Who is Rosie to Question Someone’s Morals?

There is a nasty fight brewing between Donald Trump and Rosie O’Donnell over remarks Rosie made about Trump and his decision to allow Miss USA to remain in that capacity. Rumors were flying that Trump would make Miss USA, Tara Conner, step down after she was seen partying it up and drinking (she was underage at the time). Instead, Trump gave her a second chance to carry out her responsibilities so long as she went into rehab. I think Trump took a good decision and allowed this young lady to learn from a mistake and to get treatment for a problem. Rosie took exception to this and stated:

“He’s the moral authority,” O’Donnell said, after flipping her hair to mimic Trump’s .famous combover. “Left the first wife – had an affair. Left the second wife – had an affair. . . . But he’s the moral compass for 20-year-olds in America. New York Daily News

First of all, Trump never claimed to be the moral compass for all 20 year olds in America. He took a decision about a person over whom he exercises control. It is no different than giving an employee a second chance after the employee makes a mistake (which Trump has done on his show, The Apprentice). I want to know how it is that Rosie is in any position to criticize a person as to whether that person is a moral compass or not. Given that O’Donnell lives an immoral life and has sex with another woman it smacks of hypocrisy for her to mention another person’s indiscretions. O’Donnell and the gay supporters can make any claim they want but to many people the gay lifestyle is immoral. Interestingly, Rosie questions Trump’s morality based on his alleged affairs but I have never, ever heard her give the same criticism to Clinton. She swoons over both Clintons and the liberal mantra was that his affair was an issue between him and his wife. How dare Rosie not give the same consideration, especially considering the way she lives her life.

I agree with Trump that O’Donnell is a bully (I will not make reference to the fat part because I could care less about how big she is. It probably fits the Butch in her). O’Donnell is rude, tasteless and condescending. She believes that she knows more than everyone else and that we are all wrong. She criticizes the Bush Administration for what she considers abuse of the Constitution but she does not believe that anyone had rights under the Second Amendment (except, of course, her armed body guard).

I do not like O’Donnell and I think the world needs fewer people like her. She is obnoxious, self centered, and ignorant. I think it is obvious why she prefers women, what man would want her.

Maybe Rosie is making a play to run the Miss USA pageant. I guess they won’t let that happen because she might try to sample the contestants.

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