They Will Try To Take Your Guns
by Big Dog on Feb 12, 2009 at 21:39 Political
The Obama administration and the Democrats following him do not like the Second Amendment. They refuse to follow it and it takes lawsuits before they pay attention and even then they disagree with the rulings. The state of Maryland infringes on the rights of gun owners by putting a number of barriers in place to prevent people (who are not well connected) from carrying a firearm. At the federal level, it will not be long before the Obamatrons use the crisis to confiscate guns.
The Socialists at the Brady Campaign for Gun Control want guns taken from law abiding citizens. They think guns are the problem when thinking people know that criminals do not obey laws. Criminals have guns now and they are not allowed but the morons at Brady do not understand. They want to impose Socialism on the citizens of the US and the way to do that is to disarm people.
Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.”-Sarah Brady
That is the task of Obama and the rest of the radical left. They can’t do it outright so they will do an end around. They can claim that George Bush shredded the Constitution but they are the ones who are working around it. Case in point, Rahm the Ballerina Emanuel thinks that people on the No Fly list should be denied the right to buy a gun. According to Emanuel, if you are on that list of terrorists then you are equal to them and do not have the right to buy a gun. How many people have been added to that list by mistake? It seems to me that Ted Kennedy was on it at one time. Does that mean Kennedy cannot drive a car (his weapon of choice)?
The end run involves the no fly list. What would stop the anti gunners in the Obama government from adding people to that list to keep them from obtaining guns? They would be within the law and “not” violating anyone’s rights even though that would be the intent. I would not put this past them because they will do whatever it takes to ban guns in this country. It will be a much safer America if all guns are banned. Look at how safe Obama’s and Emanuel’s Chicago is with their stringent gun laws. Yep, no murders there….
Here is what Rahm had to say about the No Fly list and guns:
All the signs are there. They want Socialism and in order to do that they must disarm us. The reason we have a Second Amendment is because our Founders knew about the tyranny of government. As long as we have guns we cannot be enslaved. But they will try. HR 45 that Bobby Rush introduced, an Attorney General who does not believe in individual rights to own firearms, and Emanuel and his No Fly List end around.
Buy guns and ammo.
If Dr. Joan is right about evolution (no science to support it but…) then the fittest need to survive.
Big Dog salute to Delta Brother WT
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Tags: gun control, Obama, rahm emanuel, socialism, tyranny
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I’m afraid it’s much more sinister than the Obama administration simply wanting socialism. They are merely carrying on a decades old agenda that is fast coming to a head and has been added to incrementally by successive administrations on both “sides” of the two-faction single-party system we have – and all for the benefit of global elites and the international banking cartel, which has ruled our country via the Federal Reserve since 1913.
Having said all that, I’m glad I live in Oklahoma, where we have legislators like Mike Ritze:
It’s time to LOCK and LOAD! I knew it.
Now to solve this extreme problem, then we must resolve with extreme Solutions!
They are about to make us eat Sh*t, so then let us make them eat it back. Just as General Pinochet did! Hang’em upside down and make them eat it!
I HATE LIBERALS OF ALL KINDS! communist bastards…
Hey Joan,
Please send your last comment. It was sucked into the spam machine where all things meathead end up.
Science to support evolution, upon reflection, certainly just like there is science to support man made global warming. Both are theories so neither has been proved.
There is no scientific consensus and obviously it is not settled or it would not be a theory.
I know the arguments, we share DNA with chimps blah, blah. We also share about 90% with rats and look nothing like them (well meathead looks like one).
We have not seen one animal evolve into another and if the fittest will survive then why worry about polar bears or others “victims” of so called global warming.
Surely we will adapt to what ever happens or we will perish.
If evolution is what happens in nature and you guys believe in it then you can’t change what will happen so why worry about the world?
Ignorant? Hardly. I just disagree with what you believe which is not the definition of ignorant. Otherwise that would make us both ignorant, would it not.
Joan, do visit again. For some reason you end up in spam and I think it might be related to meathead or perhaps the filter has flagged you.
I enjoy when tolerant folks stop by to call me names and be intolerant.
I don’t like meathead. If he died tomorrow I would throw a party.
