obama administration has eroded gains that Democrats had been making here for the previous six years. New York Times

Seems that a lot of people are waking from the contact buzz they had with Mr. Hope and Change and are beginning to realize he is just another hack politician who cannot do what he said but is pushing us toward Socialism. The November elections will be key to stopping him.

More Bad Election News And News Of Diminishing Support For Democrats

Obama might lose the seat Murtha held as people become even more disgruntled with Democrats. If the May 18th special election is close, even if the Democrat wins, it will be a statement because the district is 2:1 Democrats over Republicans. Alan Mollohan of West Virginia could be in trouble as well. He has been around for quite a while but might be unemployed come November.

To top it off, Obama has lost half the support he had among Jewish voters. He went from 78% to about 40%. Looks like this traditionally Democrat voting block is seeing the light and is now realizing that Obama does not really care too much about Israel. He is more concerned about the Muslim countries than he is about our only ally there in the Middle East.

Obama Derides Modern Electronics And Access To Information

Barack Obama lamented the modern electronic devices that provide 24 hour news coverage and tons of information. Obama said these things were distractions and made people focus on minute things rather than the important ones.

“With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, — none of which I know how to work — information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation. AFP

First of all, this is amazing since this regime is full of people who know how to throw a lot of BS around in order to keep people from getting too far in the weeds on the important stuff. Second of all, Obama claims that he does not know how to use any of this stuff but I find it hard to believe. One thing is for sure though, he knows how to use his Blackberry, which he is addicted to.

And let us not forget that Obama advertised in video games during the last presidential election.

Looks like things are getting pretty dicey for the Democrats. People are waking up. Also looks like Obama is learning what it is to have a real job with real pressures. I wonder how long he will keep blaming Bush?

Michelle: Barack honey, I’m pregnant.

Barack: BUSH DID IT!!!!!!

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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14 Responses to “The Weekend Wrap Up”

  1. George - Houston says:

    Candidate Obama’s ipod list which showed how much more tech savy he was than his opponent.,obamaipod062508.article

  2. Mike Radigan says:

    Other news, did you see where Eric Holder referred to the Arizona law as a slippery slope? Shouldn’t a certain commenter jump all over Holder for that statement?

    • Adam says:

      Obviously slippery slope is not a logical fallacy if it’s used by a Democrat. Isn’t that what you want to hear anyway?

      • Big Dog says:

        What we want to hear is consistency.

        Did you see where Holder wants to change the rules on Miranda warnings for terror suspects? I do not think non citizens should get them but the last guy was a citizen no matter how stupid that decision was.

        I am also not the one who defended Miranda warnings when the underwear bomber was read his. Seems that these people are changing their minds…

    • Darrel says:

      MK: “Eric Holder referred to the Arizona law as a slippery slope?”>>

      What Holder actually said:

      “…we could potentially get on a slippery slope where people will be picked on because of how they look as opposed to what they have done.” Fox

      Thus he did not commit the slippery slope fallacy but rather make a rather mundane statement of fact.

      You might want to learn the difference.


  3. Big Dog says:

    Of course not Darrel. This statement is not much different than the last one you had trouble with. Holder cannot get to his conclusion from where he started because there are a lot of middle ground items where things might be different.

    Or is it simply OK to say we could POTENTIALLY have a SS…

    A Dem never makes a mistake. I also pointed out when Clinton used SS but you did not comment. What’s the matter, didn’t feel like helping Bubba?

    • Darrel says:

      Bigd: “This statement is not much different than the last one you had trouble with.”

      It’s quite different. The truth is in the details. You said, back in April:

      “It is a slippery slope and if it is allowed there is no end to what they can do…”

      It’s not a fallacy because you said “slippery slope” (what Mike probably thinks with Holder) but rather because you go from “if” to SS, and then over reach in your conclusion (which does not follow).

      Bigd: “Holder cannot get to his conclusion from where he started…”>>

      Holder didn’t give a conclusion. He referred to a very mundane, lukewarm and rather obvious “potential.” Many people, even on your side don’t think there is any sliding necessary and that the potential he refers to is already in fact reached by this law. So his claim could hardly be more gently stated. Calling this a “mistake” is absurd. Dems make lots of mistakes but this isn’t one of them.

      Bigd: “is it simply OK to say we could POTENTIALLY have a SS…”


      Moral: Best not to try and defend Radigan’s silliness. When he’s mad he doesn’t think straight and he’s mad and wants to throw stuff at me because he just got spanked again on our freethinker forum.

      Mike isn’t a very good aim when he throws stuff.


      • Mike Radigan says:

        Your the one who got spanked. Even one of your own posters stated I won.

        And I do believe you still do not get it. Please tell me how job loss can keep accelerating; even past the point where there are no more jobs to lose. For the trend to continue to go down then the job loss must ACCELERATE. But your high school math didn’t cover that I guess. Maybe Savonarola can straighten you out at your next meeting. And no matter who was in power I would not expect an ACCELERATION in job loss at the 10% unemployment level. Moving on!

        • Darrel says:

          MK: “Please tell me how job loss can keep accelerating; even past the point where there are no more jobs to lose.”>>

          When there are no more jobs to lose, the job chart ends because the country/civilization is finished and we start a new one. I thought that was obvious.

          Do try to remember to put a pea into your peashooter before you blow on the straw.

        • Mike Radigan says:

          Who says the job chart ends? Is that a Darrel rule? The calendar goes on, therefore the chart goes on. And do you think that is even remotely possible? And even if it did do you really think job loss would keep accelerating until all jobs were lost?

          I’m done arguing with you, Darrel, as it’s impossible to have a reasonable discussion with you.

        • Darrel says:

          MK: “Who says the job chart ends? Is that a Darrel rule?”>>

          Not a rule, all it has to be is a possibility. Your claim that it is impossible (“has to”) is hardly tenable.

          MK: “The calendar goes on, therefore the chart goes on.”>>

          Tell that to Enron stockholders.

          MK: And do you think that is even remotely possible?”>>

          Of course.

          MK: “And even if it did do you really think job loss would keep accelerating until all jobs were lost?”>>

          This is all a dumb, entirely irrelevant rabbit trail but, if you would like to provide evidence that such a thing is impossible, knock yourself out. As SAV noted, this would accomplish for you, zero. And that’s if you could do it (and you can’t).

          MK: “I’m done arguing with you,”>>

          Of course you are.


        • Mike Radigan says:

          His own forum said Darrel was wrong, but he would ask for a second helping if his mouth was full of crap rather than admit he’s wrong. Yum!

        • Darrel says:

          MK: “His own forum said Darrel was wrong”>>

          Lie much? Let’s review. You put Betsy to sleep and ignored her questions.

          Kevin asked: “Are you an idiot or are you being intentionally obtuse as you lack the character to simply admit you have no point.”

          Doug ripped you a new one with this.

          And your high point is SAV saying: “You are correct regarding a nearly meaningless factoid.” When he asked for you to clear up what you meant (because he wasn’t even sure about that), you had already ran. He doesn’t use red font much but he used some with you. You might read it for comprehension.

          That’s everyone. Yep, sounds like you won!

          As for myself, I don’t think you said anything interesting or intelligent on the topic since March 7. All red herrings. That’s also when you didn’t respond or recover from my first response which was also March 7. Come back anytime. But do remember, freethinkers bite.


        • Mike Radigan says:

          Isn’t it ironic that Darrel calls his forum freethinkers when he’s intellectually dishonest?