Very Good Point

Matt at Blogs for Bush made a great point about some of the protesters this weekend:

Now, considering the amount of money Bush has promised for the Gulf Coast region following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, you have to wonder if these people think relief isn’t coming… But what really gets me about it, is that these thousands of people, who clearly have enough time on their hands to come to Washington, pretending to make a difference, did not go to Louisiana instead, to volunteer their time toward relief efforts, or stayed home to raise money for relief. Just this weekend I saw a yard sale in my neighborhood where all proceeds were going to Katrina relief… Perhaps the estimated 100,000 or so people who marched like mindless drones in the shadow of Cindy Sheehan could have done something more meaningful with their time. Matt

What a great post! How about the idea of these protesters going to the Gulf and helping out. I think it is a wonderful idea. They really can make a difference, if they would just use their energy for good….

There is a related item about protests on B4B that was relayed to them from LGF. It is a post by LGF operative Zombie about the Anatomy of a photograph. It is an interesting perspective on what is reality and how the MSM manipulates that reality to show an entirely different point of view.

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2 Responses to “Very Good Point”

  1. TheAce0804 says:

    Protesters. Talk about some misguides souls. This sounds like that concert 4 or 5 months back held during the G8 summit.. It was geared towards
    stopping global warming to save the planet – meanwhile, the area that the concert was held at was left completely trashed by the bands and the hippie activists!