Its a lost cause…. Democrats control the government totally, their domination is unstoppable, and their aim right now (and always of course) is to consoldate power such that they are entrenched for decades to come. Historically and politically illiterate pot-head liberal pacifist hand-wringing eco-tree huggers (not all labels apply to all, but all fit at least one lable) have put the most dangerous group of socialists in power since the island of Cuba elected Castro. With the power of the mainstream media to cover for them, they continue to totally fool the uninformed on a daily basis. Obama-mania is at full swing among the electorate such that millions of them think if he walks by they might touch his robe and be healed, or at least get a new car or their water bill paid. The anti-stimulus bill that just passed is a total sham for the purpose for which it is advertized, its provisions are nothing more than the same tired tax and spend big government entitlements of the past, aimed at buying off constituencies. Republican hopes of having any influence were dashed when Olivia Snow, Arlan Spector, and Susan Collins buckled and swung to the left. Its over, there is no way to stop the slide.
As for illegal aliens, also known as “disenfranchised Democrat voters”, you might as well just get used to the idea that our hard earned cash is going to help them become part of the great melting pot. They are shortly going to get instant citizenship with a wave of our “Beloved Leader’s” hand. (Might as well get used to that term, they use it in North Korea and I hear Barak is fond of it.) As the Beloved Leader’s Chief of staff has been quoted as saying “a crisis is a terrible thing to waste”. Ergo, the Democrats in congress will soon roll out the “Amnesty and Fast Track to Citizenship” plan with some cockamany explanation as to how it will contribute to “saving or creating 4 million…. no wait, I meant 5 million,,…. awh shucks we can’t prove any of it and you can trust us cause we would never lie… lets just say 50 million jobs!!”
Now you gotta unnnerstand this, the economy is going straight in the tank with all this non-stimulus spending. There are already reports that many “disenfranchised Democrat voters”, recognizing that the work here is drying up, are heading back south where the money might be better. Democrats need those folks to stay here and get amnesty and get citizenship and get in line at the 2010 polls …. si? So are they going to hang around if the money dries up? No way! Soooo no problem, we put them on Social Security! Now that keeps them right here in the good old US of A, and as a plus it sets them up where we can find them to give them amnesty. And with the census coming up, which Obama has taken out of the Commerce Department and assigned to, you guessed it, Ron Emmanuel, you know, that Chief of Staff that so dearly loves the opportunity of a crisis so that he can make sure that the 20101 census is “sensitive to social justice” and “counts” way way more “new voters” in those states where the population of new voters is going to grow. This is so smart! Evil…. but really impressively crafty! So Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico and Texas and Louisianna and Colorado, will magically have a rapidly expanding population of “new voters” using “mathematical counting” (You see, restricting counting to an actual head-count of people is a racist evil right wing plot) and that will mean that those states will get more congressional representitives (which equals more electoral votes). Sooooo… (Aint it great!) in 2010, with millions of “new voters” the Democrats will totally cement their power in Congress.. Then by the next presidential election in 2012 they will have given more electoral votes to the very states where all of their “new voters” live, and thus our Beloved Leader will easily win a landslide second term. The economy will still be in the tank and millions upon millions will be lined up on the Big Government entitlement programs and soup kitchens and certainly won’t risk voting out the hands that feed them. (Even zoo animals have enough self pride to still want to escape, pity humans haven’t that kind of moxie).
And if you think the people are going to Blame the country’s destruction on Obama…. think again! No no no! There are some misguided people out there that think if things go to crap the country will throw these bastards out in 2010. Not going to happen! No matter what happens in the next 2 years it will be blamed on Bush, “evil corporations”, “greedy rich wall street big shots”, or whoever else the Democrats/media figure is the whipping boy du-jour. Look at North Korea, poverty about as bad as it can get, millions simply starved last winter. But with a totally state controlled media, the people still worship Beloved Leader Kim. Think we aren’t going there? Have you not heard that the “Fairness Doctrine” is coming back? When Fox and Rush and Hannity and Savage are silenced…. where will the truth come from? Then it will all propaganda all the time, and its coming, and we can’t stop it. Will we not be just like North Korea?
So letters/petitions like this are about as likely to change the course of this bus from its headlong plunge over the cliff as a knat can beat its wings and turn around a hurricane. This will go in the “deleted items” as soon as anyone at the White House opens it. If it manages to get printed, as unlikely as that may be, it will simply go to the nearest trash can. Find a way to protect your money, keep your guns, and be prepared to grow a garden and maybe some chickens in the back yard to have some food. America as we know it is finished.
Evolution for illiterates, deathmongers, and Elmer Fudd idolizers: First and last in a series…
“Big Dog” read this post but chose to respond only in the relative haven of his own faeces-covered kennel, and with all the erudition one would expect. I’ll leave him a trackback and see if he bothers replying with anything intelligible….
