This Is The Tyranny We Toppled

There are a number of reasons we went to war in Iraq and whether or not one agrees with the decision to go (a decision Congress voted to approve) the fact is we have troops there and we need to have a successful outcome before we bring them home.

I know a number of people who think we should never have gone there and they have arguments to support their opinion. However, I think we needed to end the rule of tyranny in Iraq and that meant getting rid of Saddam Hussein. He was a brutal dictator and a murderer:

Three mass graves were discovered in the sub district of Dubiz in Kirkuk. Announced the Kurdish daily news paper ASO on Sunday, Feb.21st. These graves are to be excavated by the Ministry of Anfaled and Martyrs of Kurdistan regional government in a near future.

“The graves are holding remnants of children from both Chamchamal and Garmyan areas”. Sayd Fazil Amin the head of KRG martyrs office in Kirkuk told ASO, these kids were taken into captivity during 1988 Anfal campaign against the Kurds.

Anfal genocide was a campaign against the Kurds in 1980s. It was aimed at the elimination of the Kurds in Iraq, by destroying and burning Kurdish villages down. Killing and burying alive the people of these villages. It costed over 200,000 lives of innocent Kurds. The Hawler Tribune

Hussein committed genocide against the Kurds. He used chemical weapons on them and he tried to wipe them out. Two hundred thousand Kurds died by his hand, many of them children, and this alone was reason enough to get rid of him.

Big Dog


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4 Responses to “This Is The Tyranny We Toppled”

  1. The moral case for toppling Saddam Hussein remains unimpeachable. He was a brutal dictator, a source of regional chaos, and was killing his countrymen at the rate of about 30,000 per year. Lefties who decry the death penalty for first-degree murder ought to have a hard time with that.

    The practical case for attempting to rebuild Iraq into a Western style republic was weaker. We were, and are, fighting the most pernicious ideological influence in the world at this time — Islam — and by virtue of our distance and Islam’s high degree of penetration in the region, we’re on the short end of the bet.

    It could still turn out for the best. But we mustn’t pretend we’re not on the short side of the odds. Someday we’ll leave; Islam…will not.

  2. Barbara says:

    I truly believe that people like Sadam, Hitler, Manson, etc. are demonically possessed. I don’t believe they were crazy, but knew exactly what they were doing. It is hard to imagine a human being doing what was done to another human being, especially innocent children. Their days will be spent in hell.

  3. Darrel says:

    Bigd: “Hussein committed genocide against the Kurds.”>>

    Let’s not forget a little bit of important context here. Papa Bush told the Kurds to stand up against Saddamn. And they did, expecting something from the Americans. Nothing came and Saddamn mowed them down with automatic fire from his helicopters.

    As to the rightness of knocking down dictators, it seems to me that when people volunteer for the US military they are signing up to defend the US, not die on foreign soil while on a mission of nation building.

    “If we don’t stop extending our troops all around the world in nation-building missions, then we’re going to have a serious problem coming down the road. I’m going
    to prevent that.”
    –GW Bush in Bush v Gore debate, October 3, 2000

    • Big Dog says:

      Bush might have learned that from JFK. When he failed to assist the Cuban rebels like he promised they were taken by Castro and he was able to stay in power.

      And don’t tweak history scooter, Hussein used nerve agents as well. A whole lot of Kurds died from chemical agents so don’t act like it was just machine guns. You might try looking at the pictures some day.

      Our military members sign up to follow the orders of those in charge. The Congress voted to send them to Iraq. They did not get a part in the debate, they just followed the orders. Talk to Congress, they had the final say.