Why to Reject McCain

Senator John McCain is clearly the front runner for the Republican nod to go up against the Democratic nominee and polls show he has the best chance to beat either of the two remaining on their ticket. Of course, no polls show how McCain would match up against them if they decided to run as a team. McCain came back from near death to take the lead and this was, in part, because of the boost he received from the media. The media love him as an alternative to their guys on the left because he differs little from them on a number of positions. He would be their choice if they had to have another Republican in the White House.

McCain has tried to put his conservative credentials up front and he hopes that people will buy them. No matter how you wrap up a skunk, it is still a skunk. McCain has been involved in legislation that restricted the right to free speech and strengthen the ability of incumbents to win. He has been involved in legislation that would leave our borders weak but provide a path to citizenship to millions of ILLEGALS. Many tout the bill as amnesty though it looks more like a payoff.

McCain is a war veteran and he is Hawkish on the war. His statement that we would have troops in Iraq for 100 years was probably a realization that we would have bases there after the war much as we do in Europe and Korea. I don’t think he believes we will be fighting that war in 100 years. However, McCain has many issues that have been brought to the forefront but he ignores them or spins them with Clinton like efficiency. To add to his woes, the New York Times has endorsed him on the Republican side though they will no doubt back whomever the Democrats end up nominating. The Times is the intelligence report for terrorists and has been the enemy of the right for a long, long, time.

Today, John McCain picked up the endorsement of the country’s largest Spanish language newspaper. La Opinion endorsed Barack Obama (a blow to Clinton, no doubt) and John McCain. In its McCain endorsement it points to issues that it does not like but they are thrilled by his pro ILLEGAL immigrant stance:

The Arizona senator’s longtime position on immigration would by itself be reason enough to support his candidacy, but there are more reasons why we believe he should win the Republican primary.

His stance on immigration is reason enough to endorse him and that should give alarm to conservatives because this paper rejected Clinton, in part, because of her stance (this week anyway) on giving driver’s licenses to ILLEGALS. John McCain can say he has heard the people and he can tout that he is from a border state and understands the issue but in reality he is an amigo to ILLEGALS and he has fractured the Republican party in Arizona.

John McCain has been pushed upon the public by the media because they would like to see him as the fail safe plan if a Democrat loses. McCain has had weak positions on core conservative values and there is concern as to what he would do as president, especially if the Democrats retain control of both chambers. There are those who say that in order to legislate that you have to reach across the aisle and that is what McCain has done. Unfortunately, he has reached out on the wrong issues. There is a time to compromise and there is a time to stand firm on principles. John McCain abandoned principles a long time ago when he abandoned the POWs left behind in Vietnam.

There are also issues with his endorsements. He spews a long list of Republicans that have endorsed him. I am sure most of them have latched on in order to secure a position in a McCain administration. Rudy and Arnold are looking for jobs with McCain and I can see him making Rudy the Attorney General and Arnold the Secretary of Homeland Security. Many others who have endorsed him are no doubt friends who have served with him in the Senate or who have been involved in some of his antics over the years.

I believe that one needs to look at those who will not have a job with him. Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and countless other conservative pundits see him for what he is and are not happy with the prospect of a McCain presidency. Maybe McCain likes to believe he was a foot soldier in the Reagan revolution because Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to 4 million ILLEGALS (another Kennedy bill) but these people are the real foot soldiers in the conservative movement and we should pay attention to their opinions before taking a decision. Theirs is certainly as informed as the opinions of people jockeying for a job in January of 2009.

Big Dog

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11 Responses to “Why to Reject McCain”

  1. Brutus says:

    GASP! You mean not trying to enforce what would be history’s largest forced migration???? Oh the humanity!

    In reality, McCain’s bill was the most pragmatic way of solving this issue.

  2. Big Dog says:

    Pretty sure there are better ways to solve the problem and the best starts with securing the border. Then deal with the rest through attrition.

    When nearly 90% of America did not want it then it is obvious he was not voting per his constituents…

  3. Arthur says:

    Deporting 12 million illegals will never happen…it would not matter of Rush was President, it still would not be possible. McCain or Rudy’s position is the most tenable way to deal with it. Romney will have four different positions between now and November so what he says is irrelevant. As for Whoulter says..if I were a real conservative I would not want her endorsement, she is an ignorant whore.

  4. Brutus says:


    If you read the McCain-Kennedy bill that was the first thing it called for (securing tbe border.)

    And actually if you look at the polls, most Americans support something similiar.

  5. Schatzee says:

    Deporting 12 million illegals may be difficult but if we started fining the companies that employ illegals, refusing all illegals any government-funded assistance, and restricting them to receiving ONLY emergency health care, I believe they would emigrate to greener pastures (so to speak). Securing the borders is a must – and we need to let border patrol agents do their job without fear of reprisals. I just don’t think Juan McCain has it in him to do these things. He is too much of a social liberal (from what I can tell anyway).

  6. Big Dog says:

    Brutus, I read it. It called for securing the border but not doing it before anything else.

    The amnesty in the 1960s was authored by Ted Kennedy. Then the amnesty of 1984 was authored by him and in the bill it said we would secure the border and there WOULD NEVER BE A NEED FOR FUTURE AMNESTY.

    This is why people were up in arms because they knew that part would be forgotten. Nothing until the border is secure.

    It helps when you know the history.

  7. Big Dog says:

    Arthur, you said it best when you said “If I were a real conservative…”

    If you were you would not have endorsed McCain. You don’t have to deport 12 million. Make the climate right and they will leave, as we are starting to see because of the economy and employers reluctant to hire them.

    McCain abandoned POWs and that violates an important rule. He did it with Kerry, how nice?

  8. Ogre says:

    The border problem is SO simple to fix. Just stop giving away free crap to non-citizens. Problem solved because they’d go home.

    And I mean no free education, no free hospitals, no free social security — nothing. They’ll leave, we won’t have to deport them. Oh, and we’ll have more money in our own pockets because we won’t be spending it on them.

    That’s Ron Paul’s position!

  9. Schatzee says:

    HERE HERE Ogre – I’m with that idea.

  10. […] Big Dogs Weblog » Why to Reject McCain […]

  11. Jim says:

    “No matter how you wrap up a skunk, it is still a skunk.”
    Check out this deck of cards that has McCain portrayed as a skunk!

    Jims last blog post..Wild Card 2 – Bill Clinton – Republican Deck