Where Does The Money Go?

Where did the last war appropriations go?

The Democrats are asking for 94.2 BILLION dollars in emergency funds. Most of the money will go for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which begs the question; What happened to all the money that they already appropriated for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Obama asked for a lot of money (83.4 BILLION) to finish out the year and indicated that this is what was needed and now we are being told they need even more?

Were not these the same Democrats who has seizures every time George Bush asked for more money for the wars? I was under the impression that the sainted won knew what he wanted and that he would be drawing down our efforts and now we see that they want even more money. This is not right and it will only add to our deficit.

Don’t get me wrong, if the troops need the money then they should get it but who is running this show and why do they need so much more after they received a great deal only a few weeks ago?

Did the Democrats use it to pay off their buddies who oppose the war? Are they spending it on ACORN? Where did the money go?

Never let a crisis like the ginned up Swine Flu crisis go to waste

Of course they have 2 BILLION dollars thrown in there to combat the flu. I told you that this Swine Flu was another crisis they could not let go to waste. They are going to pass it on to the drug companies and the researchers. They hyped up this thing and now they are taking advantage of it.

They should submit the flu request as a separate item. This is the same old DC, wrap it all into one and pass it. Don’t let the crisis go to waste.

How much does it cost to close a prison

Then there is 80 MILLION dollars to close Gitmo. Why in the name of all that is holy do they need that kind of money? The place has an operating budget and Obama wants to get rid of the terrorist scum living there. I know he is having difficulty finding them homes and he is reverting to the Bush policies that he bashed so often but why does he need this money?

It cannot be that tough to close down the prison once the criminals are gone. Once you ship them off to the people who are going to give them homes (everyone loves Obama so that should be no problem) then all they have to do is close the place down. Pack stuff up and bring our troops home.

Why was this not included when he decided to close the place? Did they just figure out it would cost something to do that or did they just figure that Gitmo would be a good place to launder money?

This seems fishy to me. I would not be surprised if Obama is using the money to build the terrorists their own little community in the US so they will have a place to go.

These people keep on spending and the bill is going to come due. The Chinese are not buying much of our debt and the piper will want to be paid.

Economic collapse awaits with hyperinflation that will make Carter look like a financial genius.

This article indicates Obama’s request for the 80 MILLION was denied but the story discusses even more spending on things like the Pakistan economy…


Big Dog

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2 Responses to “Where Does The Money Go?”

  1. Blake says:

    Barama will try to draw money from somewhere, but China has indicated that it won’t be buying more t-bills, so where is the money coming from? The answer seems to be Saudi Arabia and the UAE- oh joy, now we’re indebted to the same ragheads that want to blow us up.

  2. MAS1916 says:

    Obama will use the failure to fund Gitmo closure as an excuse for keeping it open. The Leader heard from congresspeople and their constituents that they really didn’t like the idea of releasing killers into their jails.

    Inflation will be the inevitable outcome of the fact that Chinese and now Saudis aren’t keen on buying T-Bills. Obama will have to print what he needs.

    Democrats just make decisions, they don’t carry them out. When it came time to determine where Gitmo killers were going, someone had to step up. Fortunately, no one did.

    Obama succeeds because he is worshiped by the media and by a good chunk of voters. Many voters are expressing regret though, so next time around, things might be different. In the meantime there might be a way or two to help our liberal friends.
