Voting Is For Citizens Only
by Big Dog on Oct 25, 2010 at 11:20 Political
The dilution of American culture and its rules continues as some states are considering letting noncitizens vote. They are doing this in spite of the fact that the Constitution does not allow noncitizens to vote.
Let me be clear, this is not about illegal aliens who have no rights and should be removed. This is about those who are here legally and, in some cases, paying taxes. They do not have the right to vote and they think it is not fair. After all, they are here legally and (in many cases) pay taxes, so they should be allowed to vote. The big argument comes from folks who pay taxes and think they should be allowed to vote. Nice concept so how about we deny the vote to anyone who does not pay taxes?
The Constitution is pretty clear about this. Voting is not even the right of the people in the original Constitution. Elections call for electors selected from the states or by the state’s legislatures. The closet thing is the election of House members who are elected “…by the people of the several states.” Then electors and qualifications are discussed so it is not clear as to whom is allowed to acutally vote. One thing is certain, all other elections are done by the states and not by the people.
Several amendments to the Constitution changed these procedures and electors are now selected based upon the vote of the state. When people vote for a president they are actually voting for an elector to cast a vote for that person in Congress (the electoral college). Senators are now selected by popular vote in the state and no one may be denied the “right” to vote.
All this is well and good and there have been plenty of changes but one thing is abundantly clear. In all instances where voting is mentioned in any amendment that discusses the issue the word citizen is used in conjunction with the “right” to vote. The 14th, 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th Amendments all qualify who may vote with the word CITIZEN.
Therefore, noncitizens are NOT allowed to vote.
People who come here and want to vote should have an allegiance to this country and they can demonstrate that by becoming a citizen.
If that is not good enough then they can always go back whence they came.
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Tags: citizens, constitution, non citizens, voting
It’s important to make a distinction between voting locally and voting in state and federal elections. The article is concerned with local elections as far as I can tell.
I have no problem with cities passing laws that allow non-citizens to vote in local elections that affect them such as school boards and it shouldn’t concern anyone anywhere else outside of that area.
So long as it does not vioate the state constitution and it has safeguards to keep people from voting in elections that they should not then it is a state’s issue. If the federal Constitution is supposed to apply to the states then there is an issue. What happens if a state decides that Senators or Representatives need term limits and enacts them for their state. Perhaps the state has the right, given your argument, to say that no one from their state is allowed to run for federal office more than so many times…
I don’t know really what the state can and can’t do in this sense. Would the state even have a say over a federal office in that way? I suppose a state constitution could be amended to affect the party ballot process and essentially limit terms, but that would surely be challenged in the courts.
I don’t think this particular subject is that complicated though. Some cities have already passed laws to let non-citizens vote and more will all the time I’m sure. Even non-citizens have the right to say where their local tax dollars and how their kids’ educations work. I agree with you overall though: If they want to vote in higher elections they should be a citizen in good standing and a resident of the state they vote in.
Hey Big Dog, didn’t you hear the latest from the Ninth Circus? Citizenship is NOT a requirement to vote ( )
So, people of the world are allowed and encourage to vote in all US elections. And, since we have this crap-pile of “early voting” by mail, literally anyone on the planet can simply mail in a ballot for a US election, and we should count it.
I think voting all started down hill when they changed the rules from only allowing landowners to vote. I honestly believe that if you’re not paying taxes, you shouldn’t get a vote, period. Anyone who directly receives government money should also not be allowed to vote — yes, including all welfare recipients, and government employees. I think we’d see freedom increase massively if that were the case.
Personally, I believe that people should have PAID TAXES in order to vote- you want into THIS poker game? ANTE UP.