Who Are The New Black Panthers?
by Big Dog on Jul 13, 2010 at 04:44 Commentary
The New Black Panther Party has been in the news lately for a few things that have happened since the 2008 election. On election day two NBPP members, dressed in military style clothing, wielded a baton at a polling place in Philadelphia and intimidated voters. Despite what they or their apologists claim, they intimidated voters. It was all caught on video and it is obvious to even the most dense among us.
The Obama Justice Department dropped the case and got an injunction against the baton wielding moron. He is not allowed to be a polling place until 2012, just in time to intimidate people when Obama runs for reelection.
The same moron was caught on video saying that the blacks needed to kill some crackers and their babies in order to get racial equality. Just imagine what kind of outrage there would be if a KKK member had said the same things about black people.
And yet, the state run media is generally silent on the issue.
The NBPP is a small group of militant black men who think society has done them wrong and that they have to fight against the injustice of white America. They demand reparations for slavery and I agree with this. I believe we should pay reparations to any person who was held as a slave in this country. If you can find a former slave then pay him. Otherwise, shut up. The descendants of slaves deserve no such thing.
Hell, the descendants are better off than if their ancestors had remained in Africa. I am in no way condoning slavery. I think that slavery was a horrible institution in this country. It is immoral and wrong. But it happened nonetheless. The people who are here now that are descendants of slaves have better opportunities than if they had been born in Africa. Otherwise they would go back there.
No, the NBPP is content to stir up racial turmoil based on perceived injustice. The leader, Malik Shabazz, is an accomplished lawyer but it appears as if the rest of them are a bunch of deadbeats who have never held a real job. They are content sitting around stirring up trouble and blaming whitey for all their problems.
The reality is they are a bunch of cowards who have an inferiority complex and a genuine jealousy of white people. They are true racists who want to kill the crackers and their babies.
The problem is that Eric Holder has given them a pass on their intimidation so look for more of it in the future.
If you encounter any of these thugs at the polls just stomp their guts out because no matter what they do, they will get a pass.
The NBPP has made veiled threats against Glenn Beck and has vowed to show up in DC on 8/28 when Beck talks at the Lincoln Memorial. I think I might just show up for that little show and I am sure thousands of other patriots will show up as well. Let’s see how these cowards act then.
I bet they wet their pants like all cowards with a small penis complex.
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: 8/28, crackers, glenn beck, kill whitey, KKK, new black panthers
This video shows what actual Americans do when the NBPP tries to intimidate them — and how the NBPP can be expected to respond.
The NBPP are idiots with the same last name- Shaspazz, or something like that- I would like to see them come to Texas and try their cowardly BS on us- they would not return to their place of origin.