Who is Kofi Annan to Criticize?
by Big Dog on Dec 11, 2006 at 21:54 Uncategorized
Outgoing UN Secretary General Kofi Annan gave his farewell speech on Monday and he used the end of his ten year tenure as a forum in which to throw spears at George Bush and the United States. Annan did not mention Bush by name but there were many veiled references to the President in the speech where Annan criticized policies of the world’s only remaining super power. Annan discussed human rights, global security and discussed how nations should not make themselves secure by exerting supremacy over others.
This is the same Kofi Annan who got rich while working at the UN by taking money from countries for looking the other way. The same guy who became wealthy and has a Summer home in France while the people of the nations the UN is involved in are dying of starvation because the UN forces are afraid to protect the people and instead rape and exploit them. This is the same Kofi Anus who was involved up to his neck in the oil for food scandal and who has blocked efforts to force rogue nations to comply with the toothless resolutions that come out of the UN building in New York. This is also the same Kofi Anus who is an anti-Semite and always sides with Muslim terrorists over the nation of Israel and who holds Israel’s feet to the fire with regard to the resolutions while turning a blind eye to the terrorists who routinely break them.
It is about time this worthless waste of human flesh left the UN and it is time for him to get his blood stained hands out of our country. He needs to go back to whatever sand pit he crawled out of and live among the people he allowed to be exploited all these years. He needs to go anywhere but here and once he leaves our airspace we need to revoke his visa and keep him out of here. Of course, if I had my way we would get out of the UN all together and tear the building down so we can use the bricks to build a wall on the Southern border.
The last thing the United States needs is a corrupt man who could not lead the United Nations telling us how to do things. If we wanted advice on how to rape and pillage from third world nations then we could get it from him but when it comes to leadership Annan could not lead a group of people out of a burning building so we certainly do not need his sorry self telling us how we should do things. Hell, if it were not for the ten years he spent in the UN he would not have been able to illegally obtain enough money to live this life of comfort. He would either be digging diamonds out of mines or washing car windows in New York.
We need to get out of the UN. That will not happen any time soon but at least Kofi Anus is gone. Let’s just hope the new guy is not as corrupt…
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
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