Was it a No Bid Contract?

House Democrats are putting the final touches on a contract with a private law firm that they will use to investigate the perfectly legal firing of eight federal prosecutors. This is nothing more than a ruse and a political game that will cost tax payers $225,000. Well, that is what the contract is for but we all know that there will be over runs and it will end up costing much more. That is the way the government does things, especially those in Congress who do not have to follow proper contracting procedures.

Basically, the Democrats have their panties in a wad because George Bush’s administration was not as careful about politically motivated firings as was the Clinton administration. You see, there were eight prosecutors that Bush’s people wanted gone so that is how many they got rid of. The claim is that it was for political reasons related to investigations and that might well be but I do not think there is an exception for that under the description of “at will” employees. Clinton did the same thing but he was smarter, or more politically savvy about it. He needed to fire one prosecutor who was investigating and getting ready to drop the bomb on Clinton supporter and friend, Dan Rostenkowski. Dan was a bad Congressman who Clinton needed to protect but if he had fired one prosecutor it would have been suspicious so Clinton fired the whole lot. This only put off the inevitable as Rostenkowski was found guilty of mail fraud. However, Clinton pardoned him. Bush is under investigation because he did not get rid of all 93 prosecutors. Of course if he had, the donks would be complaining about that as well.

I want to know if this law firm that has been contracted had to put in a bid. Did Congress put out a Request for Proposal (RFP) and did they solicit bids from a number of firms? Did they then look at the proposals and determine which law firm would best represent the needs of the investigation while being fiscally responsible with taxpayer money? Odds are, this was a no bid award and that is the same thing these weak spined Democrats cry about all the time. I am willing to bet they did not follow the same process they deride Bush for not following whenever Halliburton gets a no-bid contract. I do not believe that Congress needs these lawyers and this law firm. It is a gross waste of tax payer money and it will produce no results. I am also very skeptical and believe that this law firm or the one it will subcontract has ties to someone in Congress. This sounds like a pay off to a friend or family member.

My predictions are:

  1. This will cost a hell of a lot more than $225,000.
  2. We will find someone with a connection to the law firm.
  3. Nothing will be solved by this and it will be a waste of money.
  4. Some Democrat will get caught in corruption (with regard to this) and it will be ignored by the Democrats and their sock puppets in the media.
  5. If this is no-bid and discovered as such, Democrats will rationalize in order to justify doing that which they claim is evil and a pay off when done by a Republican.

Washington Times

Big Dog

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One Response to “Was it a No Bid Contract?”

  1. Very good question. Why the hell do they need to “outsource” and spend tax payer money when they can form investigative committees that have subpoena power?