This Will Be America In The Near Future
by Big Dog on Jun 2, 2010 at 04:31 Political
The Democrats forced their health care reform through against the will of the people. The lies they told about saving money have now been exposed as study after study, studies using the actual information and not the cherry picked items sent by the Democrats, shows that the law will cost much more than advertised and will not result in cost savings. Greater than 60% of Americans want the law repealed but their wishes will be ignored like they were when this law was jammed down their throats.
Make no mistake, this will cost a fortune and will lead to rationing of care and resources. The Canadians, long touted as the model we should emulate, are finding this out now as we proceed on the path they took. Despite what supporters say about how wonderful and cost effective the Canadian system is, the reality is that it is costing a fortune and there will be tough choices along the way.
Canada has seen a 6% increase in the cost of its system each year and it is spending more than it takes in to cover the costs. This is leading to new and increased taxes (look for that here), rationed care, more out of pocket expenses, and new methods to raise revenue as health care consumes about 40% of provincial budgets.
This is an unsustainable program and portends our future. We are behind them in establishing a socialist program for a reason but now that Obama and his Socialist Democrats have rammed this through we will be well on our way to increased taxes and another bloated, underfunded program that is poorly run.
When you give stuff away more people will get in line for it. If they do not have to pay they always want more.
But it will not be long before everyone has to pay, and pay a lot.
Just ask Canada, the model for Socialized medicine.
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: budget buster, canada, cost over runs, estimates, health care, lies, socialized medicine, taxes
Big Dog, don’t despair. We have the time and the power to repeal everything this Administration and Congress has enacted.
We will suffer greatly until we undo all the damage, but undo it we will.
FAIR: “We have the time and the power to repeal everything this Administration and Congress has enacted.”>>
You don’t have either. Dream on.
“…when asked if they would be more likely to vote for a congressional candidate willing to give the law a chance to work and make changes as needed, or one who would repeal it entirely and start over, respondents picked the one who would give it a chance by 55-42.
Political independents favored giving the law a chance 57-40 in the poll, taken in early May…
An Associated Press-GfK poll in May found that 47-39 percent, Americans trust Democrats to do a better job of handling the [health care] issue.”
The worst enemy of socialism is the empowered individual. And that empowerment, comrades, comes from the unabated access to true and untainted information.
Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of our party.
Joseph Stalin
At least Victoria has learned not to put quotation marks around the bogus quotes she pinches from her right-wing sites.
And Americans trusted them to handle Social Security and Medicare. They effed that all up. I can get any response I want by phrasing the question.
A lot of people (more than 60%) want it repealed.
My wife’s Doctor (GP, early 50’s) is retiring the end of this month due to ObamaCare. Thanks for nothing Barry, if you were on fire I wouldn’t spit to put it out.
“Canada has seen a 6% increase in the cost of its system each year and it is spending more than it takes in to cover the costs”
Is 6% per year a big increase? You act as if it is. Canada does a good job of fighting inflation but even so, it’s been about 1-2% per year up there. Does the 6% account for this?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t U.S. healthcare costs increasing at a rate higher than 6% per year BEFORE The overhaul was voted into law? It sure does eat up alot of our GDP…
Since the article discusses Canada being at 40% GDP and they are looking for ways to pay for it I would have to say it has been a bust for them.
Bigd: “…the article discusses Canada being at 40% GDP”>>
How ridiculous. GDP is not referenced in the article. Rather, “40 percent of provincial budgets” is what the article refers to.
BUNNY: “weren’t U.S. healthcare costs increasing at a rate higher than 6% per year BEFORE The overhaul was voted into law?”>>
“At 16 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), U.S. health spending is double the median of industrialized countries and since 2000 has been growing more rapidly than before.” –Source
The US spends a larger percent of it’s GDP, gets inferior results to Canada’s system (which is so-so by world standards) and still doesn’t even cover everyone.
I am still amazed and so pleasantly surprised that Obama got it through. It won’t be repealed but it will be added to and improved over the years.
US outcomes are mediocre by world standards:
• Of 19 countries, worst for “avoidable mortality.” –Healing of America, pg. 31
• 19th in “Death from curable diseases.” Almost twice as high as France, Japan and Spain. –ibid pg. 32
• “Deaths Due to Surgical or Medical Mishaps” highest by far in the US. –ibid pg. 32
Life Expectancy… below most European countries –ibid pg. 33
Of 23 peer countries, in the “healthy life expectancy at age sixty,” the United States tied for last. –ibid pg. 33
See also.
Let’s quit calling it “Obamacare”, and call it what it truly will become- “Ebonicare”- because just as ebonics is a bastardized, lazy form of english, that has been “legitimized” to make Blacks feel good about the lazy way in which they speak, so will this healthscare “dumb down” the care which we receive, all while increasing the costs.
ANYONE who says differently is talking out of an orifice where the sun never shines.
I can’t find any mention of this 40% of GDP number in the article, Dog. Is it possible that you just pulled this figure out of your a$$? Or maybe you got it from Sarah Smiles’ Facebook page? Or perhaps you don’t know what GDP is?
Blake- that’s a pretty racist comment there. Did it ever occur to you that the majority of your comments (including the one above) use a bastardized, lazy form of English? Are you familiar with run-on sentences?
And, more importantly, have you informed BP of your brilliant plan to plug the hole in the gulf? You know, plugging the leak with a mile long pile of concrete bags. I think it’s a winner.