Looks like Kevin has a new pet. I guess, given your name is “Big Dog” we could now consider you his b**ch. He certainly hasn’t wasted any time smacking you around with a rolled up newspaper on his blog.
I don’t know who Kevin is but I am NO ONE’s B**ch. I have not been smacked with a newspaper or anything else.
If we are taking about Joan, that is a person who uses meathead as a reliable source.
We can all differ on opinion about theories like global warming or evolution but the reality is those who believe think lesser of those who don’t. I don’t think lesser of the other opinion, I just think they are wrong.
I replied to the original post about me and that is all I care to deal with the subject.
It is easy, if you don’t like what I write don’t come here. I will not miss any sleep and if I never ever meet any of these people my life will be fine…
You don’t reply to any of his posts because you can’t. You do not have the ability to back up any of the sh*t you spray over here so you simply ignore it.
…and yes, he has made you his *****. Don’t feel bad, you aren’t the first (see Gribbit) and you certainly wont be the last. It always amazes me that these wingnut blogs always have some quote in their title bar trying to explain how big of a bada$$ they are and that you better not mess with them. But when they get the slightest little whiff of opposition they start whining about tolerance and then simply ban and/or ignore. Good luck with that d-bag and don’t beat the wife and kids too hard tonight because of this.
I don’t reply because they are all the same. They scream liar, use some profanities and then dismiss people as if the debate is over. I have no use for them.
No one made me anything. Kevin is a little chimp that trolls around. You folks are free NOT to come here.
I have banned no one but some are moderated. They can’t follow the rules.
And I don’t beat my wife and kids. But if you want to stop by…
So Gordy, piss off.
You tell him, mgordon! If it exists in meatbrain’s fantasy world, then it is absolute gospel truth and no amount of real world facts can ever trump the made-up world of meatbrain and his pals!
As you have probably noticed, Ogre, I do not rely on anything meatbrain says when pointing out that “Big Dog” is lying and wrong when it comes to evolution. I have seen these lies and mistakes for myself. “Big Dog” knows this, and I suspect you do too. The facts of evolution have nothing to do with meatbrain’s accuracy or lack thereof, or his existence, period. They stand on their own merits.
I couldn’t care less what “Big Dog” writes about gun control, but he stuck an irrelevant little item in this post about evolution being unsupported by science and mentioned me in the course of doing so. Because I knew it would too easy to make him look foolish, I bit.
He has the opportunity to refute what I wrote, but he won’t, because he can’t. Instead, he dismisses me as a troll and merely as someone with an opinion that differs from his, as if science is a collection of opinions and whims. He’s out of his league when it comes to biology (and a lot of other things), and if I were him I’d be annoyed at being hit over the head with my own lies and misconceptions on a regular basis.
Shorter version: “Big Dog” talked crap about evolution and now he can’t back it up, so he’s got his tail between his legs. I went to the trouble to post some trivially accurate things about evolutionary science simply to watch this happen. It’s done with, and “Big Dog” will continue to spout lies and ignorant things to his heart’s content. That’s fine; people like him don’t change, and this is his blogpile.
I might not be in your league when it comes to biology because that is not my field. You are wrong to insinuate I am out of my league in other things. I happen to be highly regarded in my field which involves a bit more than do you want fries with that.
I maintain that the science is not settled on evolution. I am not going to have the same arguments with you that have been had at other sites on a number of occasions. I am tired of the debate because no one’s mind will be changed. Even if they were able to absolutely prove it tomorrow it would not make one bit of difference in our lives.
I don’t have my tail between my legs and I just don’t care because I know how it works. You present your case with your links. I present mine. You claim the ones I sent are hogwash or based on junk science and I claim the same about you. You tout some real or imagined expertise and call me a wingnut and that I am ignorant for not being an atheist.
Why go through that? The whole process would be you and me refuting each other anc then claiming that the other’s sources were junk. It would be an exercise in mental masturbation and a waste of time.
I do not feel like wasting my time playing that game. Has nothing to do with not being able, I just do not want to. There are too many other things going on to argue over insignificant things with insignificant people.
Oh, and this is rich.
From the rules section:
“Please be considerate of other people’s points of view. Though we might not agree, we can do it with civility.”
Your entire blog is dedicated to be uncivil and inconsiderate of anyone left of Atilla the Hun.
Hey Gordo
Don’t like?
Don’t read.
Sorry, just one other thing. You say:
“It is easy, if you don’t like what I write don’t come here.”
