Who’s The Bully?

So let me get this straight — some guy says he doesn’t like gays in a random on-line post. Then, hundreds of gays protest outside his house and his place of work, yell at him, threaten his life, and threaten to kill his family. He apologizes, and the gays celebrate.

And gays complain about bullies?


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4 Responses to “Who’s The Bully?”

  1. Homosexual activists are among the worst bullies currently operating in groups. They’ve discovered that the combination of PC indoctrination plus physical intimidation makes for a most effective means of extortion. But really, what else are we to expect from creatures that claim, simultaneously, that “I never would have asked to be this way,” and “Gay is good” — ?

    I maintain that homosexuality is a (sometimes treatable) mental disorder. I maintain further that the behavior of homosexuals is all the evidence we need.

    • Big Dog says:

      I hate when the gays get all riled up. The slapping and finger snapping, enough to drive you crazy.

      Note to anyone, including gays, come to my house and harass me and you will get hurt.

      • Mr. Ogre says:

        …and sadly, YOU will be charged with the “hate crime.”

        As a matter of fact, I bet in some jurisdictions, just writing what you wrote there could get you locked up.

  2. Blake says:

    This is but sadly, another in a long line of the “Tyranny of the Minority”- where some group feels slighted.
    NEWSFLASH- there is Freedom of Speech- and there is the possibility that you might not like all that is said- TOUGH- if your sensibilities are so tender, go lock yourself in a room and don’t interact with others, because sooner or later, you WILL hear something you do not agree with.
    Develop a thick skin.
    I am sure there are some skincare products that will still keep your skin soft and supple, no matter how thick it gets.