Wal Mart Worker Dies In Stampede
by Big Dog on Nov 28, 2008 at 17:47 Political
Today, the day after Thanksgiving, is known as Black Friday because this is the day many merchants hope will put their books in the black. It is a day that abnormal people get up early, or stay in line all night, to save $30 dollars on a TV or to be the first to get one of the 3 new gizmos the store has in stock (which will never satisfy 200 people who desire it).
When stores offer a few items as first come, first served there is bound to be trouble. Last year a few people were wounded or killed when stores held contests to see who could get in first. When stores offer a great deal on a few items and attract hundreds then the mob mentality takes over. People act stupid and others get hurt.
In Long Island, a Wal Mart worker was trampled to death by about 200 people who “bum-rushed” the store as soon as the doors opened. Instead of acting like civilized people and entering in an orderly fashion, they swarmed the place with no regard for others. Unfortunately, and unidentified 34 year old worker was in the path of the insanity and he was crush under the combined weight of greed.
The store was eventually closed but people walked by the emergency workers who were performing CPR on the victim. Some stood around and took video on cell phones. Most did not allow their disregard for human life get in the way of a bargain.
Nothing Wal Mart (or any other store) sells is worth standing in line overnight to get and none of it is worthy of the stupidity that cost this person his life.
These people might enjoy their Christmas presents but there is at least one family that will never see Christmas the same again.
NY Daily News
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Tags: black friday, death, holiday shopping, stampede, wal mart
This is beyond atrocious. Greed and selfishness taken to the absolute extreme. Apparently, from what I read and heard from a WM employee, people were even jostling with emergency personnel trying to help the man. Not to mention the fact that they continued to shop throughout until the store closed down. This is not what holiday seasons are to be about – this is not what being human is about.
I did read that from videos and cell phone pics from the scene they may have some people to charge and I hope to hell they do. Personally, I think that stores should have a policy against people lining up at the store prior to opening. They should have to wait in their cars until the doors are opened and enter one at a time. Talk about teaching the greedy brats a lesson…
People were lined up at a WM near me at 4:00 Thursday afternoon before the store even closed for Thanksgiving Day. And Best Buy had a line by 8pm.