What the f**k do you think people are going to do when you constantly lie about them and try and paint them as anything from a traitor to a “baby killer”. You put this sh*t out for the public to read and then you cry when people are pissed off and confront you about it?
If you don’t like how people react to the non-sense you write then how ’bout this. Don’t write it.
“I don’t know who Kevin is but I am NO ONE’s B**ch.”
I disagree. At times, you have most certainly been my b!tch. Not as often as my buddy Scottie (I miss him), but often enough. You become the b!tch in an argument when one of your claims is disproved or has reasonable doubt cast upon it. Like your imaginary ACORN giveaway in the stimulus bill. Or the discredited Brady quote in this piece (of garbage).
You’re losing your credibility, Dog. It makes this long time adversary sad to watch. You’re so p!ssed about the big L in the election that your inner wingnut is coming out in your posts. All this talk of guns and “revolution”. You really need to chill, brotha.
That’s right, Bunny. Just because Democrats do want to disarm the country doesn’t mean that Big Dog is right to SAY that they do!
Uh, what?
Sonnabend, dry your eyes, put a band-aid on that skinned knee and refer to the above post in reply to your “don’t read” reasoning.
Gordy, I am not whining or otherwise about what people write. You morons are complaining about it. If you don’t like it then don’t read it.
If I called someone a baby killer or traitor then they are.
Bunny, you are wrong. You are also an idiot. I am not anything to you and you are certainly nothing to me.
Disproved? I think not. You try but not very good. As for ACORN, just wait and see. They were not mentioned by name but the money is for them.
I will never be your anything so don’t flatter yourself.
Now go back to helping the troubled children.
“I don’t reply because they are all the same. They scream liar, use some profanities and then dismiss people as if the debate is over. I have no use for them.”
Of course that is bullshit. He has dismantled pretty much your entire being on his blog. I don’t care if you want to follow your own advise and stick your head in the sand instead of defending yourself but I would encourage your regular reader to go over there to see what kind of clown you really are.
There has been no dismantling. He wrote his opinion, something he is entitled to. I just need to get into a pissing contest with liberal trolls who don’t pay my bills, or taxes, or have anything to do with my life.
He cannot dismantle something about which he knows little.
Wow! Looks like those meanies Gordo and Co. hurt the poodles feelings and now he is taking it out on me. Last year (when Dog was in a better mood), we emailed a few times back and forth. I believe he told me what he did for a living and I told him what I do. I work with troubled children, some of whom have been molested. Sad to see the Big Dweeb write that I’m a molester in a comment. I never thought he’d stoop so low.
Anyway, back to biz. The Brady “quote” doesn’t check out. The ACORN claim is ridiculous. Barack Obama won and now the poodle has turned to fiction writing. Shame on him.
Bunny, I changed that comment. I was deciding whether to write help the molested or helping the children and I erred with what I wrote.
I do not think you are a child molester and that was an honest error. Thanks for commenting so I could correct it.
These twits have not bothered me. I don’t care what they think.
They have nothing to do with me and I don’t really care about them.
Riiiiiiiiight, I could see how you could “accidentally” tell someone to go molest some children. There is nothing honest about you.
Apology accepted, if you are apologizing to me for accusing me of being a child molester.
Please show evidence of the plan to give millions (or is it billions?) of taxpayer $$$ to ACORN. Please source your bogus Sarah Brady quote. What do you think of the commenter Harry? Does he positively contribute to the debate around here? Where are Scottie and Swines? Are they presently “revolutionaries” under your command?
I don’t know who you mean by Scottie and Swines. Harry is unique and I have to edit his comments like the rest of yours.
Does he add something? Sure, just as everyone does.
It is up to the reader to decide what they add…
Gordon, you might not understand a mistake but I do and so does Bunny.
We don’t agree on a number of things but I admire the work he does and realize what a tough job it is.
It was an error.
Bunny, the ACORN part uses a generic name. Now, no one knows what is in the entire thing since no one has read it all. 1500 pages released last night at 2300 and they voted today. No one can read all of that.
My apology was for making the mistake. I would not call you that in any regard.
It’s all good, Dog. I shouldn’t have called you a candy striper or Gaylord Focker either.
Let me know when you can produce any evidence of substantial funds being given to ACORN in the stimulus bill. I won’t hold my breath.
I’m still waiting on the Brady quote. Fraudulent.
Oh, lest I forget. Scottie is a commenter who famously declared that oil rigs wern’t visiable to the human eye from Orange County, Ca beaches. Said he had “buddies living there” that couldn’t see them either. Turns out, of course, oil rigs are visiable to Mr. MaGoo from several area beaches. Blind in more ways than one were ol’ Scottie and his imaginary “buddies”.
Swines is named Reinhart, as I recall. Runs some kinda bike tour operation in Japan or something. He was a real moron too.
Those guys were the best. This new gang of w(r)ong wing wackos is weak.
They must not have been regulars.
The weak ones are the chimps and trolls.
We will see about the ACORN stuff. It might have been removed but I doubt it. The bill calls for money for some groups (they will have to bid) and those groups are predominantly ACORN or affiliates. I found the Brady quote at several sites.
I checked Snopes and they have nothing about it.
Who are the chimps and trolls? Me, because I disagree with you?
The Brady quote is pure fiction. Keep checkin, chief.
I have found nothing indicating it is fiction. Not saying it does not exist.
No, you are not a troll or a chimp. Chump, maybe…
I found where some groups claim it is false and some groups claim it was in a letter to a Senator.
I have seen nothing one way or the other at Snopes. For now it can be undetermined…
Hmmmm. Sounds like bullsh!t to me. Any proof of this imaginary “letter to a Senator”?
What does this mean?…”Disproved? I think not. You try but not very good.”
As for the quote, I’m reading a lot that points to a January 1994 edition of The National Educator. That seems like a likely place. Anyone have a copy that confirms or denys the quote?
And Big Dog, guns will be outlawed again soon. And when they are, I will be a criminal even more so. But I’ll live free until the government kills me or violently takes my freedom from me.
I am with you Ogre. They will get what comes out of it before they get it away from me.
The quote comes from the source you mentioned. There have been those who said it was a lie and Senator Metzenbaum never got such a letter.
Brady and Metzenbaum never denied it.
But it is no more invalid than someone saying it is untrue…
I might not be in your league when it comes to biology because that is not my field.”
Precisely. So why do you make such bold, sweeping, and unsupported claims about matters of biology?
“You are wrong to insinuate I am out of my league in other things. I happen to be highly regarded in my field which involves a bit more than do you want fries with that.”
Fine, you’re skilled in whatever field you call your own. I’m unclear as to what bearing this has on your assertions about evolution.
“I maintain that the science is not settled on evolution.”
Yet you don’t explain this; you simply claim it. Do you honestly expect this to be taken seriously?
“I am not going to have the same arguments with you that have been had at other sites on a number of occasions. I am tired of the debate because no one’s mind will be changed.”
So in your mind, you can propose that something is true yet be unwilling to state your case–or even a re-hashed one–and expect that people won’t notice or care that you present no facts?
“Even if they were able to absolutely prove it tomorrow it would not make one bit of difference in our lives.”
So the truth or falsity of something is contingent on whether your judgment of its impact on people’s lives is accurate? The fact that the sun will burn out in five billion or so years has no impact on either of out lives; do you nonetheless dispute it?
“I don’t have my tail between my legs and I just don’t care because I know how it works. You present your case with your links. I present mine. You claim the ones I sent are hogwash or based on junk science and I claim the same about you.”
I haven’t seen you present any facts, hogwash or otherwise. You should recognize that not all sources are created equal. If I link to something that represents the consensus of the scientific community and you ignore it in favor of something you cannot even be bothered to disclose, I would say that this places our position on radically different epistemoligical ground, no?
“You tout some real or imagined expertise and call me a wingnut and that I am ignorant for not being an atheist.”
These positions bear no relationship to one another. I don’t care whether you are an atheist, only whether you can support your claim that evolution has no science to support it. You are doing a conspicuously lazy job of doing just that.
“Why go through that? The whole process would be you and me refuting each other anc then claiming that the other’s sources were junk. It would be an exercise in mental masturbation and a waste of time.”
No, it wouldn’t. Such a process would ental each of us stating our case for proposing what we propose. I have done this, whle you have only said that presenting your side would be pointless and not result in the changing of anyone’s mind. This is not how sane arguments are conducted, or, more importantly, how human knowledge is advanced.
“I do not feel like wasting my time playing that game. Has nothing to do with not being able, I just do not want to. There are too many other things going on to argue over insignificant things with insignificant people.”
That sounds suspiciously like a concession easily paraphrased as, “I got nuthin.'” That’s fine, and may have relevance in the things you say that may actually be open to debate, such as the politics of gun control. But when you make ignorant statements about a matter that is, in fact, settled science, you should expect to receive due rebuttals.